This thread is in good intention. You may be able to draw some general conclusions from it, but ultimately, this thread will be a bit pointless.
First, there are two releases of purplera1n: RC1 and RC2. Some of the posters are not saying which version they used/are using which basically invalidates their post - no conclusion can be drawn from it.
Second, diffrent posters will be running different applications from Cydia. Someone who isn't using SBsettings is more likely to have better battery life than someone who is not, for example. And hell, not even counting jailbreak, people are going to have different settings from the normal Apple features like push notification, fetch, location services, etc.
Third, if you're rating a jailbreak purely off of ease of use. This really doesn't help in the "Final Verdict" between these two methods of jailbreak.
I mean really...1-click vs 1-click and entering DFU. It's really not that hard either way. If we really want to get to the bottom of which one is better we should ignore ease of use and focus on stability and performance issues.
What we really need is one person with one phone, unless all phones are created equal (who can spend the time not using their phone for personal use for 2-4 days) to test both versions of jailbreak (redsn0w vs purplera1n RC2) to eliminate all of the variables that you're going to get from poster to poster.
It would also be good to test with a fresh jailbreak. 1 day dedicated for each jailbreak. Then, another test with some popular apps installed. Again, 1 day for each jailbreak. They'd also have to use the phone the exact same way each day. So, maybe two phones would be easier to use side by side. These two phones would have to have similar battery life before the jailbreak though to eliminate the added variable of another phone.
Maybe someone like Engadget or some other tech blog would be nice enough to do this for us if we ask nicely? I'll give it a shot, but I'm only one voice. I know my battery life has suffered since using redsn0w, but I don't have enough information to blame it purely on redsn0w yet.