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How many Apple Watch bands do you own? OEM only.

  • One band only.

    Votes: 435 16.6%
  • 2/4

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    Votes: 76 2.9%
  • more than 20

    Votes: 217 8.3%
  • more than 50

    Votes: 67 2.6%
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    Votes: 28 1.1%
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    Votes: 24 0.9%
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  • more than 600

    Votes: 8 0.3%

  • Total voters
I agree about leather. also about wet sport loops.

Have you given the sport bands a try? Coming from a more traditional watch, I was never very interested in Apple Watch - looked like a toy. Now I love it, it's fun.

My watches look great. I wouldn't say I'm crazy careful, but since I heard before I got the SB Milanese was scratch prone I was looking out for it. I'm like you, I handle my nice things with care.

I have not given the sport bands a try. I just don't like the look of them, so even if they feel good and are comfortable it's just not something I would wear other than during hard workouts (which I don't do a lot of).

I'm still very interested in the milanese loop. I know I can keep it away from the display, but I'm concerned about the aluminum body between the display and the lug around which the band loops. I'm also trying to find a new and unused black woven nylon from a reputable store but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm hoping it will lessen my interest in the milanese loop, but that's probably just kidding myself to be honest :) I'm trying so hard not to want the milanese because of the risk involved but I find it difficult.

I have also looked into third party nato style bands from companies such as clockwork synergy, but the shipping and customs are more than the band itself and all I can find around here are chinese no names.
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Celestial Teal/Black Sport Band 44mm is sold out on the Apple site. I'd been meaning to get it & at least another of the new Nike bands...

Worth ordering on the Nike site?
Never thought that I would find this in a local second hand website for just 40€!

@emiaj @choreographics The version 1 image link on the first message is a dead link. Could you take a look?

I will, thanks. A small update should be available today or tomorrow and I will check the links after.

cool poster, but I've been told by a friend who works at apple its missing one.
apparently 1st year of the Apple Watch at the employee only gift shop there was a exclusive classic rainbow apple logo band different to the rainbow ones sold to normal people.

Hm. Wouldn't bet on it. I have both bands here, and they look very similar. Can you provide some more details?
Chart updated, links in the first post updated. :)

Version 2 (Compact)

*** UPDATE Fall/2018 — January 12, 2019
Compact chart updated. Apple released more than 250 bands so far (different pins not included).
Version 2 updated with several new bands: 3 Sport Bands, 3 Nike Sport Bands, 4 Sport Loops, and 2 Hermès bands — all released Nov/Dez 2018.
Sorry it took a little bit longer until release this time.

Low Res — 4967 × 7022, 8 MB

High Res — 9933 × 14043, 28 MB

Version 1 (Original)

@emiaj did a fantastic job to keep the original version updated.

*** UPDATE Fall/2018 — December 1, 2018

High Res — 23138 × 17532, 56.9 MB Watch Bands.png?dl=0

This is the last update of version 2. With the expected release of new bands in March, I will try to change few things. Especially the order of colors seems not too work this way that good, since a lot of colors are very similar. No idea how the new one will exactly look like, but as for now I am open for suggestions. Let me know if you have any ideas or unfulfilled wishes for a v3. :)
Thanks! Sure, here's a legend for the chart. I hope it helps to unterstand all the little symbols.

View attachment 815647
Perfect, thank you! What does "limited/temporary limited" mean in the case of Apple Watch bands? Also, do you mean to use the word "temporarily" instead of "temporary"?

And as far as v3 goes -- since there is so much information inside of these charts, I think the best way to display it would be through an interactive website. One where users can filter, search, "favorite," and compare all the bands.
Perfect, thank you! What does "limited/temporary limited" mean in the case of Apple Watch bands? Also, do you mean to use the word "temporarily" instead of "temporary"?

And as far as v3 goes -- since there is so much information inside of these charts, I think the best way to display it would be through an interactive website. One where users can filter, search, "favorite," and compare all the bands.

Yes, sorry "temporarily" should by the right choice. It means that a band was not available separately for a limited time (and sold bundled with a watch only), e.g. Sport Loop Midnight Fog was introduced with Series 3, but only with a brand new Apple Watch Nike. After six month (?) Apple added the band to its shelves (and online store, of course :)

Great idea. I was working an a website for a while, but never finished. Hm.
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I have all of the regular sport band colors. Also half way through collecting the Nike sport band colors. This is my first and probably only loop I’ll get since red is my favorite color.
The red looks very good, I just ordered mine today. The Sport Bands for whatever reason make my skin break out and bumpy, so I only have my stock Sport Band. My collection are the Sport Loops, where I'm looking to have every color there. I am also collecting the Nike Sport Bands and Loops alongside the Apple Sport Loops.

My older bands I'm in the hunt for are the Dark Olive, Midnight Blue, Marine Green
Celestial Teal/Black Sport Band 44mm is sold out on the Apple site. I'd been meaning to get it & at least another of the new Nike bands...

Worth ordering on the Nike site?

You know I'm a sucker for blues so my vote is YES. Get it while you can. :) I ordered Celestial Teal Sport Loop through the Nike site, almost bought the Sport Band but didn't. I regretted it when it appeared it had sold out. Upon seeing it was available from the Apple site, I promptly added one.
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I bought both the Celestial Teal and Olive Flak Sport bands. The colors are so unique and complimentary. LOVE them. I wish the Sport loop had elements of the black vs the reflective stuff though.
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Chart updated, links in the first post updated. :)

Version 2 (Compact)

*** UPDATE Fall/2018 — January 12, 2019
Compact chart updated. Apple released more than 250 bands so far (different pins not included).
Version 2 updated with several new bands: 3 Sport Bands, 3 Nike Sport Bands, 4 Sport Loops, and 2 Hermès bands — all released Nov/Dez 2018.
Sorry it took a little bit longer until release this time.

Low Res — 4967 × 7022, 8 MB

High Res — 9933 × 14043, 28 MB

Version 1 (Original)

@emiaj did a fantastic job to keep the original version updated.

*** UPDATE Fall/2018 — December 1, 2018

High Res — 23138 × 17532, 56.9 MB Watch Bands.png?dl=0

This is the last update of version 2. With the expected release of new bands in March, I will try to change few things. Especially the order of colors seems not too work this way that good, since a lot of colors are very similar. No idea how the new one will exactly look like, but as for now I am open for suggestions. Let me know if you have any ideas or unfulfilled wishes for a v3. :)
The Version 1 (Original) is cut off at the bottom when I download it
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It's posts like this that make my collection expand. I'm a fan of all things blue so I had Pacific Green on the list but now I'm intrigued by Mellow Yellow. Looks as though it has some green in it? Almost chartreuse?
I see no green in it. It is very pale yellow. It's a very nice color, but, looks nothing like the other photo. This is as close as I could get. Very difficult to photograph having a true picture. I also returned my "Pacific Green", as I saw no green in that either.


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