@stanza.richi & @GerritV: Agree completely on the importance of using good quality paper when writing with a fountain pen. Try to find a good quality make of paper.
Since the advent, or appearance, or development, or widespread use of, computers, the quality of paper that is readily available had (dramatically) disimproved, - that is, basic, standard paper - not least, I suspect, both because one can compromise on the quality of paper required when using printers, without suffering ill effect, and that this - use of a poorer quality paper - is also cheaper.
@FreakinEurekan: Best of luck with your fountain pen adventures, I rarely write with anything else, and please reprot back and let us know how you got on.
Since the advent, or appearance, or development, or widespread use of, computers, the quality of paper that is readily available had (dramatically) disimproved, - that is, basic, standard paper - not least, I suspect, both because one can compromise on the quality of paper required when using printers, without suffering ill effect, and that this - use of a poorer quality paper - is also cheaper.
@FreakinEurekan: Best of luck with your fountain pen adventures, I rarely write with anything else, and please reprot back and let us know how you got on.
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