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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ok... I completely finished the game last week.
I don't want to post any big spoilers, for those of you still in the middle of it. But I've got to say -- the game really builds in intensity near the end. The story line gets GOOD and sucks you in, making you want to put in a LOT of time playing to find out what happens next. That's the good news. The bad news? Absolutely weak ending "cut scene". It leaves WAY too many questions unanswered. In fact, it's SO bad, it left me confused for a little while -- trying to keep playing a bit to find another mission that would advance the story further. I had that sinking suspicion of, "That may have actually been where they ended the main story ... but it CAN'T be! Let me wander around a bit and keep talking to people to see if they do anything else here." They didn't.

As I look the game up and read the discussions about it that include the spoilers, I see where this was the consensus of almost everyone who played it all the way through. Bethesda released additional DLC called "Far Harbor" last month that's supposed to add a lot of new content on the map and new missions. But right now, I feel so bitter about the ending, it makes me totally unwilling to pay a dime for more content that doesn't even address where they dropped the ball on the main story!

Supposedly, some people have picked through the source code for Fallout 4 and found a lot of evidence of pieces of the story they originally intended to put in, but skipped over. I have a feeling this game was a victim of sales/marketing people and others internally who demanded it ship by a certain date, at the expense of developing the ending further.

If people on here have also finished and want to talk more about it, I'm up for that! But for now, let me just say that you wind up under a lot of pressure to make choices which force you to side with one group over the others. In many cases, you're going to conclude (as I did) that the optimal solution is to try to get more than one of the groups to work together - but the game won't give you that opportunity. You wind up choosing a side, reluctantly, because of the "hope" or "gamble" that before the end of the game, you'll be able to leverage that decision to make some changes and turn things around for everyone. But they're not going to let you go there. This *could* be addressed in a Fallout 5 game if it was designed to continue where this left off -- but they didn't even make this feel like that was the plan. (No "To Be Continued" popping up after the cut-scene or anything like that.)

Hmm, I'll add my two cents when I get there! :)


macrumors 68030
Oct 23, 2003
Brunswick, MD
I never did play Fallout 3. Only started with Fallout 4. That's actually something I'm a bit confused about though? It seemed to me that Fallout 4 covered the whole story of what life was like before the bombs hit, and how certain people wound up chosen to go into the vaults, frozen until they were let out into the Wasteland many, many years later.

So you're saying Fallout 3 is, I guess, telling the story of what happened with some of the people who escaped the vault earlier in time, after the bombs went off? What takes places in Fallout 1 and 2 then? Are any of these older Fallout games just re-hashes of the same story I played in 4 (except 4 was made as a "remake" with better graphics and sound and all that)? Or is it worthwhile to play all of them to learn more about the whole saga?

I just purchased "Fallout New Vegas" to give that one a try, since I got it pretty cheap. From the little bit I'm seeing in this one, it's pretty much telling me a story of some factions out West in the former USA and what happened there during the same time period Fallout 4's story was taking place in Boston.

One interesting thing about Fallout 4 has been different people's take on who was "good" and who was "evil". I'm not sure I agree with you on the Brotherhood of Steel though. If anything, it sounds like they started out with good intentions but by the time Elder Maxson was in charge, he ran things like a dictator. The game drops a lot of hints that advancing to the nuclear age again is really the only thing that will supply people with enough electricity to put everything back together -- so the BoS would be hindering that. (Plus, it seems a bit hypocritical of them to use power armor that runs on fusion cores, if they're so against mankind using that technology again.) It's not that the BoS doesn't want to help man survive, but it's the way they go about everything that I disliked. They want the future to work only on their terms.

Meanwhile, the thing with the Institute is, they clearly have developed the best technologies to help people progress. I found it pretty tough to make any decision that would result in their destruction because that seemed like throwing away many, many years of important advancements that people could really use. Like the BoS, they were set on doing everything on their own terms, which I disliked. But one of the plot twists gives you hope that you'll soon have lots of say-so to change the way they do everything. (That's where the game really let me down though .... not letting me actually realize any of that, despite it being the obvious "next step" that should have taken place at that point.)

