Hello! I don't understand even half of what you write here, but I also have an old Mac Book pro 17"... I can't figure out what's the matter, in general: white screen when turning on, after a few weeks I learned to turn it on: hold "Shift + Ctrl + alt + power button" for 10-15 seconds, then release only Ctrl + alt and then quickly press the start button again. (this does not always work, but I'm stubborn and repeat ....) And when it starts making a special noise, this is a sign that it will start

then a purple screen appears, then it can be red, then my account, if everything is ok, sometimes a black screen, which I close and when I open it, the account appears. And so it works, however, only for reading safari and youtube. And yes, the keyboard / backlight in all these experiments also stopped glowing, but not so long ago, I think he is immortal, I feel sorry for him, and he is dear to me, it's a pity that he got old, I love it. I'll finally buy a new one, but I haven't decided on a model yet, so I'm reading the forum and came across this thread. (I'm writing with a translator, if anything)