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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I actually got stuck at that same exact Cordova plant early on in my first play-through of Fallout 4, and I got rather discouraged. I kept trying and trying before moving on. I was just starting to get into gaming for the first time since childhood (when Super Nintendo a Gameboys were still cool), and Fallout 4 was my first FPS/RPG. It was a few months before I really got into it again. Glad I did, now I play all kinds of FPS and other games, but at the time that Cordova plant and those darn raiders were a royal pain.

I have since become a much, much better gamer. Lol.
I would describe my self as a hardcore, casual gamer. :D It’s not a job, it’s fun, and I‘ve never given myself kudos for making it though a tactical scenario, if it takes multiple tries. With my personality, if I have to revive to the previous save ten times to make it through, this makes it difficult for me to maintain, a gaming suspension of disbelief. Dying is failure, game over if held to any reality based standard. I prefer the fantasy, that I am a bad ass, so I give myself an edge, like a semi-automatic 50 cal sniper rifle. It can take down a Death Claw in 3 shots. Consequently I rarely die. ?
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I haven't run into it yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't have a settlement at Red Rocket, so maybe that's why
For anyone not familiar, this is about using the Sim Settlements/ Rise of the Commonwealth Mod, which is a great mod. You just have to not overbuild using the mod in a same vicinity.

How to fix a crashing issue where you can’t get into the Settlement to use the Mod’s town gavel:

The 2 known trouble areas are:
  • Sanctuary, Red Rocket, and Abernathy Farm
  • The Castle, Warwick Homestead, and Sentinel Island
There could easily be more. Up around Green Top, The Slog, Country Crossing, and Finch Farm, I put a city planner on both Finch Farm and Green Top without any issues. the others, I manually build. I also have city planner desks on the Starlight Drive In, Tenpines Bluff, and Gray Garden. My experience is that no more than 2 such settlements in an area works. The Mechanics liar is not an issue, because it is underground, but that is a worthless hell hole, imo. ;)

My feeling is that although the Sim Settlements mod is outstanding, it’s a double edged sword. On the plus side, it builds more rich, complex settlemet than I ever could, but I feel less vested in them. However, it is the perfect answer if you want developments handled by a mod, but you just can’t over do it.

And while active they keep the number of settlers lower, than a manually built settlement. I think that is because they are trying to control the load on the game, and prevent crashes. I like about 20 settlers in my manually built settlements.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
What do you consider to be “your” best Fallout 4 ending?
This is also posted in Steam Fallout 4 Discussions

I find myself for the second time at the crossroads of the Fallout 4 Main Quest climax, resolving the future of the Commonwealth. This article is a GIANT SPOILER. If you’ve not played this game and think you might, and you don’t like spoilers, stop right here. :)

Caveat: This is my opinion. Agreement is not insisted upon! :)

There are 4 reputable competing factions outside the realm of raiders, roaming bands of renegade robots, and other riff raft.

  • The Minutemen, whose goal is to rebuild the Commonwealth.
  • The Railroad, whose goal is to provide a path to freedom for persecuted and enslaved synths.
  • The Brotherhood of Steel, the second most technically advanced, and powerful militaristic faction.
  • And finally The Institute, the most technically advanced faction.

Of these 4 groups, I rank them as listed above. The Minutemen is looking out for the overall good of humanity. The Railroad, could easily be an arm of the Minutemen with a specific task of sentient equal rights. The BoS, who in my opinion is too intolerant and wants to flex its muscle a bit too much.

And finally the Institute, the most advanced, is ranked as the least desirable, because those who posses the most, several hundred if not 500 years of technological advances, that could lift humanity up, that could easily transform the Commonwealth for the better, have decided the best course of action is to pull the ladder down, and hide themselves away in an underground complex, while ****ing with those who live above. This is why I regard them as the most despicable faction. No problem, if you disagree with this characterization :)

Most painful to the soul survivor is when he/she (depending on the gender you choose to play) is confronted with the admission by her long lost son,
that not only does he now run Institute, but that he had the opportunity to save his parent from cyro storage in Vault 111, but instead decided to just turn her loose in the Commonwealth, to take her chances at survival.
I find this completely astounding, damning, a symptom of the severely flawed Institute mindset, and the reason why the sole survivor should not side with them. At least that is my position. :D They don’t even send out feelers and make offers of joint cooperation, it’s a big **** YOU to fellow human beings.