The Brotherhood of Steel is very up front about its goals and its methods. If you played Fallout 3, you might be misunderstanding them. History lesson time. No spoilers here. The Brotherhood of Steel is all about hoarding technology, and keeping mankind from advancing to the nuclear/fusion stage again, because of what happened the last time that happened. That's all they're about. When Elder Lyons got command in the Capital Wasteland (Fallout 3), he extended the Brotherhood mandate to help people. This was never part of the Brotherhood's goals, so many left, and became known as the Brotherhood Outcasts. Their power armor is painted red, and though they don't plan to attack the Brotherhood, they will attack them if they come across them in the field. During the events of Fallout 3, Elder Maxson was a little boy, and you could talk to him in the Citadel (the ruins of the Pentagon). Maxson grew up sympathetic to the Outcasts and the "real" Brotherhood, and I think Lyons grew to know he was wrong, and make amends by advancing Maxson up through the ranks. Not too sure on this last part. But Maxson was definitely raised by Lyons and I don't think there's ill will there.

So in Fallout 4, they are kind of the bad guys, but they aren't evil. The Institute are clearly the villains of this story. They have a couple of redeeming qualities, so it isn't totally black and white. But they are the least favorable of the three. (The Minutemen don't count as they are mutually exclusive to no one. The other three are mutually exclusive to one another.)

If you want the good guys, that's the Railroad. And they're the most fun faction as well, in my opinion. They have signs, like the Thieves Guild in Skyrim. In fact, it's pretty much the same. One of the first quests with them is one of the most fun in the game, and you literally get James Bond's gun as a reward. I mean literally. It's called The Deliverer, but it's a Walther PPK.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I never did play Fallout 3. Only started with Fallout 4. That's actually something I'm a bit confused about though? It seemed to me that Fallout 4 covered the whole story of what life was like before the bombs hit, and how certain people wound up chosen to go into the vaults, frozen until they were let out into the Wasteland many, many years later.

So you're saying Fallout 3 is, I guess, telling the story of what happened with some of the people who escaped the vault earlier in time, after the bombs went off? What takes places in Fallout 1 and 2 then? Are any of these older Fallout games just re-hashes of the same story I played in 4 (except 4 was made as a "remake" with better graphics and sound and all that)? Or is it worthwhile to play all of them to learn more about the whole saga?

I just purchased "Fallout New Vegas" to give that one a try, since I got it pretty cheap. From the little bit I'm seeing in this one, it's pretty much telling me a story of some factions out West in the former USA and what happened there during the same time period Fallout 4's story was taking place in Boston.

One interesting thing about Fallout 4 has been different people's take on who was "good" and who was "evil". I'm not sure I agree with you on the Brotherhood of Steel though. If anything, it sounds like they started out with good intentions but by the time Elder Maxson was in charge, he ran things like a dictator. The game drops a lot of hints that advancing to the nuclear age again is really the only thing that will supply people with enough electricity to put everything back together -- so the BoS would be hindering that. (Plus, it seems a bit hypocritical of them to use power armor that runs on fusion cores, if they're so against mankind using that technology again.) It's not that the BoS doesn't want to help man survive, but it's the way they go about everything that I disliked. They want the future to work only on their terms.

Meanwhile, the thing with the Institute is, they clearly have developed the best technologies to help people progress. I found it pretty tough to make any decision that would result in their destruction because that seemed like throwing away many, many years of important advancements that people could really use. Like the BoS, they were set on doing everything on their own terms, which I disliked. But one of the plot twists gives you hope that you'll soon have lots of say-so to change the way they do everything. (That's where the game really let me down though .... not letting me actually realize any of that, despite it being the obvious "next step" that should have taken place at that point.)

