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macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2006
'postcard' from Cuba, Dec 09 ...


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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Very nice! I love this one, great idea. I will probably "borrow" the concept in the future. :D

Stop, thief! :eek:

Just kidding. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? ;) :D

Awesomely creative! This would be such a keeper for the happy couple...

Thanks, I'll let them know you said that. ;)

You had to go and get all creative on us... ;) Love this one. Are you perhaps one of the people? Just wondering.

Well, that is the point of the challenge, no? :cool:

OK, I'll admit that's my mug. I guess I don't have that exact photo in my gallery, but here is one taken either right before or after it. You can see it's Lake Bled in the background--a really gorgeous and romantic location. :)

CK Williams

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2008
Las Vegas
A few from a recent trip. (clickable)


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macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
Sanotrini... front cruise ship 20th window from the front on the 2nd deck under the bridge was ours.... :)


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macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
I'm impressed with the depth and quality so far in this challenge.

Phrasikleia, maddagascar, Maxx, pdxflint, Dale, finnschi, CK Williams and deep diver, I can see all of these on postcards even Bruce's scary veggie shot :D

gaswerks - Pole on right - well I'd remove. Blurred people on bridge - distracting but on a postcard it would probably be OK.

Indydenny - Way to much tree and the yellow branch on the right - well is very distracting. If you had a chance to re-shoot this I'd get more dome framed with a little foliage. This would be a classic example of "Less is more".

maddagascar - although I like your photos - the one with the plane taking off would have probably been better with a larger plane. This would have given more of a holiday feel in my opinion.

madazrex - I agree with everything deep diver said.


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
'postcard' from Cuba, Dec 09 ...

I like the colors and the lighting alot. I wish the people on the bridge were in focus though. That way the people looking at the "postcard" could think of themselves there.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Le Dru in the French Alps. Wish I was there again.


You caught some terrific light here. This looks to be a crop, in which case perhaps you have some more image off to the left? It's a very centered composition, and the unlit rocks at the right aren't adding much. If you can get that beautifully lit peak off of the vertical center, you'll have a much more dynamic image.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
You know one of those HDR Postcard thingy-ma-bobs!

Don't be too harsh! It's a first attempt!


Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space

Taken today at the torch celebration site.

^^^ Shameless self-promotion. Nice photo. Night shots are difficult and this has very good execution.


Model: D300
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/8000 sec
Aperture: 6.3
Focal Length: 200mm

^^^ Love the colors in this one. It's been sooo long since I saw the sun.

Le Dru in the French Alps. Wish I was there again.


^^^ Agree with the archeologist. Nice light and a real cloud.

^^^ Wonderful colors captured here. Great feeling of depth.

Yeah, it's kind of turned into a "post landscapes from your archives" thread rather than a challenge thread, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. Really can't complain when the photos are good. ;)

^^^ Do I get ZzZzs?


White Chuck Mountain from the Mountain Loop Highway. Elevation 6989'


January 23, 2010

I cloned black branches from the foreground. Does it show without zooming?



macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
You caught some terrific light here. This looks to be a crop, in which case perhaps you have some more image off to the left? It's a very centered composition, and the unlit rocks at the right aren't adding much. If you can get that beautifully lit peak off of the vertical center, you'll have a much more dynamic image.

Thanks. I tried a different crop here but I'm not sure about it. Suggestions are alway welcome. I have to say, sometimes I just like things centered. I think that's just how I am mentally. Since participating in all the macrumors photography stuff though I haven't gotten better at not always going for the centered shot. Better light on the right would've been better but the crop I just did looses something to me personally. BTW, my photo in no way captured how awe inspiring Le Dru is in person.


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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Do I get ZzZzs?


White Chuck Mountain from the Mountain Loop Highway. Elevation 6989'


January 23, 2010

I cloned black branches from the foreground. Does it show without zooming?


Hehe. I'm sure Dinah would give you much better marks than that, and so would I. (Mind you, that little kitty is a tough grader.)

I see some branches in the lower right, but if you removed some elsewhere, I can't tell.

Thanks. I tried a different crop here but I'm not sure about it. Suggestions are alway welcome. I have to say, sometimes I just like things centered. I think that's just how I am mentally. Since participating in all the macrumors photography stuff though I haven't gotten better at not always going for the centered shot. Better light on the right would've been better but the crop I just did looses something to me personally. BTW, my photo in no way captured how awe inspiring Le Dru is in person.


I do prefer this crop, but if I were standing there taking the photo, I'd use a wider focal length to get in more of the mountain range and still have the tall peak fall outside of the center. I think the mountain needs more "breathing room" to maximize its grandeur. That's probably what appeals to you with the centered composition; it's just that the centering doesn't encourage the eye to explore the frame very much. Anything with four sides to it (which is all pictures) creates a natural emphasis on the center. The eye will go to the center of the frame naturally, so you want to give it some reason to pull out of there. The longer you can keep the eye exploring the frame, the more interesting (and therefore successful) the photo is. Something to keep in mind when you're out composing your photos. :)

(P.S. There are exceptions, of course. It is possible to have your main subject be centered with some other point of interest successfully breaking up the symmetry--a call-and-response type of composition. That's one possibility. Just thought I would mention at least one exception before someone accuses me of being maniacally focused on "rules." ;))
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