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Have to say I agree with all those who said the 4:3 screen is the better compromise. 16:9 is just too big if you want any sort of decent screen real-estate and wouldn't work properly in portrait mode. Books especially would look flat out weird. There's also the minor detail that shifting to a widescreen format would make backwards compatibility with existing iPhone apps a bit dodgy (to put it mildly).
It's not for everyone

Also, I'm realising that connecting to all the wifi networks I've used for the last few years on my iPhone is going to be a pain. The iPhone doesn't have a Keychain and there's no way I can remember the passwords for all the offices, libraries, coffee shops, friends' houses etc. I've been to.

Now you're reaching IMHO. You'd have the same problem with the new win7 or android tablets as well. An inconvenience, but life is full of little inconveniences.
I love the screen as it is, I have watched a number of TV shows and movies on it over the past two weeks and can find no fault whatsoever.

And the comics I must say are amazing, I am using comiczeal and have synched all my comics on to this machine.

Star Wars
Superman Batman

Every issue

Of all of the above and more it is amazing I feel like a kid all over again and I am 40 years old.
I can imagine a widescreen iPad - at least it'd be more like an A4 sheet.

Also, I'm realising that connecting to all the wifi networks I've used for the last few years on my iPhone is going to be a pain. The iPhone doesn't have a Keychain and there's no way I can remember the passwords for all the offices, libraries, coffee shops, friends' houses etc. I've been to.

If passwords are a problem--and they would be for me since I use random passwords, use 1Password--available for OS-X, iPhone, and iPad.
You knew there was no SD card slot and the screen was 4:3 before you bought the iPad so shut up, it is your own fault for poor research.
Thread title implies you received a faulty device. Perhaps a change to "oops I forgot to read the specs before making an electronics purchase"?

How about "oops I shouldn't be trusted to make my own decisions, someone please take away my credit cards before I cut myself with them"???
Hey, it's not 3D either - bummer! And it's got no physical keyboard. And it doesn't weigh 3 kg and it's not an inch thick. Hey, hang on, it's not a laptop! Bummer again!
Right. So why would you buy it when all of these things are already known? :rolleyes:

Agreed. It is not like any of this stuff was a secret. No offense, but it sounds like you didn't do your homework before you bought it. It sounds like you might be better off returning your iPad.
You'd probably be better off with a netbook and there's nothing wrong with that (I got a Vaio in part to help tide me over until the iPad 2nd gen and I love it - it's great not having to worry about Bootcamp anymore, it has Flash, 250GB space, USB + SD card slots and I can carry it around everywhere).

That said, better research next time?
You'd probably be better off with a netbook and there's nothing wrong with that (I got a Vaio in part to help tide me over until the iPad 2nd gen and I love it - it's great not having to worry about Bootcamp anymore, it has Flash, 250GB space, USB + SD card slots and I can carry it around everywhere).

That said, better research next time?
And he's gonna just love playing widescreen movies on a netbook.
An SD card slot would have been nice. But I've made due when needed with a jailbroken iPad, iFile and the camera kit.

BTW I hate 16:9 displays on computing devices. It only makes sense for video and sucks for just about any other application.
I've had it for just a couple of hours but already am getting quite fed-up at just how much is wrong with the iPad.

Ok, so there's all the things like no SD slot etc., but I'm also annoyed that the iPad iWork apps don't support iWork '08. I can't believe I have to now buy iWork 09 to make my docs compatible.

And also the screen. We're a good decade into 16:9 and a few years into HD but the iPad has a 4:3 screen. For a device that is designed for watching videos, that seems really, really odd. A nice, big 10" screen but movies come out TINY!

Screen ratio is PERFECT, IMO. If the device was 16:9 is would be terrible for viewing web content and books. Absolutely horrible.

And very little source video content is actually 16:9, as anyone with a 16:9 tv can confirm by all the times they've watched a dvd or bluray that still has bars on the top & bottom, unless they zoom. and thus crop the sides.
I'll skip commenting on the screen like everyone else as I strongly support the current ratio and just say, lord forbid you have to update your old software for a brand new device? Welcome to apple... yea it sucks that 2008 isn't supported but really? iWork without any discounts costs $79... When you upgrade hardware especially to a device that didn't even exist when iWork 08 was released it isn't really a surprise that some software will need to be current.
So shut up? Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Well you see these threads all the time and it gets irritating. People complaining about what the iPad doesn't have or doesn't do. I mean c'mon, when you're going to spend £429+ on a product you READ information about it to make sure it is an appropriate purchase.

It's like me buying a JooJoo and saying there is too much wrong with it because it doesn't have an App Store.
Also, I'm realising that connecting to all the wifi networks I've used for the last few years on my iPhone is going to be a pain. The iPhone doesn't have a Keychain and there's no way I can remember the passwords for all the offices, libraries, coffee shops, friends' houses etc. I've been to.

I use multiple wifi hotspots throughout the day and I have only ever had to input my credentials once per hotspot, it keeps it. So I am not certain what you're talking about here...
What a pointless thread.

Some people just need a reason to moan, they could win the lottery and would complain that they don't like the colour of £50 notes.

Sell your iPad to someone that would appreciate it. Simple.
Uh oh. Someone made the mistake of criticising an Apple product on MacRumors.


Widescreen is great for movies. But it is not natural for running applications. Web browsing would be terrible, either too narrow or too scrunched together. The iPad was designed to be a multipurpose computer, not just a movie player.

And the iWorks problems are software application problems, not hardware problems.
I agree with the OP on one piece - I-works is just not quite cutting it -- What I need are apps that are 100% compatible with MS Office.

I'd buy a 16X9 Device if worked - Problem with the JOOJOO is not its size IMO - it appears to be only half baked at this point.

Ideally - Ipad would come in a 4X3 and 16X9 format -I'd buy one of each.

Unless you love shmups, and I love shmups!

but you're very right, I too was initially confused by the use of a 4:3 screen, because of the video issue. But seeing this comparison with the Joojoo you realise why Apple chose 4:3 it looks much more manageable.



doesn't that look weird!
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