I've not yet gotten to a hard choice in this game... yet. Looking forward to it/them. :D

Regarding your vault comment, not all vaults are cryogenic vaults. In Fallout 3 it was a vault with a living community and the character is compelled to leave the vault (to find his father?), I forget why. :oops:

The Institute- at my progress in the game, I think I know The Institute murdered my spouse and stole my kid. Now I don't yet know if they were involved in vault management, but everyone I talk to mistrusts/dislikes/hates them, stories of the synth, who infiltrated Diamond City and murdered people whowere against The Institute. They may have the technology, but what do they stand for? I'm looking forward to getting to this part of the narrative.

Brotherhood of Steel- have done one quest with them. I've heard there could be a conflict with another faction that may put me in the middle. Please shield spoilers.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Settlement Size
I've got Santuary at 20. I've seen happiness which was about 90% dip to 88%. At Abernathy Farm, I did the same type of things- food, water, beds, defense, and watched that settlement ballon from 10 to 20 overnight. When I returned there was a crowd of people milling around. So I'm wondering about settlement caps. Also wondering if having stores in a settlement, actually increases supplies of anything, or just increases happiness? Section below on stores.

Found this:
Copying and pasting what that person wrote:
For this achievement you need to get a large settlement (any settlement where you have the size meter 3/4 full or more) to 100 happiness. To make sure its big enough get the size meter to turn from green to yellow (just build a bunch of things to increase size meter).

I got this with:
- 21 people ( charisma at 11 ). At 10 charisma you can have 20 settlers. To get more settlers you can go to other settlements and go into crafting mode, click on a settler and hit RB for supply line and choose the settlement that you are trying to get 100 happiness in. Also make a recruitment beacon in your settlement to attract some settlers.

- 16 level 3 shops (must assign settlers to each shop). Only shops that affect happiness are clothing, trader, clinic, and restaurant.

- Food, water, and beds must equal the amount of people in your settlement. Make sure to assign some settlers to the food, or if you have some human companions in your settlement they will assign theirselves to some crops.

- Ive been told that defense should be at least 100. I had mine at 185 just to be on the safe side (doesnt hurt to overdue it).

- Power does not affect happiness.

- If you go far from your settlement happiness tends to go down since it glitches and wont register what you have in your settlement properly. So you need to just stay in your settlement once you have everything you need.

- After i had everything set up i would sleep for 24 hours, stand around for about 5 minutes in crafting mode to see if my happiness goes up, and repeat.

- Dont know if this helped but while standing around i would ring the bell and get settlers to come to me, my happiness would tend to go up while settlers were around me. From 69 happiness, it took around 2 hours of standing around for my happiness to finally hit 100.

How do stores generate income and do they generate material items such as the Trader Store might imply?
This is kind of a mystery. I always assumed that stores attract people from your settlement to shop, but according to this article, you need to have free settlers (not assigned to any task) to buy stuff? This seems counter intuitive to me.

  • First you have to have a good amount of settlers, you can do this by building your food water defenses and beds up to where the defenses are bigger then the number of food and water combined. You also need more beds then people so that other people will be able to join your settlement. (Note: I highly recommend building a lot of turrets so it saves up man power for other uses listed below as well as having a couple settlers not assigned to anything)
** To attract settlers you need to build a recruiting radio tower and power it up so that settlers will gradually join in. The first problem I had was recruiting enough people but I found out the best way to do it: To get new settlers you need to build a "side-area" and add nice things like a table, some places to sit, and especially lightbulbs/tv's. This will increase their happiness, to power the lights you need to connect a power conduit to the building and attach a pylon with a generator to the conduit on the house, this way you can power the objects inside of the house.

  • Now that you have your settlers starting to pour in you can connect your settlements together by setting certain people to establish trade routes, which allow your settlements to become one in a sense that they can share resources and trade with each other!
  • Once you have a couple settlements connected together and their happiness is relatively high, you can begin to build shops, this is the tricky part that I had the most problems with. You can build different shops by putting two points in the local leader perk, and assign your workers to them, I suggest 2-3 shops at the most.
*** Now you've built your shops and you're wondering just like me, "why am I not generating any caps?" (you can check how many caps you've generated by checking you're workbench and scrolling to the misc. section). Well the problem that no one seems to be addressing is that (sorry if caps are annoying this part is big), YOU NEED TO HAVE SETTLERS NOT ASSIGNED TO ANY TASKS!!! This allows them to roam around and shop generating money and increasing your happiness!!! Make sure that when you buy the shop it states that it increases money and happiness, not just money as there are two shops I believe that do this.

