Wow This makes me MAD!!
Hello all.
This is not the way we wanted to introduce ourselves at launch to the PC/Mac and iPhone community, on the heels of a huge fraud site. Moderators please do not remove this post even though I am giving the name of our site, this is important and we are going to the local and National media with this.
I REALLY need someone who was taken by them to interview and I need to speak with them FAST, this issue is far more about getting defrauded, from what I know they are pointing people to Bittorrent search engines for all their "Free Content With 300X Faster Servers." this is a technical nightmare, and we monitor the BT newtworks to "watch the players and who is seeding what viruses, trojans and spyware and at what frequency. To say BT is a minefield for the unitiated is a huge understement.
Their Whois info...
Elissano Service Limited
Registered through:, Inc. (
Domain servers in listed order:
And we're contacting the press , police, and anyone who will listen. We are extremely upset by this beacuse of a few things. And the name of our site is and we are NOT a scam site by a long shot, but we do have paid memberships for a variety of support (PC/Mac) needs with a heavy (60% at least) focus on the iPhone. We just launched and were fetting our marketing campaign put together and now this SH*T storm hits.
We REALLY want to onterview someone taken by this, we have quite a few questions on what if anything you received from them in the way of software, download instructions for the millions of pieces of content they "host" (Impossible by the way unless you're RapidShare or Google, or some other mega site with more servers than god.
We are NOT, I repeat, NOT a scam site. Far from it. We're a small startup that decided to focus on quality support and education, much of it being in how to protect yourself online, get legal content from the Web, keeping your iPhones running great after beibg modified, and much more. We have been offering a FREE (No credit card required) trial membership to our site that gives you full "Silver Surfer" access (Premium Member Level) for a month to try us out and we've been in crunch mode trying to get content and info about all kinds of things both iPhone and PC/Mac related up as fast as possible and this has definitely thrown a big toadblock in front of us doing our work.
The real danger to all this besides credit card fraud and potential ID theft goes far deeper, there are going to be thousands if not more people who will need support from the Geek Squad/Firedog types out there to repair or fully restore their computers due to the ignorance of what Bittorrent can hold to unsuspecting users. To say this is not a minor issue is an undertstatement of major proportions. We have been working on the site for almost a year, are very proud of what we've done, and have decided to offer all those taken by this scam to get a free 3 Noth iPhone EPiC membership to our site. We promise nothing beyond what you can personally download in the legitimate 3rd party community. and legally from other places on the Net and there are many, they're just hard to find and parse who is who from a legal and erhical standoint.
We ARE and always will be a legitimate site to get premium support on all Mac/PC and iPhone issues, and we're mad as hell that one of the major things we have in the works (Bittorrent extensive guide) is now on hold while we research this and try to get the word out. A day late and a dollar short in that regard.
PLEASE if anyone has been taken contact me personaly at or our direct VOIP line at 201-984-SURF (7873) for an interview. Your anonymity will be fully respected if you so wish but we're going to take this national or however we can...
Again I want to reiterate,we are a subscriber and not an ad supported site, and we take our reputation and journalistic and ethical responsibilities extremely seriously. We'd like nothing more than to see these guys get raided and soon, the damage they can be causing can be huge....
Please remit any info to the above email or phone, and if that doesn't work you can even try my direct office line at 304-756-2824. We are an open book at WeSurf4U and always will be, and we are just so disappointed we didn't have the resources to advertise like they did and offer our warnings when we maybe should have but were unable to. Well that end here. Now.
PLEASE contact us, and we will be continuing it in our Forums called The Beach, Read the Front Page Story and register to follow along at the Beach, we're not going to give up on this until we hopefully see some handcuffs on some real sleazeballs. To those who were affected, please sign up and contact us, and read the press release on our site to get info on how to get your free three months of REAL iPhone support. We defiitely can't afford this ad it's stretching us to the limit but we definitely can't afford to sit by and just let this happen. We are also calling the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) to see what they say, and if you care about your Net rights and protection sign up with them for as little as a $25 donation.
Please get ahold of us if you know anything more, we're doing some major Net forensics work to patch this together, so as we said register (Freem bi CC requird) and follow along with this. We're taking the reighns of this, so all inquiries or info should go through us as we're trying to get rel time info to all the major media networks.
Thanks for your time.
Chris Tome
iKahuna on