Sarcasm and Point countered...your thouhgt?
Listen there Rainbow,
think of it this way. I proved my point using sound logic. You may run a buisiness yourself, I don't care how you do it.
Point is, and you just might want to jot this down, that site scammed and the person got the reversal meaning the bank sided with the costumer.
Now as for my threats, they are not threats at all, they might look like threats, but I like to call them funny rants.
So Marcia, word of advice, keep up defending a fraud site and you might find yourself defending your own credibility. I give you the beenfit of the doubt, but I doubt anyone else will.
Now if you excuse me I better keep working the old fashion and legal way to buy me all all those depression pills that keep me so dam jolly...
my other two cents...
Point proven. Like I said, common sense is pretty short in this post.
Hey, get this. As crazy as this sounds. I got in touch with iphonegeek on their.... Contact page. Pretty crazy, I know.
If something doesn't work because that person happens to not be able to read instructions or may be just too dumb to figure it out doesn't mean that it is a rip off.
Actually someone did say something about the illegal use of the Apple logo.
Banks can dispute a charge all they want, that doesn't mean anything. A charge cannot be "reversed". A charge can be disputed and just like with anythign else there are two parties in a dispute. Disputes can be contested by the merchant and in most cases they win. Especially if they have an agreement between themselves and the customer. I do happen to own a business, and no it isn't a iphone site. Also, just because a site uses a name for processing orders and has a different domain name doesn't mean that its fraud.
So does that work for you. When all else fails including common sense. Turn to violent threats, let me know when you come "break me into so many little pieces". I bet you are sitting in front of your computer clapping and laughing thinking that everyone else on the interweb is right there with you. Whatever works for you bud.
Listen there Rainbow,
think of it this way. I proved my point using sound logic. You may run a buisiness yourself, I don't care how you do it.
Point is, and you just might want to jot this down, that site scammed and the person got the reversal meaning the bank sided with the costumer.
Now as for my threats, they are not threats at all, they might look like threats, but I like to call them funny rants.
So Marcia, word of advice, keep up defending a fraud site and you might find yourself defending your own credibility. I give you the beenfit of the doubt, but I doubt anyone else will.
Now if you excuse me I better keep working the old fashion and legal way to buy me all all those depression pills that keep me so dam jolly...
my other two cents...