Exaggeration aside, I think there can definitely be a nice orange that isn't too close to Hermes.
See, this is Hermes, right?
View attachment 912219
Solid color, would buy it if it wasn't $200+ and only came in M/L. But why can't Apple release something like this?
View attachment 912220
Or this?
View attachment 912221
At the end of the day, orange is orange. You can't hold copyright to a general color, and Apple has made different oranges in the past (Orange, Spicy Orange) so I see no reason they can't give us another.
And sorry for the mismatched sizes, they're just the first results I could find.
While I agree in general, and you can't be taken to court for painting a wall the exact colour of orange Hermes uses, Hermes orange will have a technical definition and it will be trademarked, certainly to the point Apple won't go near treading on their licensing partner's toes.
Even putting that aside, there's no mileage in it for Apple to produce a regular Sport Band in an orange that is so close to Hermes that it looks the same. All that does is diminish the exclusivity of the Hermes Watch, and it's that exclusivity that lets them charge almost twice what they do for an SS model for adding just a (nice) leather band and some different screen graphics.
You're right there are a bunch of oranges and some are nicer than others to my eye, some are nicer than others to your eye, and they may or may not be the same ones. There could well be a nice orange in the future - maybe even next month - but there won't be an orange like Hermes orange, at least not until Apple and Hermes have parted company, and likely not then either.
Personally I think Hermes orange is bang on (and it's more like your third box - possibly even second - than the top one on my MBP screen), but I have a couple of shirts where the original reddy orange from 2016/2017 actually goes better.
Lots of orange hues aside it's a colour that tends to the peach, pink or red very quickly depending how it is blended. All of the oranges I have seen are either redder, pinker or "peacher" than Hermes, and (I'm sure by design) quite noticeably so. In fact after giving it some thought there is quite a small sweet-spot where it's balanced, and Hermes trademarked that spot.
$200 is a lot for a Sport Band (and to be fair most Hermes bands aren't that much on eBay), but if you wear a 44mm and you use the S/M part then you are out of luck - except from Chargerstore who at least used to list a 3-part Hermes set. It's still cheaper to get one Hermes that's the colour you want than three attempts that are all not quite what you want if they are the right orange for you, however.
They'll also get cheaper as time goes on because with each new Watch there are more in the world, and an increased chance of someone buying a second or third Hermes Watch and selling on one of their duplicate orange bands. I haven't had 2 Hermes Watches, but I still sold the S4 I had with a spare orange band (I bought the S4 complete for the bands, and then I bought just the bands from an S3 so had two oranges). I think that way I got more for the pair than I would have separately.
Agreed. This community is too encouraging.
For sure. As I've posted before when I found this through an idle search I had 24 or 26 bands and my wife around 20. Probably only 6 or 7 months on I'm right around 60 and my wife is over 50.