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Piarco said:
I am loving my iPhone 4, it is the new gadget after all, but it hasn't detracted from my usage of the iPad - the large screen makes the world of difference. Still, hopefully the iPad 2 takes advantage of the Retina display tech... and maybe the front facing camera now that Apple are pushing FaceTime?

The big display alone is enough for me. Last week, I brought my iPad with me instead of a notebook for my business trip, and I didn't miss a bit. With my aging eyes, the choice is pretty clear; no matter how hi Rez the display is 3.5inch is 3.5inch.
I would agree and was saying the same thing. The iPhone is good as my phone, iPod and light browsing when I'm away. My iPad is does web, video and pictures for me.

They work well together and now I just need to find that damn camera connection kit!
I'm still using both of them in about the same capacity. Although I will admit, I don't mind being able to do a little bit of iBooks reading on the Retina display while I have a few minutes here and there.

I have to admit, when they announced iBooks would be on iPhone, I thought "Wow, I don't think I would ever use that." But it's actually pretty nice.

I can't lie and say the Retina display doesn't make me wish the iPad had that clear of a screen though lol
I totally agree. Since getting my iPad, my iPhone has rarely been used for anything other than phone calls.

I'm reconsidering getting an iPhone when my contract expires next year. May depend on what iPad 2G is like versus the iPhone 5G.
Only disappointment so far is seeing "huge" pixels when switching from the iphone 4 back to the ipad. Though it's only because the retina display is so impressive. If I had tiny fingers iphone would be even more amazing

Anyway, here's how I break it down as uses for each:

-iphone 4: phone calls, good "always with me" camera finally, mobile apps, gps in my pocket, quick in-store research of items I'm buying, emergency entertainment/surfing while waiting just about anywhere, indispensable facebook tool

-ipad: best travel companion around, airplane rides are finally enjoyable, great battery life and speed, games are much more playable, web browsing experience is great particularly while lounging around, video (particularly netflix) is great, zinio magazines is perfect for it.

To me, both are important. It's sort of like having a point-and-shoot and an SLR. Both have uses and drawbacks, but what's better than having both. One is mobile and small, and one is "portable" and has some more uses, but both are quite capable and do some of the same jobs as the other, but not all.
Only disappointment so far is seeing "huge" pixels when switching from the iphone 4 back to the ipad. Though it's only because the retina display is so impressive.

I think this depdends on the age of the person too.. I am guessing the over-thirty crowd probably doesn't find the Retina display all that alluring, since a lot of us OT's don't have perfect 20/20 vision anymore. I tried to compare the i4 display to that of a i3GS and an Evo, and I noticed the text being a bit sharper if I really squint and hold it close to my eyes, but otherwise, it's probably not something you would be consciously aware of in daily use.

To me, the iPad's form factor is what makes it a better fit and more practical for tasks that both can do. Some redundancy is unavoidable with these types of devices, but the question is for tasks that both can do and in a context where both devices are accessible to you, which one would you prefer? For me, the iPad would be preferable about 70% of the time.
i still love my ipad but, its the display on the iphone, i cant help feeling its going to cost us again in under a year to get the ipad with retina display
I'm wondering how many other people had the same thoughts as me about their iPad after just getting an iPhone 4

My thoughts after playing with the iPhone 4 for a day are that, even though I've had the iPad for about a month now, the iPad is the device that I'm still most excitied about, and by quite a long margin. OK, the iPhone 4 is an excellent phone but let's face it, it's just a phone, and we've all had those before.

I'm not prone to lapping up marketing hyperbole but this time I agree with Steve Jobs, the iPad really is a revolutionary device if, even after a month of ownership, it manages to nudge out my 12 hour old shiny new iPhone 4 as fas as excitement goes.

I love my iPad!

- Julian

P.S. You thought this was going to be another "I want a Retina display and more RAM" post didn't you!

Yes I did Julian,( Touch'e;), My Daughter stood in line 6 hours in Tampa for her iOS4 Phone, I'm not so impressed, based solely on first glances, the wallpaper seems to cheapen it, but I am 62 what do i know, she however is dazzled by it. I think i'll skip this iteration as well, my updated 3G seems faster and the screen is sharper, and I am quite happy.
I am waiting for The i pad dock that looks like a iMac:rolleyes:
I still use it a lot when i browse to browse the web, play games, check email or whenever I'm on my mbp. But now my mbp has an SSD so it's a joy to use and then iPhone 4 came now I have a touch choice which one to use:p
Maybe I'm just in the honeymoon state with my iPhone 4 but I haven't used my iPad much since the 24th. I'm sure I will go back eventually, but I am just loving the retina display.
One of my thoughts is that when developers make higher res graphics for their iPhone apps, it will make using their apps on the iPad so much more usable.
Most iPhone apps look horrible on the iPad. A few look okay. But now, some apps that have updated their graphics for iPhone 4 look rather fine on the iPad in 2x.
For example, the map graphics in KickMap for iPhone now look very good on the iPad in 2x. Now, he happens to sell an iPad version, but I feel that I don't need it with this version being just fine. Their are plenty of apps out there that haven't made iPad versions, but if they just update their apps for iPhone 4 compatible graphics, it'd at least be a bit better.