  • I hope it helps and clears up some of the air, and that you start making money from your settlements!
** (If you already have a settler assigned to a task and are having trouble with un-assigning them assign them to a shop and then store the shop making them lose their task. This will be useful to make more settlers roam around buying things from your shop)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Settlers Shooting Me- A very interesting thing happened to me at The Castle. I was there taking care of some management stuff, when I heard some shooting outside, rushed outside and I swear, my settlers started shooting me. I killed one before I realized who it was. Now, I've read that this has happened to other players, and one possible explanation is that I shot a settler first (by mistake) so they all aggroed on me. I went back later and something similar happened again. To get beyond this, I went back a save, and stayed outside for a while to see if any commotion would start. It did not. I consider this a mystery.

I also discovered Dunwich Borers, a huge open pit mine controlled by Raiders up by the Sogg farm. That was most fun, but also shows a real weakness of the F4 AI. Although I've seen some mobs take a round about way to get at me in F4, in this case, we approached on the side from the upper building, about 1/4 way around the hole in sniping positions. They all just moved around, but stayed in a position where myself and partner could pick them off one by one. I feared they would flank us, but that did not happen. :):)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Will Add this soon to the guide:

* How to Remove inconvenient Dead Bodies-
Open the Consol using the Tilde key (~).
Move the cursor over the body and click. An ID number appears.
Type “Disable” (no quotes) in the consol plus Enter/Return, the body should dissapear.
Type “Markfordelete” (no quotes) plus Enter/Return.
Close the Consol using the Tilde key.

* Fallout 4 Console Commands:

* How to Make Owned Items Unowned: This is so you can use and manipulate them.
- For the town of Covenant, this may be particularly helpful if the quest associated with it goes a certain way.
Open Console Tilde key (~).
Move the cursor over the item that is owned and click. An ID number will appear.
Type in the Consol “setownership” no quotes.
Close the Console using the Tilde key (~). The item will now be unowned.
* How to Unlock Doors:
Open Consol using Tilde key (~).
Move the cursor over the door and click, an ID will appear.
In the Console type “unlock” no quotes.
Close the Consol. The door will be unlocked.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I made it to Covenant, and I ended up with an empty village, that I've adopted. If you've not played the game I won't spoil it. But there are some really nice bunk beds there that I would like to move so I can turn one of the houses into my private abode. I've had a lot of luck with spawning items using the Player.additem in the console, but I've noticed these special beds, which are not in the workshop, have a code plus and [EP] designator. So for example one of the beds has this code 000eo51a[EP]. I have not tried to delete them, but I'd really like to do is move them to a different house. Any clues about the significance of the [ep] code? In the console, I've tried both player.additem and player.placeatme codes but neither works.

Thanks! :)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
How to move Permanent Items
If you are not using a furniture mod in Fallout 4, you’ll come across pieces of furniture, that you’d love to have in your F4 home, that can't be built in the workshop, but you can use the following steps to move them to a desired location.

For example, there is a very nice house in Covenant with a queen/kingsize bed, which can’t be built using the workshop. I wanted this house to be my home in the country, besides my residence Home Plate, located in Diamond City, which is more of a private condo in in the midst of a huge junk pile. ;) But for the Covenant house, the double bunk beds, posed a problem in this house, I don’t want it to be a barracks nor, share it with mortal settlers, lol. One of the perks of being the savior of the Common Wealth, I wanted to move the bunk beds to an adjacent house. Here’s how!
As with many of these in-game endeavors, the console must be used. These directions are tailored for my specific task of moving two bunk beds from one house to another, but they can be easily adapted for similar tasks.

