ebay username jasonhensley3535
As mentioned, chargerstore is cheaper.
I picked up the Flash band this week. It's a nice change from Yellow. Never thought I'd get it after seeing it go for $255 on ebay but it came up reasonable last week.
I accept offers, and the prices I put are competitive with the others for sale and recently sold.
Rather than shade these eye watering numbers you’ve chosen (not including shipping)...may I kindly suggest better/more encouraging descriptions? Just saying “used” and “pre-owned” and letting the eBay copypasta put the words “cosmetic wear” as the only meaningful detail might hurt your sales. Just saying this because the bands look to be in great condition, ie nice stiff/straight loops and a clean sheen to the fluoros.
Could be that I stan chargerstore too hard and perhaps overestimate the general public’s comfort with his offerings compared to a seller in the good old US of A with boxes intact but I would look at his pricing on the Nike fluoros...
all that said you might get me and twanj in a bidding war for that canary loop, that one is super rare, though I kinda want it in 40mm 😜
I’m willing to come down on a lot of the prices, I just went high on some of the bands to see if anyone would jump on them out of desperation. Several already have lol. I’m not going to take the time to type up a description for each band, I’m listing something like 80 bands, but I took good pictures so you can see their conditions.