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this has to be the funniest thread I've ever seen.

FTC complaints, the word 'New' being mysteriously removed from the mac pro page, '*******'.

Comedy GOLD!

seriously, though, I can understand where Torster's coming from. Calling products 'New' the way that apple does right up until they're replaced is a little weird.
It seems some people need to read Steve Job's autobiography here, then you might understand.

Apple will never listen to the public for what they want. There is one exception as far as I am aware (iPod Shuffle I think), but apart from that, the Apple ethos is to design new products, not to pander to consumer demands.

Henry Ford said:
If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said "a faster horse".

They've not done anything with the Mac Pro for a while. This is a bit sad; I have one, and would like to see the line continued, and I can only assume they're working on something big to replace it. But there's just as much chance they'll kill it. Sure that doesn't make much sense; they're used a lot in creative industries, but then Apple never was that serious about Enterprise/Education deployment anyway (Ask a sysadmin about Lion Server and he'll laugh, or cry, or both).

Lets see what happens around the release of Mountain Lion.

Frankly, for a company that's so controlling over the hardware implementation of their products, it's amazing we have a Mac Pro product at all!
I, for one, REALLY LOVE Torster for doing this!

Torster, thank you for finding this creative way to get Apple's attention. I've called Apple and written feedback on their site numerous time asking for a sliver of professional respect and have never received a response.

You are seriously mistaken if you think this will"get Apple's attention"or if they care.They will release new ones when they are ready,or let the product die.THEY DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING.Deal with it.
Two years go by and everyone seems to be perfectly content that this system is still trudging along at its pokey 2010 specs...

New graphics cards are about some new offerings there? I'd be thrilled to see a 6xxx series card working as officially supported in the Mac Pro. If Apple wanted to stick that in there and call the system "new" then I'd buy it. But they can't even do that.

According to everyone's logic here, the iPad shouldn't exist either because Intel and AMD don't have chips for those devices. The solution was generated by Apple with the Ax series of chips, and NOT waiting on external vendors to supply chips. They can't continue to innovate with their other gear, too?

What happened to innovation at Apple? You would think that a company with $100B in the bank could find someone who would give a *****.

And when did most everyone on here become OK with settling for mediocrity? I don't use a Windows system precisely because I don't want to settle for mediocrity.

Until they actually release something new, I have a problem with Apple calling the Mac Pro "new" because its not. You can defend them all you want with marketing double-speak and ad-man tricks and sleight of hand, but in reality everyone knows the product isn't new.

A company with the bottomless resources that Apple has doesn't deserve much slack on this. There's nothing wrong with holding their feet to to the fire.


Hey aren't you the guy who called 911 when McDonalds ran out of Chicken McNuggets?

Seriously,that's how you look for having a little hissy fit and filing this complaint.

For the record I have a mac pro and would like an update but this little stunt of yours is just not flattering to you.At all.And that's a huge understatement.
Dude, I've spent over $3,000,000 directly with Apple over the last 8 years.

I think I've earned the right to vent a little.

Ah ha, thought there might be a hidden agenda in all of this.

While you invested your money in Apple, I certainly think you got your money out of it by now. You gave them your money, they gave you the products, services & software. Seems like an even trade to me.

I don't see how buying their products allows you unlimited access to classified inside knowledge of the inner working of Apple, such as advanced release dates of their products and new products coming out.

Such information that could be used by their competitors for the next clone of the week. Look at just the hint of possibly a new smart tv in Steve Jobs biography to see that. Then at CES an influx of simular devices hit the market.
Because you like false advertising.

Because you do not want to understand it.

I'm sure you have a 100 percent proof for this assumption!


That is a pretty good question!

I don't give a sheert at all. Don't care this thread is beyond stupid.
If someone bought $3 million of Apple equipment and knowsthat it has been 2 years since an update of the MacPro, what possible monetary damage was suffered? If you buy a MacPro today are you getting something defective or deceptive -- or used? No. The specs are out there and Apple delivers a new machine with the advertised processor(s) cores, and other features. There are also lots of people who don't follow forums and buy things (computers cameras, etc.) when an update is around the corner. People on the forums who constantly ask whether they should buy the current model or wait for the next cabbage-fueled bio friendly gizmo. The advice is almost universally that if you wait, you will wait forever because something new is always on the horizon (though nobody knows exactly when). This is just the flip side. And it is one thing to complain to Apple that it is time for an upgrade, and another to complain to the FTC, where my and your tax dollars pay for someone to look at the complaint and see whether their limited enforcement resources should be devoted to such matters.
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Apple will never listen to the public for what they want. There is one exception as far as I am aware (iPod Shuffle I think), but apart from that, the Apple ethos is to design new products, not to pander to consumer demands.

Cult leaders try desperately to preserve their legacy after they're gone by enshrining the values that made them so special. It's BS.... Look at any old blue chip company, our Constitution, religions, etc. Apple will naturally decay into humdrum within just a few years.

Regarding the complaint - it was probably resolved with a friendly fax recommending they remove the word "new". Some manager said "Okay, that sounds fine". That was all.
I don't see how buying their products allows you unlimited access to classified inside knowledge of the inner working of Apple, such as advanced release dates of their products and new products coming out.

If you actually took the time to read the complaint, it was about Apple marketing the Mac Pro as "new" and not about forcing them to release information about the forthcoming Mac Pro. That wasn't included in the statement, so why are you insinuating something here that isn't factual?

They changed it and I'm satisfied. Now we can all wait for the next Mac Pro, if they actually decide to release one...



Regarding the complaint - it was probably resolved with a friendly fax recommending they remove the word "new". Some manager said "Okay, that sounds fine". That was all.

That was all I wanted. It got done and I'm satisfied.



Hey aren't you the guy who called 911 when McDonalds ran out of Chicken McNuggets? Seriously,that's how you look for having a little hissy fit and filing this complaint.

You're taken more seriously when you don't call people childish about the things they care about. You might not agree with the way this was done, but the end result was what I had requested. And I didn't need to insult anyone to get it accomplished.

TL is one thing to complain to Apple that it is time for an upgrade, and another to complain to the FTC, where my and your tax dollars pay for someone to look at the complaint and see whether their limited enforcement resources should be devoted to such matters.

The complaint was resolved without requiring intervention from FTC.

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