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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 10, 2009
I have gone back to a standard issue Dell optical mouse I had lying around. Using the magic mouse has just been too uncomfortable on my wrist. I like the flick scrolling and sideways scrolling, but the two finger gestures are useless. It is too bad they threw out ergonomics on the mouse in favor of looking cool. I think they could have kept the traditional shape and still supported all the gestures. I hope they come out with a new version that is more comfortable.
I have gone back to a standard issue Dell optical mouse I had lying around. Using the magic mouse has just been too uncomfortable on my wrist. I like the flick scrolling and sideways scrolling, but the two finger gestures are useless. It is too bad they threw out ergonomics on the mouse in favor of looking cool. I think they could have kept the traditional shape and still supported all the gestures. I hope they come out with a new version that is more comfortable.

you really think that will happen it has not happened so far.
I played with the magic mouse at the apple store, and it is SO uncomfortable!! It's so low, it doesn't fit in your hand. Sad times, cause I wanted to love it. Mebbe gen2 won't be abysmal.
Personally, I really like the Magic Mouse. But, I can see how it can be uncomfortable for some.
i also agree this thing sucks. wish they make a 4"x3" bluetooth or usb Magic Pad (aka external glass pad), that would be much better with the gestures. :rolleyes:
in my opinion , the best idea would be t integrade a trackpad on the keyboard

maybe apple could take the keyboard but replace the number keys like
on this keyboard here with a trackpad /number keypad
i bet it would be great
then you would have everything in one slim keyboard and you could forget the mouse complete as the numberpad would be big enough and not as small as its on laptops so would be easy usable

ignore the color and imagine the standard alloy apple keyboard with that kind of trackpad

I had my magic mouse for 2 weeks, and the right section where I do the "right click" does not click. I am returning. It is okay for day to day applications (web, document) but not for games or graphic design...
I tried the mouse and couldn't work with it. Too low profile. I did really enjoy the scrolling "with momentum" though. I also found it much too slow to track, even maxed out.
To each his/her own. Personally I like it for use with my mini hooked up to the tv. I don't know if I'd like it if I was using it for a work computer. In over 25 years of using a mouse I've had good and bad, but most all of them have been good for some things and not so good for others. Oh, and my friends rarely agree with my taste. That doesn't make any one of them terrible. Well, the original iMac puck mouse was pretty pucked, wasn't it?

Wireless Keyboard concept. Except for the blank keys of course.. :p


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I had to ditch my Magic Mouse because of bluetooth reception issues in the Mac Pro. However, it's not a comfortable mouse for heavy use at all and the lack of configurable buttons/gestures is incredibly frustrating.

I know the wired Mighty Mouse has flaws, especially if you have oily skin that causes the ball to clog, but bloody hell it's a good mouse for OS X IMHO. Mine takes a good thrashing every day and it's comfortable and offers easy access to things like Dashboard and Exposé.

I think, and hope, Apple will revisit Magic Mouse sooner rather than later.
I played with one and wasn't terribly impressed. Its easy to get the hang of, but just didn't seem like something I would like to use every day. I'm old school, I'm still using my black Apple Pro Mouse and keyboard.
I'm just getting used the the Magic Mouse and starting to like it. I actually think the two-finger gestures are quite a bit easier to get used to than the flat shape.

wish they make a 4"x3" bluetooth or usb Magic Pad (aka external glass pad), that would be much better with the gestures. :rolleyes:

You mean like this?
I use the mouse nearly all day long and have found that at times my wrist can feel the lack of ergonomics. However, I've made a slight adjustment and it would seem that all is fairly well. That combined with BetterTouchTool, the mouse is really something I simply love to use.
I actually really like the magic mouse. Best thing about it: no chance of the scroll wheel breaking like on the Mighty Mouse. I went through 3 of those! So it's low, I will admit to that, but generally I have to say that it is a very intuitive design and my hand feels completely comfortable with it after some adjustment.

It's the wireless keyboard without the number pad and function keys that has irked me a bit.
The wireless keyboard has function keys, I just so happen to know because I am typing on one now.
who cares how it works. you guys are missing the point. Its supposed to look good not work well or be comfortable :D
Like I said in my original post I went back to a standard Dell mouse. I feel a mouse just needs to be comfortable and work. I just like the good old fashioned shape that fits in your hand and an optical tracker. Both are a must. They've been around forever too. The only reason I got the magic mouse is it came with my new iMac. I could have gotten the older wired generation, but I figured I give it a shot, since I have usb keyboards and mice lying around anyway. The wireless keyboard is a little disappointing. I do miss all the keys from the number pad. Not sure why we are going backwards in capabilities.

I kind of feel like Apple will eventually release a keyboard with just one button if we give them long enough.

I do love the i5 iMac I got though.
ts too low for the size of my hands to use the functions it has
thats why i think get a trackpad on the keyboard and then apple can keep the magic mouse and we could use it like the pro mouse ,
or why does apple not go back in time apple had a removable trackpad in the keyboard of the TAM already that was 1997

and look it had palmrests too (real leather)


you have to admit it looks great for a keyboard already made in 1997, so all apple would have to do is take the plans out of the drawer and rebuild it using alloy as material , the palmrests hmm real leather , yes keep the palmrests , i just remember how comfortable palmrests had been , another thing thats gone in favor of small smaller smallest design over the past years ok ok dont get me wrong there i like the thin alloy keyboard , but i would not mind if it had palmrests and a trackpad
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