Very few innovations are pure inventions. Google did not invent widgets, notifications, a glorified mobile e-mail client, etc. Apple pioneered the touch screen interaction that all Android users use today. This includes: kinetic scrolling, pinch-to-zoom, multi-touch keyboards, and slide to unlock. Did they invent all of that tech, no? But did they incorporate it into a smartphone, something that had never been done before, that revolutionized the way we use our phones? Yes, and that's innovation.
Just remember that you owe your Android phone to Apple. Remember Android before the iPhone's announcement? It was essentially a contender to RIM's Blackberry, with no touchscreen and only physical keys. I respect what Android has given me, namely Notification Center, and you ought to respect what Apple has given you. Copying others and borrowing features is the name of the game. Google does it constantly, as does Apple and Microsoft. Hell, Google has taken quite a bit out of Microsoft's playbook as of recently.
Stop mentioning the blackberry like prototype. That was one of two prototypes they showed at the time. The other was a touch slate device. Android was designed for touch since the beginning. Its hardware agnostic meaning it can run on any form factor.
Look at the image people keep posting. They don't post the other phone shown in the same article.
Even if apple hadn't made the iPhone phones were already heading in this direction. This is because capacitive touchscreens had finally become widely available which made things like pan scrolling and pinch to zoom possible. Nothing to do with apple at all. The technology dictated the new form factor.
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