Step 1: Save The Game First. Get the Item ID Code
Create a new game before starting. Stand next to the beds to be moved, open the consol using the Tilde key (~), move the cursor to a bed and click on it to reveal the Item ID in this case 000E051A[EP] and 000E051B[EP]. Write those down. Caution, click around and be sure you have really selected the desired piece of furniture. Of note I don’t know what the [EP] designator means, I see it on permanent items in the game, but it is ignored for these steps.

Step 2: Move to the new desired location

For my case, the guest house in Covenant. which has 3 normal beds arranged side by side, which can’t be moved, but they can be scrapped. If for some reason you can’t scrap one of these preexisting beds, try selecting the bed in the Console, and using the command: SetOwnership <Return>, and then scrap it. This command transfers ownership to you. You’ll be using this command a bunch if all the residents are dead, and you want to go in to Covenant changing things around. Hint: If you see a steal message you don’t own it, lol. If you are wondering, because these beds can be built in the workshop, I elected to scrap them versus moving them using the steps in this guide.

Step 3: Move The Bunk Bed
After the previous step, you’ll have an empty place in the guest house to place this bunk bed. Stand in the space and with the Console open, type this command: <ItemID>.moveto player (with a space between moveto and player. The [EP] is not included). So the actual command looks like this: 000E051A.moveto player, <Return> and poof, you’ll be looking at most likely a tilted bed at your location in the wrong horizontal orientation and position. This may look daunting to straighten out, but it’s pretty easy to fix.

Step 4: Remove the Tilt.
Select the Bed in the Console so the ItemID appears, then type SetAngle X 0 <Return> (where the 0-zero) to level the bed.

Step 5: Orient the Bed to fit into the space
I’m describing a rotation around the horizontal axis, as you would rotate a piece of furniture to align it to a space. Pick a number, any number from 0-360 degrees, and in the Console type the command SetAngle Z 0. I used zero for this example. Check the bed’s orientation. If you type in this command a second time using 180, you’ll see it reverse it’s position, the foot of the bed is now the head of the bed. Now look at the space and experiment with smaller number changes until the bed is just about aligned with the space it needs to slide into.

Step 6: Determine The Bed’s Current Location.

To move the bed in a controlled manner, you must first know where the bed currently is. Determine it’s location in the game world, by selecting the bed with the Console open, (the ID appears), and using the GetPos Command. Type in these 3 commands: GetPos X <Return>, GetPos Y <Return>, GetPos Z <Return>. For position, X and Y are the horizontal coordinates. Z is the vertical position in the game world. You should not have to adjust the bed on the Z axis, at least I did not have to. The Moveto player command moves the bed to your position including elevation.

Step 7: Move the Bed Horizontally
To move the bed in a controlled manner, you must first know the current position of the bed (Step 6). For my game, the bed when initially moved to the guest house produced this location: X= -5376.10, Y= 48054.13, and Z= 1224.19. Write these locations down!

Pick X or Y and change the value using the command SetPos X <value> or SetPos Y <value> changing the value by 100 and see which way the bed moves. In my opinion, this process is easier if you align the bed first. (Step 5)

So for my example, I started with X and changed the value from -5376.10 to -5400 to see which way it moved. To give you idea of how much these values represent, from -5376 to -5595 represented about 8’ of horizontal distance. I also had to tweak the Y value, changing it about 100 to get the bed positioned how I wanted it. After you are finished, make a new game save! Now I’m thinking about some of that good furniture I saw in a vault... Good luck! :):)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
If you have an issue with any DLC (official downloadable content) not appearing correctly, such as vault building pieces associated with the Vault Tec DLC not appearing, check your mods, some of them may conflict. See this post (located in this forum). The trouble shooting method is to turn off all mods and then turn them on one at a time, of you suspect a mod, turn it off first, launch the game and see if the problem is corrected.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Jul 2019- Just starting a replay of Fallout 4 after a 2 year break. This game still chokes me up. Nuclear Armageddon, you and your family are lucky enough to get into a vault, then you see your spouse murdered and child stolen, and you wake up from a cryo sleep into a post apocalyptic world to discover 200 years have passed. This is some heavy stuff, if you project yourself into the characters position.