Now this brings me to my major critique of Fallout 4. Yes, it’s just a game, and there are limits to how many choices are available, but I find it inconceivable that Bethesda would contruct this superb game, and try to funnel the player into a position of picking one faction and destroying the others. This statement is not exactly accurate, because the scenarios as laid out in the game, as a general statement, allows for 2 of the 4 factions to survive. But that is just the first part, and btw, it can be mitigated. Keep reading.

The real critique of Fallout 4 is that the only way the Institute’s technology can be saved is to join the Institute. If you choose any other faction, my understanding is the Institute will be destroyed. Please correct me if this is not accurate.

Imagine you are infiltrating the Institute with a strike group. Why the hell, not just take the place over? Why not gather up all of the technical knowledge, save those who surrender and preserve this most valuable of information and this facility? Why the rush to nuke the place? I find this to be the most frustrating aspect of the game’s structure.

And speaking of factions that deserve to exist or not, and although I’m not well versed in the outcome that sees the BoS destroyed, I may explore this outcome. My understanding is that the Minuteman can shell the Prydwn Command Ship. And there is a scenario where the BoS will attack the Railroad. I plan on exploring these scenarios and have set aside a particular save so I can do just that.

However, the first time I completed this game, and now for this second time through, I will first rely on the solution that preserves all 3 factions in a state of relative peace.

I reasoned that I have quite a few synth friends, and that wiping them out as abominations is not acceptable. The BoS is intolerant of synths, gouls (who are intelligent and peaceful, if not feral), and super mutants, but it’s not their fault! :)

My reason to chose to allow the BOS to live is that regarding the Virgil and Paladin Dance scenarios, that it seems possible to change some minds in the Brotherhood, and that as the second most powerful faction in the game with their own technology, it might not be a good thing to rush into eliminating them.

So once again I’m relying on the strategy described in this video to save 3 of the factions and pop out on the other end with three factions, maybe not the best of friends, but are not warring with each other:

And after that, I will resurrect the crucial save and experiment. I’m mostly interested if I can get through the Mass Fusion Quest (double cross the Institute), get the Blind Betrayal Quest (hunt down Paladin Dance to kill or save him. I’d save him, and I want to see if I can still choose the Railroad, Underground, Undercover Quest, but this might lead to the destruction of the Brotherhood or the Railroad, or at least devastating attacks on them. If forced to choose, I’d have to go with the Railroad because I have several synths in love with me, and the feelings are returned, lol. ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Question for those who have played Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas. I briefly played F3 a long time ago, and did not care for it. But since then I have loved Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 4.

How would you say these games compare to Fallout 4? I'm actually thinking about trying one of them, but I'm afraid they will be clunky in comparison to F4.

You might find this article interesting:


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Holy Crap. I'm excited by this but have not tried it: Project Valkyre. If you interested in Fallout 4 alternate ending alternatives see this mod. I find it very interesting because you don't have to play games with the quest sequence to get the 4 faction survive ending, and it even offers even more possible quest endings:

- Twenty quests, with a story that lets you finish the vanilla game in new ways. Want to imprison Preston and execute Desdemona while brokering peace between the Institute and the Brotherhood? Kill everyone? Let the four major factions co-exist in harmony? Or something in between? Now you can. Here's a detailed example of what's possible.

- Four custom and fully-voiced companions to choose from, plus six vanilla-based companions (details below). You meet each companion in the course of the adventure as you progress through the mod's main quest line.

