I’m afraid I am also struggling with some of these same symptoms. I set up my iPhone X on Sat 04 Nov and have had a headache every day since with some occasional mild motion sickness/nausea while using the device. I don’t suffer from migraines and don’t experience headaches very often so this is very out of the ordinary for me. It’s a mild headache, but it is the exact same type of headache that I experienced in the past when I had an improper contact lens prescription (ie, optically-induced).
I did begin to suspect my device after a couple of days since that was the only thing new in my life that I could possibly correlate with these symptoms. I realize that correlation does not prove causation. However, the growing circumstantial evidence (timing, type of headache, potential causative factor [PWM]) has prompted me to do a bit of experimenting. I’m going to attempt a challenge-dechallenge-rechallenge experiment. This morning I decided to not use my phone at all to see if the symptoms alleviate over the next couple of days (I’m more of an iPad junkie so I can use that in lieu of my phone for most/everything I use my iPhone for). If the symptoms alleviate, I may try to use the phone again to see if the symptoms come back. If so, that’ll be proof enough for me and I’ll have to get rid of the phone. I suppose I’ll either exchange it (within the 14-day return period) or give it to my wife.
I want to thank the original poster for starting this thread. I checked the iPhone forums early in the week but didn’t notice this thread at the time. I checked this forum this afternoon on a whim to see if anyone else had also posted similar issues regarding the iPhone X. Though I’m sorry to see others experiencing some of the same issues, I am a bit relieved that it is not just me (or that I likely don’t have something more sinister going on with my health).
I haven’t used my phone since Saturday evening. I’ll try to check in later this week.