Some things have changed regarding what mods are available, and now they are managed, as compared to 2015-16.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
2019 My Library of Mods (in-game, mod section prior to game launch).

I’ve decided to go with Sim Settlements so I’ve turned off several of the mods.

- Northern Springs Worldspace DLC Sized Mod- not downloaded, maybe in future.
- Spring Cleaning- Appears in list. turned off;
-Homemaker- Appears in list. turned off
- Fallout 4 Unofficial Patch
- HUDFamework
- associated with SS?
-Sim Settlements : Three In One
- Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)-
This is required for any AWKCR based mod like
- Ballistic Weave Standarized- Allows Ballistic Weave to be applied to all clothing.
-SC Expanded Scrap List- Appears in list.
- PrefabHouses- turned off
- Your House Survived- Appears in list. I think it was active until turned off
- Workshop Planters- appears in list. turned off
- SMH- appears in list, don’t know what it does.turned off
- AES_Renovated Furnatiure- appears in list. turned off
-Vault Plus- appears in list.
- MoreVault Rooms- appears in list
- Companion Infinite Ammo- put one shell in their inventory and they never run out.
-Buffed Minutemen Militia 2
- Apple Hairstyle + Bangs
-Weightless Junk
- Realistic Insects Health
- Clean and Repair: Greentop Nursery (PC version)
-Improved Maps with Visible Roads.
-Santuary Hills Overhaul- REDUX turned off because it adds buildings that I think SS will remove or there will be a conflict
-NCR Veteran Ranger Armor PC- located Kellog’s home in Diamond City in a safe.
- Advances Settlement Turret Set. Needs Automatron and Far Harbor?
- Wattz Lazer Gun- Appears in game at L15-20. More powerful thant AER-9 Laser Rifle, slower fire rate, can be transformed to sutomatic or emi-automatic at any workbench without changing barrel or reciever. If not found at vendors, can be found at the Wattz Electronics Store. Unique Locations:
- Settlement Limits Slashed.
- Combat Rifle Overhaul-
Load Last.
-See Through Scopes- Holotape in inventory to change settings.
-Holstered Weapns by Azar v1.5 (PC)- created in chemistry station or bought form Malia, a new vendor on the main road to Concord byt yellow house. Backpack +50 carry weight bonus. Base, L and R attachment.
- FN Five-seveN (PC)- Pistol Find in Root Celler Sanctuary Hills or crafted at chem station. Bug- If you use extended barrel with suppressor. Before crafting new receiver, remove the supressor, craft new receiver, exit workbench and then reinstall the suppressor.
- Girly Animation
- The Eyes of Beauty Fallout 4 Edition.
-Tales from the Commonwealth-
20 quests, 125NPCs, 3 companions https:/
20 quests, 125NPCs, 3 companions.
- Visible Companion Affinity- See Hologram.
-Santuary Hot Springs Home & Settlement (PC)
- Santuary Round Up- Extreme removed because of using SS.
- Skibadaa Weapon Pack- Redux (PC)
- Clean and Smooth: Boston Airport
- Clean and Repair Greentop Nursery (PC)
- Clean and Smooth: The Slog (PC Version)
- Healthier Commonwealth PC Version
- Santuary Bridge Fix
- K9 Harness-
Need First Rank Armorer to make. Crafted at Chem Station under Utility. Ballistic Weave available once it is unlocked.
- Companions can sneak
- Cheat Terminal-
installed but not used.
- Simple Settlements for SS Addon Pack
- Sim Settlements Mega Pack Year 2
- Sim Settlements City Plan Pack
Armor Smith Extended- needs AWKCR Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource Mod
- Classic Combat Armor- AWKCR- This needed with Armor Smith Extended?
- CC Armor Paints-AWKCR
- Solar Power
-Barrett M82A1 Anti-Material Rifle-
July2019 No Reload Animation.
- Place Everything- Adds furniture, walls, prefabs, but walls don’t snap together?
Last edited:


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I think I'm talking to myself ;) but I'm finding The Rise of the Commonwealth mod to be a game changer for the positive.

