"The big, grown-up Celsius degrees"....
I like that; I may even borrow it, at some stage.
Personally, while I like heat and warmth (actually, while I love, effortlessly tolerate and thrill to heat and warmth and light) even I must concede that 44C is beyond - well beyond - my heat tolerant comfort zone.
I spent two years in Georgia - Caucasus Georgia - with the EU, and I must admit that the summers were punishing; a little over two months when daylight temperatures regularly exceeded 42, frequently reaching 44C. At night, it wouldn't drop below 25.
However, in the here and now, in my mid northern latitudes in bleak mid winter, approaching both Christmas and the solstice in December, it is cold, and dark, and dismal, and dreary and wet.
It is also approaching midnight, otherwise, yet another coffee would sorely tempt me.
The weather here is ridiculous. Yesterday low 40's, today 17~20.* We should send it back under warranty for a do-over...
Anyway, it was a good excuse for another coffee.
Still learning to master the Moka pot.
Aldi Dark Roast - Grinder 7.6 seconds at 32 grind size per cup.
Jed's No 3 - Grinder 6 seconds at 40 grind size per cup.
* Yes, I know that 17 C is some people's high summer, but here it is a warmish winter's day.