Hi again guys,
I am now at the install/set up step in my quest to use a PC (for Lenovo desktop) Quadro 4000 in my MacPro (5,1 mid2010).
I pre-installed the (I believe) appropriate Nvidia Mac driver for my Mavericks OS (OS X 10.9.5 [13F34]), which is listed in the Nvidia Driver Manager as the 334.01.03f01 version driver. (Though I didnt install the separate[?] CUDA driver which I thought should be installed after getting the card working)
The Display Port (male) to Mini DisplayPort (female) adapter had finally arrived in the post, so I took out the current card, ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB, and replaced it with the Quadro in Slot 1 (16x). I used the same power cable that the Radeon was using to connect the Quadro to the mother board into aux power 2 which is where it was plugged in for the Radeon.
I reconnected all the plugs : power, Mini Display Port, LAN cable, keyboard
..and powered up the MacPro but despite the Mac starting up the monitors just showed a black screen.
I opened it all up and double and triple checked and tried again. Still a black screen.
I took out the PC Quadro 4000 and put the Radeon back in and everything works normally. I believe I have followed all the instructions for this PC Nvidia card in a Mac Pro install process found here :
Anyone see anything Im doing wrong or can suggest any trouble shooting ideas?
My own ideas where things might be going wrong :
- The MiniDisplay Port to Display Port adapter just doesnt work for some reason ?
- The power cable I used from the Radeon isnt compatible with this PC Quadro card? Though it plugs in fine. Not supplying enough power ?
- The driver doesnt work ? Wrong version ?
- The Cuda driver also needs to be downloaded before installing the card ?
- Putting the Quadro in the first x16 slot is an issue ?
I would really appreciate any advice here. If, for some reason, this PC Quadro just cant work, then Ill have to sell it on eBay or something and buy an expensive Mac version

I'm throwing myself on the mercy of the forums
..Lou, MacVidCards and others.
( I included photos for reference to what Im describing above )