In my original play through I managed every settlement myself, and honestly with the F4 Building System, the results were on the crappy side as compared to every game I play (such as ARK, Conan Exiles, or Empyrion Galactic Survival) that allows base or space ship building. Yes, in F4, they were maxed out functional junk yard settlements, but nothing to write home about.

The RotC Mod, takes over this task, and even though you end up with a junk yard settlement, it's still more creative, than I came up with and it's kind of liberating. You pick a City Plan that has already been designed, assign a City Manager (one of your Companions), and push a button, and then you get a cinematic of initial changes. The settlement will develop in 3 stages, automatically, whether you feed it supplies/junk or not. If you feed it, it will develop faster.

After the City reaches stage 3 it is finished (I think), and the Companion can be pulled from the City Manager job to accompany you on quests. The Companion can be swapped out as City Manager at any time with another Companion. And the settlement can be modified after it is finished. Recommended you don't mess with it while it is being built. I don't know what kind of adverse effects, if any, this might cause. You can always turn it off and revert to manual development if you prefer.

If you decide to try this out, pick the Sim Settlements Three In One Mod, which includes RotC.


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
Now that’s interesting... I’ve completed all four other endings, and personally found the Railroad to be my favorite play through, although they certainly had their quirks. I might have to try this ending as well.

I played all four endings on PS4, this gives me an excuse to play Fallout 4 again on my new PC. LOL. Maybe with some mods this time (really have to dig through to see the best mods, there are so many on Nexus).
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Now that’s interesting... I’ve completed all four other endings, and personally found the Railroad to be my favorite play through, although they certainly had their quirks. I might have to try this ending as well.

I played all four endings on PS4, this gives me an excuse to play Fallout 4 again on my new PC. LOL. Maybe with some mods this time (really have to dig through to see the best mods, there are so many on Nexus).
Post 38 has my mod list, but I’ll update that the latest and some advice, stay tuned. :)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
As a member of all F4 factions, I had a very hard time with the idea of killing off all but one. This ending is the best, but it is still stupid, because if you as a member of a different faction could take over The Institute, which you can, it would be positively stupid to destroy this wealth of technical knowledge with a frick’n nuke in the middle of Boston. Sure, let’s set the world back 500 years. I just don’t see that happening in any realistic scenario. It’s idiotic. :oops:

Post 38 has my mod list, but I’ll update that the latest and some advice, stay tuned. :)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I think I'm talking to myself ;) but I'm finding The Rise of the Commonwealth mod to be a game changer for the positive.

In my original play through I managed every settlement myself, and honestly with the F4 Building System, the results were on the crappy side as compared to every game I play (such as ARK, Conan Exiles, or Empyrion Galactic Survival) that allows base or space ship building. Yes, in F4, they were maxed out functional junk yard settlements, but nothing to write home about.

The RotC Mod, takes over this task, and even though you end up with a junk yard settlement, it's still more creative, than I came up with and it's kind of liberating. You pick a City Plan that has already been designed, assign a City Manager (one of your Companions), and push a button, and then you get a cinematic of initial changes. The settlement will develop in 3 stages, automatically, whether you feed it supplies/junk or not. If you feed it, it will develop faster.

After the City reaches stage 3 it is finished (I think), and the Companion can be pulled from the City Manager job to accompany you on quests. The Companion can be swapped out as City Manager at any time with another Companion. And the settlement can be modified after it is finished. Recommended you don't mess with it while it is being built. I don't know what kind of adverse effects, if any, this might cause. You can always turn it off and revert to manual development if you prefer.

If you decide to try this out, pick the Sim Settlements Three In One Mod, which includes RotC.
Comment about this Fallout 4 Mod. I realize this post may turn some of you off about trying it, but that is not my intention. I just want to advise you of an issue with this mod that can be avoided and still use the mod. It works really well, but there is an important caveat, if I've not already mentioned it. The Triangle of Death. The mod works great except it puts stress on the game via scripts. There are two areas I know of that if you put 3 Rise of Commonwealth settlements, on autopilot with a City Planner desk, you can find yourself in a situation that the game will crash when you get close to these areas where simply stated there is just too much going on for the game to handle.

