I agree about leather. also about wet sport loops.
Have you given the sport bands a try? Coming from a more traditional watch, I was never very interested in Apple Watch - looked like a toy. Now I love it, it's fun.
My watches look great. I wouldn't say I'm crazy careful, but since I heard before I got the SB Milanese was scratch prone I was looking out for it. I'm like you, I handle my nice things with care.
I have not given the sport bands a try. I just don't like the look of them, so even if they feel good and are comfortable it's just not something I would wear other than during hard workouts (which I don't do a lot of).
I'm still very interested in the milanese loop. I know I can keep it away from the display, but I'm concerned about the aluminum body between the display and the lug around which the band loops. I'm also trying to find a new and unused black woven nylon from a reputable store but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm hoping it will lessen my interest in the milanese loop, but that's probably just kidding myself to be honest
I have also looked into third party nato style bands from companies such as clockwork synergy, but the shipping and customs are more than the band itself and all I can find around here are chinese no names.