- As Director of the Institute, you can actually direct the place: free the synths, kick out the bad guys, do new types of missions, give the building a new look, add vendors, and open the place up for trading with the Commonwealth.

- Challenge Elder Maxson for control of the Brotherhood of Steel and take Liberty Prime along as a follower to spread murder and democracy throughout the Commonwealth.

- Convince Desdemona to chill out. You're the Director of the Institute now. You can free the synths. No need to turn Cambridge into a crater.

- Use persuasion instead of violence to resolve disputes between factions (or vice versa), choosing who lives and who dies.

- A hopefully more engaging approach to the fate of Sarah Lyons and the other BoS main characters from Fallout 3 instead of a single, unsubstantiated terminal entry that she "fell in battle", with no further explanation.

Project Valkyre:
Project Valkyre Alternate Endings Play through Guide:


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I finished the Main Quest two nights ago and again mornfully watched the mushroom cloud sprout over the C.I.T. Ruins, north of the Charles River wiping out several hundred years of technology and asked myself, WHY? (within my game persona.) ?

Based on a post over at Steam, someone suggested the Valkyrie Project as the best ending (options) and more investigation reveals there are four associated mods that beside not locking you into a hogtied predetermined Bethesda ending, substantially open up your path through the Commonwealth.

I said 4, but I listed 6 mods and there is a reason. First, if I understand it right, I don’t have to blow up the Institute, nor kill any faction off if I don’t want to. And I have the ability to take over the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute! This is an exciting development, much better that the Best Ending you can manage by not completing certain quests in vanilla F4, which I described several posts ago.

Second, you may look at these mod names and think, why do I want to introduce a bunch of low life’s into the Commonwealth? What these mods do is add richer, in some cases adult content like slave trade and prostitution, but can you really imagine a post apocalyptic future where prostitution is not rampant and slave trade does not exist? In comparison, the vanilla game from a social dynamic is a bit boring. Do you want the PG-13 version of the PA world? ;)

I like it for the flavor, added depth and immersion, and my understanding is even with the Hooker Settlement version installed you have control over how much if any prostitution you allow in any settlement. What actually drew me to HotC mod is that the first one listed incluses a working subway system that takes you to Fusion City. You get to visit a place other than the Institute that is not a falling down ruin.

Now despite the sales pitch, I got 5 the above mods installed last night using Nexus Mod manager (Farther down the linked page, not Vortex, doing manual downloads and installing from files), but have barely touched this content. It all installed and since I had just completed the main quest, I jumped back to my game progress 2 months ago, where I had a bunch of settlements already established to try out the new content.

I visited Cambridge and met a little girl wandering the street (coming from Red Rocket), but when I approached her she just texted me in Russian, no recorded dialog. So I reloaded the Depravity mod again, (this is where the Deprwvity quest line starts), and this time I got a zip file to install instead of... something else. Removed the old mod, installed the new file and now she talked in English.


This time I approached her, her name is Stella and she told me she was waiting for her friend who had gone down the street to a building to loot, and he had not come back, would I help find him? I had to say yes, of course! ? Without spoiling what transpires, I’ll say this one quest is dynamic, in tempo and the narrative it tells, as compared to the vanilla, usual sweep the building to kill off feral gouls or raiders.

And it seems that Stella has a grudge against the minutemen who she holds responsible, including Preston Gravey for getting her family killed! I can’t vouch for all of these mods yet, but this was a great start. Now there is a video of this quest which is a huge spoiler so I have declined to post the link. ?

As I get farther in, I’ll report back.
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
I'm thinking of going back and finishing my first game (only game).

My character is level 80 and I have finished the official DLC (Harbor, etc) but I haven't finished the main game.

What level are people typically when they finish the game ?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
What level are people typically when they finish the game ?
It really depends on how much stuff you do before you head to the institute. I've been in the 30s finishing the game, up through the 70s. It really depends on how you're playing. I've been doing the sim settlement thing and I'm in my 40s, and I've yet to do any DLCs and I've not even rescued Valentine. I'm pretty much at the beginning of the main quest but I'm doing other things
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macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
I'm thinking of going back and finishing my first game (only game).

