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Personally, I will never understand why people want a 16:9 table. it just seems weird to me to have this elongated tablet sitting around.

The only thing that can KILL an iPad IMO is a Tablet the same size / battery that can Run a Full OS and real applications.

Same size and battery life sure, but full OS no. Tablets have been around for around a decade now and have always had full OS (granted they have also been chunky) and they just have never had mass market appeal. We have a standard windows tablet here at work and the thing is just awful. The problem is full desktop OS's are designed for keyboard and mouse interface and you put that onto a touch tablet and things just dont work right.

Plus tablet are supposed to be easy and quick, you just pick it up and go. full OS doesnt work like that as they have slow start ups (comparatively) and also require maintenance (Anti-virus and what not). Sure geeks like us don't mind dealing with that stuff so much, but your average consumer does not.

great example is the tablet we have at work people use it all the time and are used to it. but once they tried my ipad (which i use at work extensively) they all want one of those instead, especially for home use, because its easier and just works.

Okay ranting done now:D
Same size and battery life sure, but full OS no. Tablets have been around for around a decade now and have always had full OS (granted they have also been chunky) and they just have never had mass market appeal. We have a standard windows tablet here at work and the thing is just awful. The problem is full desktop OS's are designed for keyboard and mouse interface and you put that onto a touch tablet and things just dont work right.

Plus tablet are supposed to be easy and quick, you just pick it up and go. full OS doesnt work like that as they have slow start ups (comparatively) and also require maintenance (Anti-virus and what not). Sure geeks like us don't mind dealing with that stuff so much, but your average consumer does not.


What a lot of people forget is that markets are defined by the consumer, not the product. Focussing on the tech specs is backwards in a lot of ways; it focusses on what the product does, instead of what the user does with it.
You know it's compliment enough to Apple products to have products from other companies come out that constantly get labeled as "XXX Apple Product Killer". If you're the company on top, then that's good enough.

However, I think it's like's just another product in the marketplace. I love my Android phone, but have Apple everything else. Regardless of whoever else follows Apple into the tablet market, Apple (for a long time I am guessing) will be seen as the leader.

+1 I'm in the same boat as you and could not agree with you more.
Again with these threads? Don't you have something better to do? Everyone is TRYING to copy the iPad and be better, but we all know that will not work.. You don't need to be an Apple fanboy to understand this too.
The iPad killer will be the Rev2 iPad released next year. Closest thing to an iPad killer released this year is the iPhone 4.
USGIshimura said:
You DO NOT put a full OS designed for mouse and keyboard on a touch device. PERIOD.

I recall seeing many Mac owners posting that they hoped the new Apple tablet would run a full OSX before the launch.

In time I can see a tablet doing both, unless you always intend to hold a tablet back from advancing.

With enough power there is no reason why a tablet could not be a simple tablet as of now and also a MacBook replacement.
In theory, there is no reason you couldn't put a new UI on OS X or Windows 7 and make it completely touch-friendly.

In practice:

1 - the amount of UI, design, product requirements, development and QA that it would take for this to be seamless would be off the charts.
2 - any small device with no moving parts, Flash memory, no fan and that stays cool to the touch after hours of operation is unlikely to have the horsepower to run a current-generation desktop OS responsively.
3 - if you raise the horsepower enough to make this viable, the battery life plummets since the device uses a lot more power per unit of time. There's no reason for an iPad or similar device to exist if the battery life is below about 5 hours and I personally wouldn't consider a device of this type with below about 7 or 8 hours of advertised battery life.
while it is not as sexy as the iPad it does have a nice design.

features as of now:

HDMI output for 1080p video output

USB ports

and is based on the ARM Cortex A9 based Nvidia Tegra 2 processor.

You don't need iTunes to upload music, just transfer from computer.

see at

Looks like all the iPhone killers that haven't killed the iPhone.

The specs look nice, but as Rhallwell1 said that there has not been a real iPhone killer so far.... not seeing it as a killer....

While the specs of this one is what many of us would have liked for the iPad..
Ugh, what an absolutely terrible presenter. I couldn't watch the video in it's entirety because of his annoying, nasally voice, and his generally annoying demeanor...

In any case, looks like a solidly designed piece of hardware, but of course it's gonna flop.
In time I can see a tablet doing both, unless you always intend to hold a tablet back from advancing.

With enough power there is no reason why a tablet could not be a simple tablet as of now and also a MacBook replacement.

In Time I can also see the possibility, but as of right now it just doesn't work. and there are companies that do still plan on trying soon, though if i'm remembering correctly those plan do use custom linux distros rather then windows.

Though I gotta admit, as for my own personal opinion I think that once tablets can use full OS correctly we may be on more simplistic OS's anyways (akin to current mobile OS's like iphone and andriod). Just look at the trend the original OS's were beasts to handle and quite complicated and every subsequent one, even windows, has been getting progressively more simplistic and easier to use. Now this is of course just my crazy opinion, and in the end it will come down to consumer opinion so who knows. :D
Another POS ipad knockoff that won't see the light of day. If anyone can put a desktop OS on a tablet that doesn't suck it's Apple.
while it is not as sexy as the iPad it does have a nice design.

features as of now:

HDMI output for 1080p video output

USB ports

and is based on the ARM Cortex A9 based Nvidia Tegra 2 processor.

You don't need iTunes to upload music, just transfer from computer.

see at

Did this guy find this laying on the sidewalk? He doesn't seem to know anything about it. My impression? Compared to the iPad, it leaves a lot to be desired. And no, it has nothing to do with it not being made by Apple.
I found this iPad Killer:


Just put the point in the middle of the iPad screen and lightly tap the other end with a hammer or mallet.
Because it hasn't got an Apple logo branded on it, am I right???

Fans like you give the REST OF US a bad name.

No, it's because it's a lesser product with a lesser design.

"You can tell that without even using it....just from a video?"


Done deal.

When you come up with a killer of something the best you can come up with is what you're trying to defeat. Look MS and how their killers of "insert all technology products" turned out. As long as you limit yourself to be that, there is no way you can come up with something really ground breaking.
Has there ever been a killer of anything?

Like, a product that came out after a successful product, and made it radically less successful?
It needs Froyo. For whatever reason, even the fastest mobile processor and all the ram in the world couldn't stop the Android from lag. Froyo (Android 2.2) on the other hand really boosts performance and adds all sorts of great features and improvements.
Has there ever been a killer of anything?

Like, a product that came out after a successful product, and made it radically less successful?

I'm not sure about with hardware, but with software probably so...Avid killed Media 100 and pretty much all linear edit systems, in turn Final Cut Pro sort of killed Avid, After Effects helped to kill Shake and other popular but very expensive compositing systems like Harriet suites (by becoming powerful enough and inexpensive), Illustrator killed FreeHand (although it ended in acquisition), Xcode killed CodeWarrior, Fetch (and others) killed FTP, Internet Explorer killed Mosaic and AOL, iTunes killed every other music jukebox app, QuickTime, Flash, and WMV killed Real.

In the music world there are examples, 8-track being killed by the cassette, tape/vinyl being killed by the CD, CDs being killed by downloadable content. Same with video VHS --> DVD/TiVo --> streaming.

But yeah, you're right, mostly when everything is described as a [something]-killer, it's not. Just people trying to get excited about something new. Of course it's not helped by analysts and writers who fan the flames to keep interest and selling whatever it is they sell.
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