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There's no time stamp on your picture advertising the new Mac Pro. That picture could have been taken after launch for all we know. :confused:

It is technically a new Mac pro there is no legal time limit on how old it has to be before it is no longer "new" there is not a newer version of the computer therefor it is still the new Mac pro. You can complain all you want that they haven't refreshed it but the FTC won't do anything about it.

^^ This.

Also why are you so upset about the whole thing? One would think that before spending $2500+ on a computer they would at least know the specs and the hardware. Did Apple fool you when they advertised the Mac Pro as new just recently?
New cars, new boats, and new underwear can and often all sit for years at the store and are legally sold as new products.

Technically, that would make a Ford Pinto "new" if it was still sitting on a lot somewhere unsold...



There's no time stamp on your picture advertising the new Mac Pro. That picture could have been taken after launch for all we know.

Check it out for yourself. Its up now:

I don't think it will change anything. I also don't think that it will force Apple to update. Interesting idea though filing an FTC complaint, just not sure what good its going to do for anyone.

What's so wrong about a company listening to their customer base?

Its reported that Steve Jobs was fond of quoting Henry Ford's quote: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse."

Sorry, but we're not all completely unworthy of having our opinions checked every now and then. If Apple had talked to their user base, they wouldn't have released the Final Cut Pro X disaster:

Or watch this if you're impatient:



I call BS on this. Can't understand why anyone would waste time like this.

Again, this took 10 minutes of time on the FTC website. They'll never act on it.

That's not the point. Its the principal.

What used to be their flagship product is totally devoid of improvement. That would be fine if no one used it anymore. But that's not the case--there are still hundreds of thousands of users for this product.



Also why are you so upset about the whole thing?


You're own signature says "Please don't discontinue the Mac Pro!"



Nothing will happen, but maybe stuff like this can open Apple's eyes a bit more


Thank you for recognizing this effort for what it is.

If users don't care about this product line, then why should Apple?



Good luck with that.

Thanks Zwhaler :)

Gotta get my post in for the most rediculous thread I've seen here yet...
Meanwhile, at the FTC

as there is not a newer, mac, then the term NEW still applies , its only not NEW if it has been replaced by a newer model,

there going to laugh, for about 5 seconds, then bin the complaint.
as there is not a newer, mac, then the term NEW still applies , its only not NEW if it has been replaced by a newer model,

there going to laugh, for about 5 seconds, then bin the complaint.

They might also laugh at the use of "there" in place of the contraction "they're":rolleyes:. How do we all forget things that we learned in second grade?
Advertisers live on semantics, lawyers even more so.

I think anyone who has looked at this thread is as frustrated as the OP that Apple are still flogging a 2010 dead horse when much better CPUs and other hardware are now available.
To launch a FTC complaint about the use of the word New being misleading is amusing at best.
One of the many definitions of "new" is:
12. new: In the most recent form, period, or development.
The 2010 Mac Pro is exactly that.... till the next one.

My GF's 10 year old son bought a can of Fanta (c.1998) which had "New Original Flavour!" written on it.
"How can it be new and original?" he asked.
"Advertisers love that kind of double speak." I replied.
If a 10 year old can understand that they are idiots who twist words to suit themselves, then why should adults have a problem?
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I, for one, REALLY LOVE Torster for doing this!

Torster, thank you for finding this creative way to get Apple's attention. I've called Apple and written feedback on their site numerous time asking for a sliver of professional respect and have never received a response.

The new server processors are just now becoming available. Not one single company is shipping them yet.
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At least Apple didn't say new & improved.

Hey, whatever happened to the I'm a Mac ads?
Hello, tap tap tap, is this thing on?

They stopped making quite some time ago.


I, for one, REALLY LOVE Torster for doing this!

Torster, thank you for finding this creative way to get Apple's attention. I've called Apple and written feedback on their site numerous time asking for a sliver of professional respect and have never received a response.

If you feel Apple has not given you your proper respect stop buying their products. If you can't live without them... grin and bear it.
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Right on all three--so they can stop with the marketing nonsense.

They can sell the current Mac Pro for the next 10 years. Just don't call a 2-year old product new. They just need to change the ad. Problem solved.

I'd rather have a truly new Mac Pro. In the absence of that, they just need to stop marketing the current one as "new" because its not.