My character is level 80 and I have finished the official DLC (Harbor, etc) but I haven't finished the main game.

What level are people typically when they finish the game ?
It really depends on your perks too. If you grab Fast Learner early on you rank up a lot faster too. My first couple play-throughs I finished the main quest around rank 45-50, and my last play through I finished the main quest at rank 60 (I had used fast learner).

I finished ALL the main quests (up to the main story split) and all the side quests except one bugged out side quest in the Far Harbor and was at rank 86 on my second play through. Again really depends on your perks and character build.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Something I just found out is that while I know Companions are immortal (unkillable), I had no real clue, or thought about why settlements always grow, never suffer setbacks. Someone finally pointed out to me that like the companions, the settlers have protected status in Fallout 4, OMG am I slow! They can't be killed by other NPCs, although you can kill them. So why have I been running around the Commonwealth fixing these people up with both armor and weapons?? Same for provisioners, you never lose any. ? So I've decided to shake things up a bit, and have installed Mortal Settlers. I'll report back on how this goes. I would have used Better Settlers by the same author, but that does more, and I'm loaded up on mods. So I'll take the older and see how that goes. I'll let you know if I end up with settlements full of dead settlers. ;)

I'm thinking of going back and finishing my first game (only game).

My character is level 80 and I have finished the official DLC (Harbor, etc) but I haven't finished the main game.

What level are people typically when they finish the game ?
How close were you to the end of the main quest? Is Kellogg still alive? How many factions are you affiliated with? Depending how you are motivated, I'd suggest those 4 mods and an expansion that allow you to open up the main quest and come up with better ends, especially if you don't like the endings that Bethesda designed.

Btw there if you head that way, I can give you info about the best way to approach that mod content as there are 4 of them. I've done a couple of the Depravity quests, and both of them were surprising. One quest where you volunteer to help one of Murphy's henchwomen go find a costume from her childhood comic book idol that she can wear, starts off routinely enough, but depending on how you respond to a favor she asks of you, can turn into a real curve ball. It caught me by surprise! And that's great! :D


macrumors G3
Sep 21, 2010
How would you say these games compare to Fallout 4? I'm actually thinking about trying one of them, but I'm afraid they will be clunky in comparison to F4.

3 and 4 were very directly comparable and I enjoyed them both immensely for their time. 4 had better UI mechanics, but only slightly I think. Frankly, VATS feels weird to me in both games.

I liked both locations, but 3 felt like it had more history and a better story. I felt a greater sense of loss, which translated to a greater desire to complete the ultimate objective. I do recommend the DLC if you try 3.


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
Question for those who have played Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas. I briefly played F3 a long time ago, and did not care for it. But since then I have loved Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 4.

How would you say these games compare to Fallout 4? I'm actually thinking about trying one of them, but I'm afraid they will be clunky in comparison to F4.

You might find this article interesting:
I actually recently played Fallout 3, and beyond the graphics (which are definitely showing their age), the endgame was actually pretty fun. I still think Fallout 4 is my favorite in regards to overall gameplay and mechanics. But if you haven’t finished Fallout 3 I’d give it another chance, I put in about 60 hours total, and completed the main story and lots of side quests, as well as the Broken Steel dlc. It is a bit slow paced at first, but worth it for the later ending personally.

As for New Vegas, I’m on my first play through as I type this, so I’ll update once I’ve finished it!
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
How close were you to the end of the main quest? Is Kellogg still alive? How many factions are you affiliated with? Depending how you are motivated, I'd suggest those 4 mods and an expansion that allow you to open up the main quest and come up with better ends, especially if you don't like the endings that Bethesda designed.

Btw there if you head that way, I can give you info about the best way to approach that mod content as there are 4 of them. I've done a couple of the Depravity quests, and both of them were surprising. One quest where you volunteer to help one of Murphy's henchwomen go find a costume from her childhood comic book idol that she can wear, starts off routinely enough, but depending on how you respond to a favor she asks of you, can turn into a real curve ball. It caught me by surprise! And that's great! :D

Thanks for the offer.

