I said I thought your title might be a tiny bit click-baity, but I did not mean to accuse you of ill-intent. Your new title is much more measured. With that being said, I am interested in your topic. Eye safety is a concern of mine. The whole PWM issue got me thinking about eye safety, and of course Face ID as well.
I have had Require Attention for Face ID and Attention Aware Features turned off since day one. Why? Because from the start I wanted to minimize my eyeballs being blasted with IR where ever possible. Just in case. I’m not going to stop using Face ID, but I’m going to be smart about it. In fact, unless I’m driving I will usually close my eyes when I know Face ID is going to activate.
If there is any damage, it would be cumulative over many, many years. So it’s not time to panic, in my estimation. I think it’s definitely something that should be looked into. The easiest route to peace of mind would be through Apple's own documentation. Perhaps if enough people clamor, they will share their research on the safety of Face ID.
This is a topic I am interested it but we have nowhere near enough information to say there’s a problem, or a danger. At least that’s how I see it (while I still can).