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I'm a little odd. I haven't touched the iPad after I got my iPhone 4. I like to make the test super small (because I have 20/12 vision) because of the retina display. It is way easier to hold and the screen is so much better.
I tested the new iPhone Friday and was thoroughly unimpressed. Yes, the screen has a better resolution compared to my 3GS, but that's the only real difference. As the OP stated, at that size, who care?

Now, my iPad . . . wouldn't trade it for anything. The screen on it, IMO, puts the iPhone to shame. I don't understand all there "retina display must come" threads. There is no need for it.
I'll admit I've been totally neglecting my iPad, thats what happens when a new shiny toy shows up though ya know? Haha I literally found my iPad under the couch yesterday with the battery completely drained for the first time since I initially purchased it.
The very second they announce an iPad with retina display I will be camping out in front of a store for the first time. I never thought it would be as great as it is but after using it for awhile my eyes are spoiled little brats and nothing else is making them happy.

Since I got my iPad, I've used my 3GS a lot less (mainly as a phone!). The new features on the iPhone4 are nice, but I'd still rather use my iPad...

I am kinda along these lines as well. As a matter of fact, I am toying with giving my wife my 3Gs because she now wants an iPhone and dropping back to a "regular" mobile phone. I have a Verizon air card for work that I am getting ready to upgrade to a mifi so I can use it with my iPad as well as a Droid that I will probably set up for wifi tethering as well...
I'm wondering how many other people had the same thoughts as me about their iPad after just getting an iPhone 4

My thoughts after playing with the iPhone 4 for a day are that, even though I've had the iPad for about a month now, the iPad is the device that I'm still most excitied about, and by quite a long margin. OK, the iPhone 4 is an excellent phone but let's face it, it's just a phone, and we've all had those before.

I'm not prone to lapping up marketing hyperbole but this time I agree with Steve Jobs, the iPad really is a revolutionary device if, even after a month of ownership, it manages to nudge out my 12 hour old shiny new iPhone 4 as fas as excitement goes.

I love my iPad!

- Julian

P.S. You thought this was going to be another "I want a Retina display and more RAM" post didn't you!

Since I don't have an iPhone 4 I cannot make the comparison however, a small screen is still a small screen. The iPhone 4 with all of the new features still doesn't do it for me, so to speak. The iPad is wonderful for my needs. I've played a lot with them at the Apple store and I've been on the in store priority list for 11 days, ugh. In the meantime the iPhone 3Gs is fine for me until the new network rolls out in 2011/2012.
Iirc for a 9.7" screen to match the 4's dpi it'd have to be approx. 2500x1500. No way will we see that in the iPad next year, unless they do a premium ultra expensive version - highly unlikely as it'd further fragment the audience. Plus, I question whether such sized hi res multi touch displays even exist outside of mega expensive prototypes ala that MS table thing.

Let's not forget it's only recently that 15" Mbps came in flavours above 1440x900!

In the first day or two the new iPhone wasn't out of my hand, at home or out and about. Now, my ipad is back in favour whenever I have the chance to use it, it's a completely different experience regardless of the drop in dpi. I love them both, all the more now iBooks syncs places between them.

Edit- dunno why there's a frown emoticon there, wasn't deliberate, no idea how to remove it, heh.
WilliamG said:

iPhone 4 = evolutionary
iPad = evolutionary

I love both, though I wish (and I wished this the day I got the iPad on launch day) that the iPad were higher res.

Yeah, I love my iPad, but no way is it revolutionary in any conceivable way, bar thrusting tablet computing back on the agenda.
I'm with the thread starter on this one. Aside from the reception issues and the proximity sensor issue (which erks me more) that I'm having I love the iPhone 4! Retina display, FaceTime, 720p video, improved camera-- I'm set!

But my iPad well to me it's def. Revolutionary! I use it for school, work, and leisure time. The device is remarkably productive for me. Whether developing word documents in class for notes, or entering grades for work, or just surfing, netflixing, etc the device is no short of revolutionary! I often wonder why so few posts are made about iPad vs the iPhone but then I think of iPhone launch mania plus etc etc etc... Lol

Either way my iPhone 4 is the perfect compliment to my iPad....
The internet experience (and everything else for that matter) are just so much better on the iPad. The iPad is very fast, and the huge screen makes a world of difference. The iPad is really all you need on a trip for mobile internet, it takes the place of my laptop now. I hate surfing the web on an iPhone, the screen is so tiny and the tiny links are just annoying.
I haven't even considered the iphone 4 yet !!! Now once I see that they integrate functionality between the two then I'll order one. My point is what is the reason for the phone book on the iPad if it can't invoke dialing via bluetooth on the iPhone. Also a non 3G iPad should be able to receive gps info from the iPhone via bt link.:)
I find my iPhone 4 more useful than my 3GS. And it has a better WiFi signal and reliability than my iPad. But I still prefer the larger screen when it's available. Also, if I'm going to watch or even listen to something in bed, I'll grab the iPad. I'd like the iPad to be a slightly higher resolution. I'd be happier if the iPad had the same screen ratio. I'm picky about pictures filling the screen and I am really tired of having multiple versions of all my pictures...
I am blown away by the game "Gun Range" on my iPhone 4. Yet when I play it I wish that Apple had put a gyroscope in the iPad because that game would be absolutely awesome on the iPad.

I'm with others that as much as I like my iPhone I like the iPad more.
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