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Best way to Jailbreak a 3GS w/ 3.0.

  • Purplera1n is better.

    Votes: 71 38.0%
  • Redsn0w is better.

    Votes: 60 32.1%
  • It makes no difference.

    Votes: 56 29.9%

  • Total voters
Why not wait until 3.2 then or 4.0? That way, Apple might not realize the exploit is there.

How exactly would Apple not realize a widely publicized exploit?

Apple has patched every exploit with its next OS version. With 2.21 it took a while to unlock while the people who stayed with 2.2 were fine because of that exploit.

All I'm saying is that GeoHot made everyone's life harder by shooting his wad with purplerain. 3.1 is going to be harder to crack because of it.
How exactly would Apple not realize a widely publicized exploit?

Apple has patched every exploit with its next OS version. With 2.21 it took a while to unlock while the people who stayed with 2.2 were fine because of that exploit.

All I'm saying is that GeoHot made everyone's life harder by shooting his wad with purplerain. 3.1 is going to be harder to crack because of it.

If he didn't release anything and Dev-Team released Redsn0w after 3.1, 3.2 would be fixed and harder to crack. Where does it end?
If he didn't release anything and Dev-Team released Redsn0w after 3.1, 3.2 would be fixed and harder to crack. Where does it end?

Well it never ends, but at least that would have been one OS release where Apple didn't patch the hole immediately. But everyone got impatient because god forbid they don't have SBSettings right away.
If he didn't release anything and Dev-Team released Redsn0w after 3.1, 3.2 would be fixed and harder to crack. Where does it end?

Well it never ends, but at least that would have been one OS release where Apple didn't patch the hole immediately. But everyone got impatient because god forbid they don't have SBSettings right away.

Regardless, GeoHot blew his wad and 3.1 is going to be even more of a pain to crack because of it.

All that being said, redsn0w is easy to run and lets face it if you can't follow those simple instructions maybe you should stay away from hacking your phone.
Yeah right.
The Dev team themselves gave it away when they explained publicly exactly what hole was still open from the previous exploit and how.
You think Apple is that dumb and wouldnt find out what needs to be patched?
This waiting thing was nonsense, Apple will come out with more and more updates to seal/patch holes. Its pointless to hold onto a hack for later. Instead try to work around it when Apple does close it up or find different ones. Nothing is unhackable.

How exactly would Apple not realize a widely publicized exploit?

Apple has patched every exploit with its next OS version. With 2.21 it took a while to unlock while the people who stayed with 2.2 were fine because of that exploit.

All I'm saying is that GeoHot made everyone's life harder by shooting his wad with purplerain. 3.1 is going to be harder to crack because of it.
I been using The Dev teams jailbreaks since the first iphone but I gotta give it to GeoHot for his Purplera1n.
I first went with redsnow to jailbreak my 3GS but it would get stuck on waiting to reboot and then nothing would happen. Unpluged the wire a bunch of times, restored and again the same.
Purplera1n was nice, simple and foolproof. Did the job without any issues or press this and hold that etc.....
I know we all love the Dev Team but gotta give up credit/respect when its due. This guy knows his stuff and released a very nice program. The Dev Team should take a few notes of the way his program runs and release future jailbreaks like his with just a simple click instead of hopping thru 10 hoops to jailbreak and get Cydia installed on the iphone.
The Dev Team should take a few notes of the way his program runs and release future jailbreaks like his with just a simple click instead of hopping thru 10 hoops to jailbreak and get Cydia installed on the iphone.

The only reason why it's like this is to protect the noobs as much as possible. No matter how many times you say that this is beta software, someone will come back after not following instructions and unplugging at the wrong time, and blame Dev team for the issues. It's a never ending battle. That's the reason why they waited - they believed a newer 3.x version was right around the corner, that would include all the bug fixes from 3.0 (a much desirable version to have than 3.0), and thought why not focus on that? It would probably be an easier jailbreak with fewer issues for the noobs. They miscalculated.

Purplera1n assumes some sort of familiarity with the jailbreaking process as evidenced in it's clear lack of instructions. I used it because I've went through all the different processes and know what to expect, but I'm sure this can confuse the person that just upgraded to a 3GS from a Blackberry.
I dunno, I used Redsn0w and I didn't have a single issue with it. Jailbreaking was easy and straight forward even for someone like me, who really isn't good with that type of thing. :D
I been using The Dev teams jailbreaks since the first iphone but I gotta give it to GeoHot for his Purplera1n.
I first went with redsnow to jailbreak my 3GS but it would get stuck on waiting to reboot and then nothing would happen. Unpluged the wire a bunch of times, restored and again the same.

It did this to me too until I read the instructions a little better and realized I shouldn't have been taking my finger off the home button.
I didn't, I held the home for minutes and still nothing. I'm not a first timer either and not the only one that had probs with redsnow. Many issues like plug and unplug the wire were not going thru at all for some. Maybe the dev team rushed out this release. Never had any probs with their software before.

It did this to me too until I read the instructions a little better and realized I shouldn't have been taking my finger off the home button.
Well it never ends, but at least that would have been one OS release where Apple didn't patch the hole immediately. But everyone got impatient because god forbid they don't have SBSettings right away.

Regardless, GeoHot blew his wad and 3.1 is going to be even more of a pain to crack because of it.

All that being said, redsn0w is easy to run and lets face it if you can't follow those simple instructions maybe you should stay away from hacking your phone.

I vote for redsn0w also. Purplera1n is not the ideal solution. And GeoHot did jump the gun too early and now 3.1 is going to be a royal pain in the a** to jailbreak and unlock.
I didn't, I held the home for minutes and still nothing. I'm not a first timer either and not the only one that had probs with redsnow. Many issues like plug and unplug the wire were not going thru at all for some. Maybe the dev team rushed out this release. Never had any probs with their software before.

I didn't mean to imply that you were doing it wrong. I was just mentioning that it happened to work for me.
purplera1n vs redsn0w speed

Purplera1n finished my 3GS unlock in under 2 minutes. Seems like it took at least 10 for redsn0w on my 3G.

The speed seems negligible however considering you have to download Cydia after the jailbreak with purplera1n which in turn makes it take just as long as redsn0w.
Who gives a **** they both work. aside from that we probley wont be seeing anymore releases from geohot anytime soon as far as jailbreaking actually goes. On top of that 3.1 is going to be one of the hardest jailbreaks from what I read.... we shall see.
I will have to vote for RedSn0w! As a first time jailbreaker, I went with the long time tried and proven DevTeam who has always seemed to be there. Loyalty and dedication to always take care of the jailbreaker goes to the team that has remained since the beginning.

I have never hacked or jail broke anything in my life and was able to use RedSn0w without error and had a successful first time setup on my 3GS. I will stay with battle tested teams regardless of how easy purplerain my or maynot be.

All is working perfectly on my jailbroke 3GS and I will not change that until a new update is released by the DevTeam.
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