The iPhone and iPad are updated every 12 months. Those are new. The Mac Pro is not.

Would your sense of morality be as great if the new Mac Pro was already out? Its doubtful, If that were the case I don't think we would even see this thread here. I suppose you could nitpick in order to feel like your getting back at Apple.
Two years go by and everyone seems to be perfectly content that this system is still trudging along at its pokey 2010 specs...

New graphics cards are about some new offerings there? I'd be thrilled to see a 6xxx series card working as officially supported in the Mac Pro. If Apple wanted to stick that in there and call the system "new" then I'd buy it. But they can't even do that.

According to everyone's logic here, the iPad shouldn't exist either because Intel and AMD don't have chips for those devices. The solution was generated by Apple with the Ax series of chips, and NOT waiting on external vendors to supply chips. They can't continue to innovate with their other gear, too?

What happened to innovation at Apple? You would think that a company with $100B in the bank could find someone who would give a *****.

And when did most everyone on here become OK with settling for mediocrity? I don't use a Windows system precisely because I don't want to settle for mediocrity.

Until they actually release something new, I have a problem with Apple calling the Mac Pro "new" because its not. You can defend them all you want with marketing double-speak and ad-man tricks and sleight of hand, but in reality everyone knows the product isn't new.

A company with the bottomless resources that Apple has doesn't deserve much slack on this. There's nothing wrong with holding their feet to to the fire.

A company with the bottomless resources that Apple has doesn't deserve much slack on this. There's nothing wrong with holding their feet to to the fire.

Mac OS X is a luxury, not a necessity. Hold Apple's feet to the fire by using a different product.
Two years go by and everyone seems to be perfectly content that this system is still trudging along at its pokey 2010 specs...

Because it's still the fastest Xeons being shipped by any OEM.

Can you buy a faster system from HP right now? Dell? No? Then stop complaining.

When Dell and HP are shipping their systems in actual volume, then Apple is overdue. I expect there will probably be movement in the next month as the production of the Xeons Apple is using winds down. Apple will be forced to make a move.
Hold Apple's feet to the fire by using a different product.

The company has enough money to stop taking in cash today and STILL pay salaries and benefits for 100% of their employees through 2020.

You can't say "Hit 'em in the pocketbook" because that won't work with Apple.



You really think everyone is content? If so, you must have missed the 400,000 threads full of people complaining.

No, I don't everyone is content. But there are a lot of people on this thread asking why I'm "wasting my time..." on this.

Right on all three--so they can stop with the marketing nonsense.

They can sell the current Mac Pro for the next 10 years. Just don't call a 2-year old product new. They just need to change the ad. Problem solved.


I understand how you want them to label their products, and that is fine (I agree with your new/old system); my point is that the FTC complaint idea is a meritless empty gesture.

American advertising laws and administrative regulatory bodies only care about consumer confusion and resulting harm (particularly of the type consumers cannot get a remedy for themselves; either because a lawsuit would not be worth it, or because they have already lost their arm, or their life, and no amount of money can fix that).

For all the lesser deceits, our system works by waiting for a competitor (say Dell for instances) to sue for unfair trade practices for false advertising.

Why should we tax the people to have a governmental body stop a corporation from calling their new device "new" for longer than sixty-days (or however long you believe "new" means), when that label is not causing anyone any harm?

Taxes cause harm; if you want to use taxes (the government) to stop something, morally (for me at least) you should do so only to prevent or stop a greater harm - everything else is tyranny.
2010 - 2012 = 10-15% speed increase. Stop complaining. If that 10% increase is what makes or breaks your project you need a hell of a lot more than incremental updates. Apple is acting like Apple has always acted. Are there really that many Apple newbs? I forget about the halo effect. Apple doesn't sell you any HW part that is latest and greatest until it is part of the selling ecosystem. You'll get upgrades after a 2012 is available. You'll be able to buy the options it has. Nothing more.
And it is still the fastest Mac ever. 8-cores at 2.4GHz, 6-Cores at 3.33GHz, 12-cores at 2.66GHz, 12-cores at 2.93GHz are still faster than anything Apple sells currently on the apps that they expect users to leverage when needing a Mac Pro. (meaning NOT iTunes and iPhoto). The quick i7 iMac is best for that for a whole host of reasons I do not feel like getting into all the time for everyone.
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