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Is "Malata" Taiwanese for "crap pile"?

Seriously, how can you be impressed with that demo? Long wake up time, vent & fan (which he claims is because it's am prototype but who knows), janky interface which is still somewhat laggy despite the ARM A9. And how much battery life do you think it'll get. Plus, it doesn't play Flash so it can't differentiate itself there either. Good aspect ratio for modern movies, not so good for vertical use like for reading. Maybe they'll improve it but I'm not impressed and Apple probably got a good chuckle out of that instead of a scare.
Maybe I'm a little too picky, but I love the responsiveness of the iPad, especially in terms of scrolling/zooming. The transitions did not seem as smooth as the iPad. I have an android 2.1 phone, and though it is nice, you just cant compare it to the iPhone OS. This will be the same deal, a nice functional tablet, just different and not as polished as the iPad.
What about the Joke Joke ? That's been out for awhile now. Anyone seen the sales figures on that. Wasn't it supposed to take some of the steam from the iPad ? Anyone play with one ? Anyone ballsy enough to admit to buying one ?Or did they even sell one ? I think Amazon tried selling them.
You don't need iTunes to upload music, just transfer from computer

Every time I sync iPad, music I've bought on either the iPad or the Mac transfers automatically in both directions. I don't have to think about it. Why would I want to take a step backward and transfer files manually?
The best way to ensure that a product will not be the leader in the field? Call it an iKiller. Anything so far that has been labeled an iPod Killer, iPhone Killer, iPad Killer has done nothing of the sort.

'I notice that Apple has never released a:

- Microsoft killer
- Nokia killer
- HP killer
- Blackberry killer

They just seem to produce products that tens of millions of people like and get excited about. That is good enough for me.
Awful. Just awful. That is embarassing. They either have a bad design team or have people who do not design things making the design decisions.

This does not stand a chance. Next please.
looks like the screen is smaller, so it definately won't be able to kill the iPad in terms of reading a4-material.
All the ipad need is more RAM, USB ports, HDMI and mouse support, and it will never be surpassed.
Because it hasn't got an Apple logo branded on it, am I right???

Fans like you give the REST OF US a bad name.

So you assume I'm a fan....and assume it's because there is no apple logo I don't want it?

Mostly I hate android, and I have used this particular device, with the rock chip 600mhz chip....I'm telling you it's garbage
Let's be honest, the only people Apple have to worry about damaging iPad sales are Apple.

By scoring own goals with their other products.
that thing wont be an iPad killer... nothing will as long as it runs android... it just not smooth enough or simple enough...
I gotta say the only thing stopping me from buying an iPad is the fact it doesn't have a proper OS. It should be a lot more open than it is, and based more on a mini-laptop/touchscreen tablet-style-netbook, rather than a massive iPhone, which is essentially what it is. I have apps on my iPhone, so they're not a selling point for iPad. I can surf the net on my iPhone, or with full flash and proper, 'full' internet on my Macbook when I'm at home, so I don't need to do that.. However, I'd love to have a tablet computer for doing all those things.. all of them...

An iPad with an OS X style OS would blow the netbook market wide open. Right now I can't justify buying an iPad cos my Macbook does everything my iPhone doesn't do.. so I kinda got all bases covered, eventhough I really want something along the lines of an iPad - a tablet PC I guess.

What I'm getting at is that the iPad's competition are going to be much more open source when it comes to their OS's, and I'll unfortunately eventually end up going in that direction - and this is a prime example of what's likely to happen on a larger scale.

IMO, Apple has opened the door, and I think competition is gonna be reminding Apple to not let it hit them on their asses on the way out. That is personal opinion, but of course I'm no kind of analyst or anything.

... and I'm definitely pro-Apple (I'd go as far as to say fanboy), but iPad just isn't versatile enough to dominate a market as well as iPhone seems to be doing.

Sincerely yours,

A dude who tried desperately to justify buying an iPad.. and failed.
My theory is that if something is described as an iPad, iPhone, iPod, iMac, killer it won't be. As to truly kill it you have to become the new gold standard. Gold standards aren't compared to other things, other things are compared to it.
An Android device can definitely be a solid competitor. I hope one emerges soon. Choice is good, and so is competition.

