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macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
From a fun shoot late last year.



macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
Waterfront Movement


One of my favorites so far…the colors really make this picture. I agree with previous comments on the boat--you may want to clone it out. That being said, even if it stays it is a great and interesting shot. Well done.

Love the smoothness of the butterflies' wings in this shot. The color contrast make the viewer return to the insects again and again. A crop would take this to another level.


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2009
375th St. Y
From a fun shoot late last year.


AWESOME. I love it. It looks like you 'shopped the hand and milk in though. Probably just from compression though....

About the boat: This was taken probably 20 minutes before fireworks started, and the offending boat pretty much beelined it to where we (a few photographers with big ol cameras and tripods) were set up and then kept motoring BACK INTO THAT SAME SPOT when they would drift away!!!

I tried cloning it out in aperture 3 quickly and it destroyed the entire flow of the water. I will try to spend some time on it in photoshop and see if I can get rid of that bugger. It really does detract, due to the blur.

----Awesome photos in this round though!
Phraseilika: What on earth is that a picture of????


macrumors newbie
Apr 5, 2006

desaturating in PP was all I applied to this photo.
Nikon D90, 1/40, f8, 70mm, no flash.
Place: Stockholm


macrumors member
Mar 7, 2010
Northern CA
Occasionally, I am surprised by a "mystery photo" on my card when I import. This is one of those. My husband picked up my camera & shot this one of our daughter. I asked him if I could post it. I thought it fit the theme nicely. I assume she is dancing, simply because she is almost always dancing!



macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2009
375th St. Y

Phrasielika had said "having fun on a rainy afternoon" and I took that as implying that the photo had something to do with rain/water, so that is all I kept looking for. It is blatantly obvious now, though;)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2009
From a fun shoot late last year.


Okay I love this, I really do, but the glass occupying half of her face and dominating her right eye kinda... KINDA bothers me a teeny bit. I really do like it overall, but wondering if you could have got a similar feel, by moving the glass down a tad and backing up a bit.

You're much better at this photography thing than I though so you probably already thought of that and it probably didn't work lol.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
AWESOME. I love it. It looks like you 'shopped the hand and milk in though. Probably just from compression though....

The milk and hand are part of the original shot. This IS a composite shot tho--mainly to fix some things I didn't like about the face (angle, shadows, and cookie crumbs). The color differentiation you see between the hands is mainly due to light fall-off from the single light source being used (softbox + RX600). The model was shot at a seminar I attended which didnt give me leeway in repositioning everything so it worked better. The milk splash was accomplished with a quick jerk from the model and some deft catching by another person off camera (so we could re-use the milk for more shots). People got wet on this one, it was fun :D

Okay I love this, I really do, but the glass occupying half of her face and dominating her right eye kinda... KINDA bothers me a teeny bit. I really do like it overall, but wondering if you could have got a similar feel, by moving the glass down a tad and backing up a bit.

You're much better at this photography thing than I though so you probably already thought of that and it probably didn't work lol.

You're dead on. If I were to redo this shot I'd ease off on the crop (make the hands less phantom) and reposition the milk "spill" to be more of a splash up out of the glass. I'd also replace the glass with something more traditional (what you see is all that was available at the time) as well as add another light source.

Great comments and observations by both of you...thanks :D

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space

desaturating in PP was all I applied to this photo.
Nikon D90, 1/40, f8, 70mm, no flash.
Place: Stockholm
Very interesting effect. I usually don't care for desaturation or selective color, but the colors of the shirt pop nicely. It helps that everything else still has tones to it. Nice representation of movement.

Movement and MASS! Great shot, CK. Seeing wildlife like this is one of the great things about living on the Pacific coast. How much of a crop is going on here? How close were you? Super.



macrumors newbie
Aug 5, 2010
I have been reading MR for a while now...but first post!

Picture taken at 200mm handheld with Canon 40D and 70-200L non IS

Comments welcome! Thanks


  • IMG_3256.jpg
    178.5 KB · Views: 68

CK Williams

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2008
Las Vegas
Movement and MASS! Great shot, CK. Seeing wildlife like this is one of the great things about living on the Pacific coast. How much of a crop is going on here? How close were you? Super.


Thanks Dale! It's uncropped on the D700 @ 300mm (1/250th, f/5.6, ISO 200). The whalewatching trip we took happened across a pod of 20 - 30 with multiple breaches (30+) and bubble net feedings (3). This one was ~100 yards away. Seeing it was enough to make me want to move there.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Just having a bit of fun on a rainy afternoon...

Nice variation on the theme. I'm usually not thrilled about centered subjects, but I think the symmetry created by the framing of the inlay around the sound hole is a key element. A variation would have been to pluck just one or two strings to create motion/static elements.

I like the colors in this photo. The green is a good compliment to the orange of the butterflies. Nice focus to get them nice and sharp at 2.8.

Note: The EXIF extension for Safari reveals your full name. To fix that, go to your Flickr account and make changes in your profile. That's where the info is coming from.



macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
I posted this in my "Misc Astrophotography" thread prior to this topic date, definitely fits this challenge.

I've seen this one a few times and have always liked it because of how strongly the house is silhouetted against the sky. All the stray light below the house...are those lightening bugs? I think it would be an even stronger image if you cloned those out. It pulls my eye to the bottom of the image.


macrumors member
Mar 7, 2010
Northern CA
mtnbikemama where were you 11 years ago when I was single and crazy ;)
what kind of bike are you riding these days?

I was just meeting my husband! (who doesn't mtn bike, btw!) I'm riding a Jamis Dakar XLT 1.0 at the moment, but have my eyes on a Trek w/ a little more travel, and nicer components!


macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan
I took this last night, always wanted to try this, this challenge seems good place to learn.

My 4 yr son loves riding his Indy car, so with my T1i on tripod and using 580 flash I took a series of these experimenting.
1 sec or longer proved too long, just streaks w/o seeing him as ghost.
(actually depended on how fast he was going by also, slower speed needs longer exposure to show movement)

This is at 0.4 sec, the flash froze him and made visible, but still he has a ghost appearance, shutter is on 2nd sync.

As C&C how can I get the movement look AND a more solid looking son?

T1i, 580 exII flash, shutter priority @ 0.4 sec, ISO 100, 15-85 lens @ 42mm. Focused for distance prior and switched to manual for shots.
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