From my own experience I did not know about the TOD until I started getting game crashes to desktop when I approached Red Rocket Settlement. The TOD area is bordered by Red Rocket, Santuary Hills, and Abernathy Farm. In addition I have another mod called Santuary Hot Springs which I just love, that places a very small settlement on the lake next to Santurary Hill a stones throw away. Red Red Rocket is the only location effected by crashes.

The first time I ran into this I actually fixed it, by removing the City Planner and City plan from Red Rocket and Trashing it. The mod has a town gavel that allows you to remove everything that was added in a particular settlement by this mod.

Everything back to normal, and then I decided to manually rebuild Red Rocket, and I added a couple of Sim Settlement plots, which is different than the Rise of the Commonwealth which does the entire settlement. These are individual small plots that can be residential, commercial, military, etc. They work in the same manner as RoTC, but on a small scale, not the entire settlement.

Ok, so now I'm finding that I can no longer approach Red Rocket and this time it's hard to recover because I can't even get near the settlement to take it apart. The first time I could get there and not have an immediate crash. So what I've done is take apart Abernathy Farm which also was a RotC settlement, with City Planner desk using the town gavel.

So I'm hoping that when the 2 lots I place in Red Rocket, the scripts stop running at the completion of building. I'll eventually be able to go there and strip it down. This is the only part of the game that is effected for me. Red Rocket is a small unimportant development so it's not killing me not to be able to go there and really does not effect my game play other than this patch of ground is unreachable.

The other area to avoid using Rise of the Commonwealth mod is Nordhagen Beach and The Castle. The article link I posted describes the issue.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I've been playing with FO4 and ROTC and I'm really enjoying it. I've only scratched the surface of what Sim Settlements and ROTC can provide, but I like what it offers so far. What compliments this setup or at least provides more polish is the We are the Minutemen mod, it enhances the Minutemen, in subtle but effective ways.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I've been playing with FO4 and ROTC and I'm really enjoying it. I've only scratched the surface of what Sim Settlements and ROTC can provide, but I like what it offers so far. What compliments this setup or at least provides more polish is the We are the Minutemen mod, it enhances the Minutemen, in subtle but effective ways.
I suppose you read about the Triangle of death in my post. :) There are instructions on how to fix it, if it happens over at the Sim Settlement forums. I can post links if you ever need them.
Did anyone make it through the game without any mods ?
The first time I played it I used mods that mostly had cosmetic effects like a greener commonwealth, and building mods, nothing that helped make the game easier, just prettier. The first time I played, an early quest was the Cordova Auto Plant, and it was tough to get through that. I remember thinking holy ****.

This time, I want pretty and easy and cheat to make the game more fun than work. I use the console to give me things like 50 pure water, which make fights go much easier, and through a mod, I've got a killer semi-automatic, 50 cal sniper rifle that drops most things with one shot. My companion carries an automatic 50 cal cannon. She’s a darl’n. I use an assassin build based on single firing weapons. No clunking around in power armor for me. ⚔ ☠
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macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
The first time I played it I used mods that mostly had cosmetic effects like a greener commonwealth, and building mods, nothing that helped make the game easier, just prettier. The first time I played, an early quest was the Cordova Auto Plant, and it was tough to get through that. I remember thinking holy ****.
I actually got stuck at that same exact Cordova plant early on in my first play-through of Fallout 4, and I got rather discouraged. I kept trying and trying before moving on. I was just starting to get into gaming for the first time since childhood (when Super Nintendo a Gameboys were still cool), and Fallout 4 was my first FPS/RPG. It was a few months before I really got into it again. Glad I did, now I play all kinds of FPS and other games, but at the time that Cordova plant and those darn raiders were a royal pain.

I have since become a much, much better gamer. Lol.
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