I gotta say the only thing stopping me from buying an iPad is the fact it doesn't have a proper OS. It should be a lot more open than it is, and based more on a mini-laptop/touchscreen tablet-style-netbook, rather than a massive iPhone, which is essentially what it is. I have apps on my iPhone, so they're not a selling point for iPad. I can surf the net on my iPhone, or with full flash and proper, 'full' internet on my Macbook when I'm at home, so I don't need to do that.. However, I'd love to have a tablet computer for doing all those things.. all of them...
An iPad with an OS X style OS would blow the netbook market wide open. Right now I can't justify buying an iPad cos my Macbook does everything my iPhone doesn't do.. so I kinda got all bases covered, eventhough I really want something along the lines of an iPad - a tablet PC I guess.
What I'm getting at is that the iPad's competition are going to be much more open source when it comes to their OS's, and I'll unfortunately eventually end up going in that direction - and this is a prime example of what's likely to happen on a larger scale.
IMO, Apple has opened the door, and I think competition is gonna be reminding Apple to not let it hit them on their asses on the way out. That is personal opinion, but of course I'm no kind of analyst or anything.
... and I'm definitely pro-Apple (I'd go as far as to say fanboy), but iPad just isn't versatile enough to dominate a market as well as iPhone seems to be doing.
Sincerely yours,
A dude who tried desperately to justify buying an iPad.. and failed.