During the keynote in September Apple not only introduced the Apple Watch Series 2, but launched a few new bands (and/or new colors) as well—for the fourth time since Apple Watch goes on sale in April 2015. Unfortunately Apple discontinued some of the bands again, so I decided to do some research about every Apple Watch OEM band ever released. This is the result, and where the story begins.
I highly appreciate your support and all the feedback so far, it helps me a lot within the process and
the finalization. It also helps to be as accurate as possible. Thanks!
Because this thread is a sticky thread now, and
watchaware.com posted a lovely post about this few days ago, I decided to clean up everything and deleted all the previous versions to minimize confusion.
And yes, I will continue to update every single pixel as new bands are announced.
Version 2 (Compact)
*** UPDATE Fall/2018 — January 12, 2019
Compact chart updated. Apple released more than 250 bands so far (different pins not included).
Low Res — 4967 × 7022, 8 MB
High Res — 9933 × 14043, 28 MB
View attachment 782374
Version 1 (Original)
@emiaj did a fantastic job to keep the original version updated.
*** UPDATE Fall/2018 — December 1, 2018
High Res — 23138 × 17532, 56.9 MB
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ripqipx7zx9i9sn/Apple Watch Bands.png?dl=0
View attachment 755839