I was affiliated with and getting quest from the Institute, Brotherhood, and Railroad.

I spent a few hours recently getting back to the game and found a definite lack of interest on my part. I had stopped playing it a year ago because of burnout and it seemed to still be there.

I might try restarting it from scratch with the additional mods you listed or I might try to finish my existing game.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Thanks for the offer.

I was affiliated with and getting quest from the Institute, Brotherhood, and Railroad.

I spent a few hours recently getting back to the game and found a definite lack of interest on my part. I had stopped playing it a year ago because of burnout and it seemed to still be there.

I might try restarting it from scratch with the additional mods you listed or I might try to finish my existing game.
I found the main quest to be sobering, but as I’ve described I don’t like the choices Bethesda offers the player regarding the Institute, hence the mods. Another possible difference is that I am into building settlements, which keeps me interested, but it might not interest you. This style of game really appeals to me, and I’ve played both Oblivion, and Skyrim for over a year each. :)
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macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
Thanks for the offer.

I was affiliated with and getting quest from the Institute, Brotherhood, and Railroad.

I spent a few hours recently getting back to the game and found a definite lack of interest on my part. I had stopped playing it a year ago because of burnout and it seemed to still be there.

I might try restarting it from scratch with the additional mods you listed or I might try to finish my existing game.
I think one of the challenges I initially had with Fallout 4, is that with such a big map, it can be almost overwhelming with the amount there is to explore and discover along the path to your quest objective. It can be a constant battle of "Should I explore this or keep moving", and this can be a HUGE adjustment from linear gameplays. I took a break and came back to the game and was able to get into that exploration mode, and was very happy I did.

I personally seem to go back and forth between linear and open-world games, depending on my mood (and time to play). Open-world games are my favorite (I love exploring and finding secrets the devs tossed in), when time is limited I prefer my more linear games.
I haven't run into it yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't have a settlement at Red Rocket, so maybe that's why
I used to build at Red Rocket, but I now prefer the Drive In theater (forget the name right off), as has a nice open parking lot you can clear and build pretty much anything you want. Although I will say Red Rocket is one of the most iconic images for me in Fallout 4.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Update on Sim Settlements Mod, the one that builds settlements for you. Read about the triangle of death before using. It’s a great mod, but use it gingerly. I’m using the complete settlement building on Santuary Hills, Abernathy Farm, Sunshine Coop, Starlight Drive in, The Castle, Nordhagen Beach, Finch Farm, and Green Top, without problems. I’ve done a few individual sim settlement plots in other settlements. I don’t recommend any Sim settlement building in Red Rocket period, but you can do is vanilla build there. I‘ve had no issues with 2 full blown Sim Settlements on each side of it, with vanilla building in Red Rocket.

sim settlement, settlements look outstandingly complex and junky, but I am less involved with those settlements, which primarily is the point, but I feel less of a connection with them, and on some of the small settlements they are inefficient. In other words they take up a lot of space for a single dwelling building. The good thing is the mod has inside plots which you can incorporate into your own building. Don’t use it (complete automated settlement building) on The Mechanics Layer, if you decide to develop that as a settlement, because it turns into an underground hellhole. ;)

Depravity- Thumbs up, I’m enjoying it’s approach to Good neighbor and Diamond City, big improvements. The only warning is that if you start using it after you have already interacted with Hancock and he becomes companion capable, you will end up with 2 Hancocks on the map for awhile. In my case, I made him a companion and then sent him to Nordhagen Beach to be the Settlement manager. And during this mod’s questing he will appear in Good Neighbor, and you can just pretend he came up there to visit. :) At the end of the quest chain, the new Hancock that appears will tell you, he’s headed home, which I think resolved the 2 Hancock issue, that just exists in your mind. ;)

I think one of the challenges I initially had with Fallout 4, is that with such a big map, it can be almost overwhelming with the amount there is to explore and discover along the path to your quest objective. It can be a constant battle of "Should I explore this or keep moving", and this can be a HUGE adjustment from linear gameplays. I took a break and came back to the game and was able to get into that exploration mode, and was very happy I did.

