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Best way to Jailbreak a 3GS w/ 3.0.

  • Purplera1n is better.

    Votes: 71 38.0%
  • Redsn0w is better.

    Votes: 60 32.1%
  • It makes no difference.

    Votes: 56 29.9%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 29, 2006
So I know this has been discussed and argued in multiple threads. But I want to condense everyone's opinions and experiences. I'll be jailbreaking when I get home from work today.

It's my basic understanding that they both do the exact same thing, just use different methods so there shouldn't be a difference, but I just throught I'd verify this.

Any problems with one method?
Any difference in the speed of the device (not the jailbreaking process) between the two?
So I know this has been discussed and argued in multiple threads. But I want to condense everyone's opinions and experiences. I'll be jailbreaking when I get home from work today.

It's my basic understanding that they both do the exact same thing, just use different methods so there shouldn't be a difference, but I just throught I'd verify this.

Any problems with one method?
Any difference in speed between the two?

Purplera1n finished my 3GS unlock in under 2 minutes. Seems like it took at least 10 for redsn0w on my 3G.
Even a 3 year old could use purplerain, you just click a button.

I'm not saying redsn0w is bad, but having to put it in DFU mode cant compare to what you do with purplerain
crap, it sounds like I should have used purplera1n

everything looks good on Redsn0w though........
One quick question guys, will Purple Rain do the carrier unlock or do I still need to use ultrasnow for that?

I gotta vote

purplera1n also, and I was a Dev fan. Geohot made a good point apple releases then they break them and so the game goes. Sure maybe someday Apple will come out with a unbreakable version at that point people will have to choose older versions compared too newer ones till then I want Backgrounder and stackable and a little fun customizing my phone! :D I could care less about trying to steel apps A high priced app is $10 for most with some exceptions .99 or 1.99. the majority. I just ordered a t-mobile sims for 6.99 to see if the phone is fully unlocked vs jb
My 2 cents

I actually had the chance to try both of the JAILBREAKS. I first jailbroke my 3GS with the Purplera1n the early stages of the jailbreak i did see some issues that were resolved with the RC2 revision.

I myself have just kept the Redsn0w fix. Without a doubt the Redsn0w jailbreak is alot tougher than making it ra1n, which for some reason to me Redsn0w seems like it could be a more in depth jailbreak. I think that in the end it is personal preference and since none of these things are permanent you can restore back to 3.0 whenever you like. We all know without a doubt we will hear the flaws in whichever jailbreak.

Bigups to Geohot, and Bigups to the Dev-Team because without either one of you we would NOT have Jailbreaks and we would NOT have options...

Hack the World!!!!!!
I used Redsn0w to jailbreak, it wasn't hard that bad. I'd give purplera1n a try though, seems to be very easy.
well no too one

I read somewhere if you jailbreak with Purplera1n you can't use Winterboard and that redsn0w gives worse battery life. Are these true?

- Signed, noob.

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I was using Purplera1n up to today the only reason I not now is I have a appt. to visit the genius tomorrow, depending what happen I will jb again tomorrow night and after winterboard was updated it was perfect for me! Cydia and Winterboard were both pretty flowless! :D
I did the Jailbreak to my 3g with redsnow about a week ago

is there any difference in lag/speed or battery drain between usin redsnow or purplerain?
IMO it makes no difference, however I redid the whole process with redsn0w and got the iBEC and iBSS as the support with the dev team might be better.
It makes no difference, but i chose Purplera1n is better....bc its just one push of the button...and thats it.
I did Purplera1n and was suprised how easy it was. No special restore or anything. Just clicked Make it rain.... and it was done. Ran Freeze and Cydia was there. Just did a reboot the make the Cydia icon show up. Couldn't have been any easier. I hope he has a version for 3.1 when its released.
personally for whatever reason, purple did not work well. it was reallly buggy. redsnow was much much better. I had the wifi issue but it cleared up with a network reset. using it right now for the ultrasn0w unlock.
IMO it makes no difference, however I redid the whole process with redsn0w and got the iBEC and iBSS as the support with the dev team might be better.
Im new to the iPhone scene. What is iBEC and iBSS files? Why would we need to back them up? Ive done a Google search and all it said is that it is needed to update the jailbreak later on. What does that mean? Thanks! :apple:
Can I ask what kind of stuff you guys have running? Because I JB'd with purplera1n as well but have noticed that my battery has suffered. I've been trying to get to the bottom of it though.

I've got Winterboard with a couple themes running simultaneously, battery theme, and modified sliders. Also running SBSettings and LockInfo.
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