I somehow got a work around for those websites, however before you proceed, I would like to warn you first that some of the stations' URL are very very long and quite painstaking to type, and to some extent still won't work and you'll hear nothing.
I use this
URL Snooper to get the stream URL first. I believe you need
Winpcap as the network sniffing driver.
Both are installed. After doing so, I google whatever station I want to listen to. When their page is opened and I see their "Listen Live" link, I run the URL snooper. Note that there shouldn't be any traffic going on the bandwidth, else you'll see a bunch of URLs floating there so make sure you're not using any internet-related programs first. After running URL snooper, click the Listen Live, notice at the URL snooper program you'll find quite a bunch of URLs - I always take the one with rttsp (I probably misspelled that) and usually it works 80% of the time. Hope that helps