I just don't get, why the values in EFI don't fully turn of the device.
How low does your Power Consumption go in Coconut Battery (shows actual power consumption in Watts, updates every 20-30secs or so).
I can get to 13-14W with only the X3000 kext loaded.
Power draw is probably a better indication than temperatures.
Can you upload the older kexts somewhere? And by the way, you can extract files from installers (such as the combo update) with "Suspicious Package", thats how I got the kext from the combo updater.
EDIT: I asked a buddy with a 13 inch 2011 mbp, that one idles at 9W. We should get close to that to archieve good battery life.
It would be great for me if when running gpu-power-prefs Arch Linux or sudo nvram GUID:variable=values, then the AMD video card to stay completely off. Unfortunately this does not happen on my Macbook Pro 2011.
When I run the Sierra 10.12.3 installer (pendrive), then the following AMD kexts 1.4.8 are loaded (AMD6000Controller.kext, AMDFramebuffer.kext, AMDSupport.kext). AMDRadeonX3000.kext does not exist in the Sierra 10.12.3 installer (pendrive) - OS X Base System.
Even with these loaded kexts 1.4.8, the AMD video card remains active in the Sierra 10.12.3 installer. Touching next to the MagSafe connector, above the F2 key, this part of the Macbook Pro gets very hot.
I will print the screen with information from the Istat Menu and Coconut Battery.
Update - on Battery:
Photo: Kexts-AMD-1.4.8-and-1.5.1-Istat-Menu-Coconut-Battery-2017-07-07-at-17.55.54-2.jpg
Macbook Pro Early 2011 - MacBookPro 8,2 - Intel HD 3000 - AMD 6750M
Mac OS Sierra 10.12.5
Istat Menu -> CPU -Die Analog: 37 degrees Celsius
Coconut Battery
Active Monitor - Memory used: 2.65 GB
kexts AMD 1.4.8 - /System/Library/Extensions - load automatic
Kext AMD 1.5.1 - kexts-1.5.1-sierra-update-10.12.5 - load manual
Update 2:
For security reasons, you should not use kexts downloaded from other sites. Only from official Apple websites.
Extract kexts-amd-1.4.8-sierra-10.12.3-installer-pendrive.zip
Put the permissions 755 and owner and group on the kexts.
cd /kexts-amd-1.4.8-sierra-10.12.3-installer-pendrive
sudo chmod -R 755 AMD6000Controller.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel AMD6000Controller.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 AMDFramebuffer.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel AMDFramebuffer.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 AMDSupport.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel AMDSupport.kext
Verify permissions Owner / Group
ls -la
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 root wheel 102 Jun 29 00:16 AMD6000Controller.kext
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 root wheel 102 Jun 29 00:17 AMDFramebuffer.kext
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 root wheel 102 Jun 29 00:17 AMDSupport.kext