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matt18012 said:
So whats the deal with these customs delay? Any chance it could still be delivered tomorrow? How can it take 15+ hours to check a laptop?

well on top of the customs delay the fedex website is slow as well, its been hours and hours after the fact till it updates (for example it landed at 10:49 pm last night in my time zone, but that wasn't posted when I went to bed 3 hours laster) from what I cam tell fedex is ~5-7 hours behind in updating thier site.

Anyways apples said the 24th (friday) in thier email me, but from square one fedex has been saying monday the 27th (monday)to me and the fedex time table calculator has been sayign today (thursday) but that didn't happen, so I am still hoping for tomorrow for mine (my first apple, I want to get adjusted to it over the weekend, so I can dump the dying PC ASAP)

That is porbably all anyone can tell you besides Fedex.

I'm hoping for an update soon (I'm leaving town on friday and off the internet from saturday to sunday, not tracking my shipment is going to be annoying.)

Strange, mine says it left origin before it was picked up....
alep85 said:
Anybody's had no updates about leaving China like my tracking number shows (attached)? It's strange that it shows it hasn't moved since yesterday morning!

I think ours was on the latest plane to Anchorage, my hope is that it manages to catch a flight to Indy tonight. STL is not far, hopefully it can still make it, if not, I guess I'll be begging FedEx for pickup from the warehouse!

Mine says the same thing.
I wonder if something is up with FedEx's tracking. My shipment hasn't updated since 2pm Shanghai time yesterday (that would be around 3am last night EST). Very odd for FedEx unless they are having network problems or something. It doesn't seem like anyone's tracking is updating.
Feb 22, 2006 9:37 PM Picked up SHANGHAI CN Package received after FedEx cutoff

and that is where i've been stuck for 2 days....
Just have this strange feeling....

Perhaps they are rushing them through each facility (this is International Priority Direct, after all), and tomorrow we might see on truck for delivery?

Wishful thinking, but who knows?!
The story about being unable to pick-up your package at the facility is baloney. I called Apple and had them hold my package ( iMAc Core Duo) for pick-up no problems.

You just have to call Apple and ask for it. I too payed for 2 day shipping, it took 5 days before I could even pick it up as it sat at the airport over the weekend after arriving in Portland @ 4pm Friday afternoon.

Good luck.
AJBMatrix said:
Is yours still on hold in Customs? I have called FedEx and they do not even have a guess at when they will be released. That SUCKS. If it does not get released today then we will not get ours till Monday! Mine will just sit 5 miles from my apartment till Monday!!! And there is nothing that I can do!

Mine got " Int'l shipment release" at 11:26 PM
Shipment finally got released!!! Man, that was pissing me off. I talked to FedEx like 10 times. One lady was really rude and hung up on me when I asked to speak to her supervisor. Just called right back and got the supervisor anyway. Then they said that it was released and I could expect it by 10:30 Friday Morning...Less than 12 hours to MBP!!! Only bad part is that I have to go to work at 10:45 :(
AJBMatrix said:
Shipment finally got released!!! Man, that was pissing me off. I talked to FedEx like 10 times. One lady was really rude and hung up on me when I asked to speak to her supervisor. Just called right back and got the supervisor anyway. Then they said that it was released and I could expect it by 10:30 Friday Morning...Less than 12 hours to MBP!!! Only bad part is that I have to go to work at 10:45 :(

Thank you for doing all the work for me :cool: hopefully this means I get to see my machine tomorrow as well, it'll give me the weekend to play with it.
harveytorriti said:
The story about being unable to pick-up your package at the facility is baloney. I called Apple and had them hold my package ( iMAc Core Duo) for pick-up no problems.

You just have to call Apple and ask for it. I too payed for 2 day shipping, it took 5 days before I could even pick it up as it sat at the airport over the weekend after arriving in Portland @ 4pm Friday afternoon.

Good luck.

Thanks for the tip harvey. If the package isn't going to arrive by Friday night, I'll call them later on Friday and ask to pick it up at their facility on Saturday. So I need to call Apple and get them to release it first? Because they told me otherwise but I will try again
harveytorriti said:
The story about being unable to pick-up your package at the facility is baloney. I called Apple and had them hold my package ( iMAc Core Duo) for pick-up no problems.

You just have to call Apple and ask for it. I too payed for 2 day shipping, it took 5 days before I could even pick it up as it sat at the airport over the weekend after arriving in Portland @ 4pm Friday afternoon.

Good luck.