"Killer" is a silly label and should be very rarely used when a product totally obsoletes another - like you could say email is a "fax killer." A competing tablet will not "kill" the iPad unless it's a huge leap and everyone agrees to the point that Apple can't sell iPads anymore at any price.

Widescreen probably sounded like a good idea in a meeting, but in practice, creates issues with content other than video - particularly books, and to a lesser degree, magazines and Web sites.

The keys to me for any competitor are:

- battery life must be comparable
- no moving parts
- doesn't get hot
- strong preference for a way to get 3g/4g service directly on the device
- user interface designed for touch from the ground up

iPhone OS and Android seem like the two viable OS options today. There are lots of ways to approach the hardware. I would consider a smaller device than the iPad if I could fit in a coat pocket, and I might consider a larger device but it's unlikely in my case. However, I could see a range of options in sizing to appeal to different niches ... perhaps 7", 10" and 12" or so. Not all necessarily from the same manufacturer. For instance, HTC might launch a 7" device and Samsung launches a 12" one that compete both with each other and with the iPad.

The question is whether the market is big enough to support multiple well-supported options ... but I'm rooting for this type of thing to unfold. I have no loyalty to any brand and will happily stick with the iPad or iPad 2, and I will just as happily move to a competing device if I think it's better overall for my needs and use patterns.
One thing odd is it is not going to be able to use apps for the Android handset. I think it will ultimately make a good platform. It would seem they are rushing the product to market, so it may suffer from some rough edges to get it out there before the potential market buys a pad as it is all there is. This issue with software incompatibility with already developed apps is small indicator.

Competition is good for the industry, creates a vitality necessary to keep the cutting edge on stuff. Companies, use Microsoft as an example, got soft as a long time leader with no competition. Windows became a slow buggy bloated platform. No need to compete, no need to improve.

I've had the lack of OS file system discussion on many levels. If you get that, the system becomes more complicated from the operator standpoint. The iPad is not designed to replace you notebook, it is something different. Ergo why, being in an airport on a trip as I type, have both an iPad and Macbook Pro in my carry on. One is for work, one is for me. One is more for entertainment and information and the other to produce output. You put too many gizmos on your Swiss Army Knife, it becomes so fat it will not fit in your pocket anymore.
If your Audio Game ain't tight, you can't kill the iPad. The iPad is a Musicians Friend.

The only thing that can KILL an iPad IMO is a Tablet the same size / battery that can Run a Full OS and real applications.
after owning 2 android phones and 3 iphones i've realized the android is a cheap knock off of the iphone. the features are there but everything is not done with thoughtfulness and quality. android is not as friendly to use as the iphone. the same will go for the tablet.
This "iPad killer" nonsense reminds me of the good ole' "iPhone killer" debacle. Many tried, all failed.
Sorry, but this post and most like it are ridiculous. It won't even be a strong contender. Heck it won't even be an also ran, most people will never even know it exists.

At this point we don't even have a strong competitor that is clearly in 2nd place, let alone something to beat iPad.

It certainly isn't another me too Android tablet from a largely unknown Company.

A real Contender must:
Come from a company with solid brand recognition (MS,HP,DELL, Google, Samsung, ASUS).
Include High quality components (No crappy TN screen or resistive touch).
Match/exceed interface response times.
Have a equal/lower price.
Have additional features to market (SD/USB/HDMI/Flash).
Be backed with serious marketing dollars.

Even then you need a real Killer feature (that no one has yet announced) if you want to be an iPad killer.

One example:

Google Chrome Tablet:
IMO I can't see why anyone would want a tablet that was only a browser when you can do all the browser stuff already and have native apps as well.

Unless Google has a Killer feature up it's sleeve. Here is what it might look like:
Free 3G Internet! That would be a disruptive killer feature.

But so far we don't even have a strong contender let alone a strong contender with the killer feature one top to make it considered an iPad killer.
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