I personally seem to go back and forth between linear and open-world games, depending on my mood (and time to play). Open-world games are my favorite (I love exploring and finding secrets the devs tossed in), when time is limited I prefer my more linear games.

I used to build at Red Rocket, but I now prefer the Drive In theater (forget the name right off), as has a nice open parking lot you can clear and build pretty much anything you want. Although I will say Red Rocket is one of the most iconic images for me in Fallout 4.
Starlight Drive in. :) I found the game does a pretty good job fleshing out the map based radiant quests. The game (Codsworth) sends you to Concord to discover the Minutemen. The Minutemen, Preston Garvey sends you out on a bunch of settlement quests all over the map. I don’t remember exactly, but somehow you end up with the Freedom Trail quest that Leads you to the Railroad, and the distress signal from the Cambridge Police Station introduces you to the Brotherhood of Steel. Radiant quests get you familiar with all corners of the Commonwealth.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The Depravity Mod through the quest chain you‘ll find yourself in a full blown attack on Diamond City, defending it from gunners. :D


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
You what I find funny is the fallout universe. I totally understand that I need to suspend my logic and critical thinking when playing games (or watching movies) but the plot holes are way too huge to miss.

For instance, in Fallout 4, the bombs fell over 200 years (from when the protagonist) wakes up, yet he/she can go into any building and their electricity to run the lights and elevators.

The bombs fell because of the lack of energy, yet 200 years later, you can easily amass over a 100 fusion cores, or that the robots are still able to keep running.

It's a fun game, but it seems incongruous to see the citizens of the commonwealth, enjoy many modern luxuries 200 years after civilization fell. :p


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
you can easily amass over a 100 fusion cores

How many fusion cores is typical by the end of the game ?

In my only game, I have over 75 so far (I go around most of the time without the powered armor).
I used to build at Red Rocket, but I now prefer the Drive In theater (forget the name right off),

The Drive In is a fun area to build in. It also has a supply of water once you dispose of the radiation.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
I'm somewhat getting back into it although it's amazing what you forget after not playing it for a year.

Currently, I'm at 352 armor, 5 poison resist, 352 energy resist and 45 radiation resist without the powered armor (default condition)

I'm at 1730 armor, 5 poison resist, 1350 energy resist, and 1050 radiation resist in the powered armor.

I finally finished the big dig quest (it's underground in Boston near Diamond City) and I found two pieces of X-01 powered armor (head and torso) along the way.
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macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
How many fusion cores is typical by the end of the game ?

In my only game, I have over 75 so far (I go around most of the time without the powered armor).

The Drive In is a fun area to build in. It also has a supply of water once you dispose of the radiation.
it depends on your perk load out. If you have the scrounger perk and the DLC you can end up with easily around 120 full fusion cores by the end of play (I checked and my last full play through save had 123 full cores). I always make sure I use only one fusion core at a time until it depletes (remove the fusion core when I exit the armor, and transfer the used one back in on my next power armor trip), so that might be why I end up with so many. Lol.

I tend to not use power armor until around rank 30, and after rank 40 you can go to the top of 35 Court and you should be guaranteed to find a full set of X-01 armor (make sure you go there at least ranking around upper 30s, lower than that and it’ll spawn a lower set of armor). Also be prepared for some hard enemies at the top.

My current play thru is my first stealth build, so I’ll probably be using power armor very sparingly.


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
I'm somewhat getting back into it although it's amazing what you forget after not playing it for a year.
That’s every game for me nowadays, especially playing on PC, since key mapping can be so more complicated than with a controller. I’ve been trying to focus on one or two games at a time now. Lol.
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