Dammit, you mean I actually could have gone to the airport tonight and picked mine up? I thought FedEx would only let you pick it up from their delivery center AFTER they had attempted delivery on their own. My MBP arrived at PDX at 5:45, and is awaiting an attempted FedEx delivery tomorrow. (Well, at least my wife has the day off work tomorrow, so she'll be home for the delivery.)
Well my FedEx tracking didn't budge overnight...last entry still says:

"Feb 23, 2006 2:21 PM Left origin SHANGHAI CN"

So I called up FedEx to see if they had more info. Apparently "Left Origin" doesn't mean it's actually left Shanghai, as my MacBook is still there. Supposedly its sched. to arrive Monday (as I thought it would, but hoped Friday). Anyway, just posting this for all those with stagnant trackers. Don't worry, Apple has to have enough tonnage before FedEx will fly it.
harveytorriti said:
The story about being unable to pick-up your package at the facility is baloney. I called Apple and had them hold my package ( iMAc Core Duo) for pick-up no problems.

It's not baloney, and the fact you had to call up Apple to get a waiver is proof of that. You could not have gone to the FedEx Station cold and picked up your machine without them attempting delivery unless you had your waiver.

What happened in your case is that you got very lucky. Not all CSRs will give bother to call up FedEx and give you a waiver; it's very random. And the base rule is no delivery attempt, no pickup.
I just hope all of you had better luck than I did when I ordered my last PowerBook. It was when the 15" Aluminums first came out. Needless to say, I never got mine from China, it somehow got lost between there and the US. I had to fight and fight with Apple to get my money back. They wanted me to reorder from them and they were going to put me back at the end of the list instead of getting me one quickly. I told them I didn't think so and to just please give me my money back. They finally did and I waited a few weeks until they had them at the local CompUSA. Since then, I have just waited until they get things in the store before buying them. To be fair though, this wasn't FedEx they were using DHL/Airborne back then for shipping them from China.
jkeithh said:
To be fair though, this wasn't FedEx they were using DHL/Airborne back then for shipping them from China.

Oh geez. Don't get me started on DHL. No comparison between DHL and FedEx. I think all DHL deliveries (even ground) must go over the Bermuda Triangle.
jkeithh said:
I just hope all of you had better luck than I did when I ordered my last PowerBook. It was when the 15" Aluminums first came out. Needless to say, I never got mine from China, it somehow got lost between there and the US. I had to fight and fight with Apple to get my money back. They wanted me to reorder from them and they were going to put me back at the end of the list instead of getting me one quickly. I told them I didn't think so and to just please give me my money back. They finally did and I waited a few weeks until they had them at the local CompUSA. Since then, I have just waited until they get things in the store before buying them. To be fair though, this wasn't FedEx they were using DHL/Airborne back then for shipping them from China.

Called FedEx IP Direct Distribution again.....

She claims it won't leave China until TONIGHT, and will be there TUESDAY! Simply unacceptable for planned 2 day shipping! She says that IP DD is not like Express and in the contract they only have to meet the time requirement from when it LEAVES China. I'm hoping she's just wrong that it's still in China, and that the package pallets simply haven't been scanned properly. If not, she says to call Apple's Solutions department and speak to a supervisor if your laptop arrives at your local FedEx facility this weekend and you want it released from the 1 delivery attempt clause for pickup there. Anyways, looks like a little bit of trouble for our particular shipment

matt18012 said:
So whats the deal with these customs delay? Any chance it could still be delivered tomorrow? How can it take 15+ hours to check a laptop?

US Customs... part of the US Government... not known for speed. :)

Mine was "picked up" Shanghai at 9:30pm on 2/22... no updates to FedEx as of this morning. Sent in a Customer Support email but don't actually expect a reply before the package gets here.
Well, it is on Truck for delivery now. The updated Tracker shows that it was on a Truck as of an hour ago. I am still excited. Bad thing is I have to take a shower for work and stuff. Afraid to be caught in there when they come :mad:
alep85 said:
She claims it won't leave China until TONIGHT, and will be there TUESDAY! Simply unacceptable for planned 2 day shipping!

Unfortunately, she may be right. My FedEx widget just changed from delivery on the 27th to the 28th. I can't believe the deal is that FedEx can sit on the package forever because the clock doesn't start ticking until it gets on the plane. That makes no sense at all. Apple might as well send them by tug boat. The whole reason the air ship them in the first place is because computers become obsolete so quickly.
Mine just arrived about 20 minutes ago. It is all set up and I have played with FrontRow. I am so happy I could cry with joy. Mine arrived one day ahead of the widget so yours might too.

For anyone who's tracking looks like mine, I just got off the phone with the Fedex rep and she said that she is showing that it has reached anchorage and has cleared customs. It was a stock 1.83.
Any Fedex updates from those of you that have been in China since Feb. 22nd? My last scan is still from 9:37PM on Feb. 22nd for "left origin" in China.

If your tracking gets updated please post to this thread - I will do the same.
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