Meanwhile, I present the 1st Mac Pro with WORKING 5870 !!!
2008 is 64-bit efi so should work.
Yes. No EFI to deal with, and you'll get to use the standard drivers for OS X once avialable.Just to confirm, 5870 works fine in hackintoshes, correct?
Oddly, the "new" OpenGl Viewer test shows 5870 barely faster.
Cinebench can hardly tell a difference.
But the OpenCl SmallLuxGPU can tell a HUGE difference.
I'll try these with GTX285 soon. Heck, I'll even toss in the GTX480 for kicks.
Any requests?
Don't know how to compare these now...the OpenGl benchmark seems less and less able to differentiate between cards. Not sure what they have done to it.
COD4? HL2? Doom 3?
Don't know how else to bench these cards.
This is awesome! Just like a year and half ago when Rom, Netkas et al ran up the thread on the guys have now done the 5xxx. Thanks so much for keeping my Mac Pro on the graphical edge. As for requests, can you get an fps on Wow running through Dalaran on full settings? Thanks!
I'm confused. I have a 2008 Mac Pro. I can buy that 5770 off of newegg and get it working (in OSX) tomorrow? Or is this process still in the works.
I don't think there is such limitation in EBC since PC cards use the good old BIOS (so do Mac Cards, right? EFI is merely for initializing).I am ignorant of most details on this stuff, but it is possible that by NOT being full 64 bit the EBC code doesn't allow complete access to all adresses. This could in theory limit the card in ways that would hamper all of this "GPU computing" stuff.
BTW, with all of this hou hah about the Team Red cards, I haven't been able to finish the "First Tri-SLi GTX285 in Mac Pro" thread i've been meaning to start.
requires removing drives 2 through 4
requires additional power
got the Nvidia software to enable it
Tri-SLi on a Mac Pro
still working out the kinks, but happy to share once I do
Nearly half of the 5770 it should be.