That being said, it'd be great to see a higher resolution screen on the iPad, and I hope we see it next year.
my thoughts

I managed to get a iPhone 4, had reserved one and went at lunch - 3-4 hour queue, so left, returned later on my way home, 20 minute queue, and got it.

The iPad has changed what I want from my phone. I realised I was using very little data now on my iPhone 3G, so I changed to a £10 non-data 1 month contract.

Thats fine, but I've realised that I do actually need a small amount of data - for the occasional use of maps, weather, occasional email, layars or google local search etc.

My iphone data needs have reduced by 90%, but that 10% is still important.

I got the iPhone 4 sim-free to give me maximum flexibility to change contracts.

So probably going to upgrade the contract to give me 100mb or so a month, and that'll be all I need..

I still am in awe of my iPad, just as the OP said, but am happy with the iPhone 4, as it's a significant upgrade from my 3G.
The thing I love about the iPad the most is creating content for it, developing new models of revenue that pull in profits from the likes of many on here. Other than that, I really don't have much use for it other than to use it as a portfolio. I only read books on it when I need to do research and add notes, otherwise I read real books. Most of my income from photography has shifted from stock / commercial to film only hand printed fine art black and white and printed coffee table books that will never be on the internet or in e-book form.

So I use my iPhone 4 a ton more than the iPad due to it's size and since I have a built MacBook Pro and MacPro for real work. My iPad is almost strictly for R/D of new media business models and that is really about it.

But again, the best part of the iPad for me are the new business models for my other ventures in new media for those who spend their entire lives on a device...;-)
After playing with my friends iPhone 4.0 for a couple of hours yesterday, I must say I am over it. I'm still much more excited about the iPad. My 3GS just might be my last phone from apple. The new moto droid x has captured some of my mindshare and I will probably pick one of those up when it's available and I'll at least still have my iPad for the iOS experience. IMO the iPad is more useful than a smartphone anyway.
I'm mostly like you op but the IPad display pixels are more noticeable now since using the iP4 lol.

Good thing the iPad has the IPS display. :)
I love my iPad.... I often hug it...

I don't have an iPhone 4 yet, but when I do I suspect I'll still use my iPad the same, if not more (see aforementioned iPhone 4 to iPad via camera kit).
I am loving my iPhone 4, it is the new gadget after all, but it hasn't detracted from my usage of the iPad - the large screen makes the world of difference. Still, hopefully the iPad 2 takes advantage of the Retina display tech... and maybe the front facing camera now that Apple are pushing FaceTime?

I still have my doubts that the retina display will make it even into the next model iPad (assuming a 1 year update like the phones). Cost is a big issue.

The 32GB iPad is probably about the same price as the 32GB iPhone. Add in a likely expensive 9.7" 326dpi screen, and it would go up.

I think some of the decisions made on the iPad had to do with it's unsubsidized nature. No camera, relatively low DPI screen. Option of a wifi only model. Not even earbuds included.

Now, maybe, if they came out with a rumored 6-7" screen model next year, it could have the higher res screen. I think a slightly smaller iPad would be nice.
I have both and I can honestly say that I love both.

iPhone 4 is a joy to use, and it is a beautifully crafted device that fits in my needs.... I actually bought it not as an app device, but rather as a phone first and foremost. It hasn't disappointed, even with the rumblings of the reception issues.

iPad has changed my daily computing experience... I check all my e-mail on it, and do all my personal web surfing on it. The only reason I fire up the MBP is for photo editing and for my "work" needs (VPN and Office/live meeting applications)

My only nitpicking with the iPad to this point is that it MUST have the retina display. Never thought about it until comparing it with the iphone4 this week. To me, the retina display would be the icing on the cake and would make the iPad a STELLAR ebook reader. It's darn good now, but the sharper display would truly make me agree with steve's "magical" description.
When I got the iPad I had no interest on my 3G.. Now that I have the iPhone 4. I am addicted to the retina display, camera and the iOS4. I am looking forward with the iPad iOS4..
When I got my iPad it made my iPhone 3g feel like a slow turd in every way. I mainly bought the iPhone 4 because of the video recording and better camera. Yes, it doesn't compete with a "REAL" camera etc but I'll never carry one anyway; the iPhone is always with me and I need to be better about taking pics and videos of my kid.

The new phone doesn't feel like an slow turd anymore and I like using it again, and I do love the camera now, but the iPad is still my baby.
Now that's true. For me it's folders; I'm so looking forward to being able to organise my iPad apps more efficiently.

- Julian

Agree. I now feel like my iPad is unorganized with 7 pages of apps compared to my 2 page totally organized iPhone 4
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