Two years go by and everyone seems to be perfectly content that this system is still trudging along at its pokey 2010 specs...
New graphics cards are about some new offerings there? I'd be thrilled to see a 6xxx series card working as officially supported in the Mac Pro. If Apple wanted to stick that in there and call the system "new" then I'd buy it. But they can't even do that.
According to everyone's logic here, the iPad shouldn't exist either because Intel and AMD don't have chips for those devices. The solution was generated by Apple with the Ax series of chips, and NOT waiting on external vendors to supply chips. They can't continue to innovate with their other gear, too?
What happened to innovation at Apple? You would think that a company with $100B in the bank could find someone who would give a *****.
And when did most everyone on here become OK with settling for mediocrity? I don't use a Windows system precisely because I don't want to settle for mediocrity.
Until they actually release something new, I have a problem with Apple calling the Mac Pro "new" because its not. You can defend them all you want with marketing double-speak and ad-man tricks and sleight of hand, but in reality everyone knows the product isn't new.
A company with the bottomless resources that Apple has doesn't deserve much slack on this. There's nothing wrong with holding their feet to to the fire.