Of course it's stale. It hasn't changed since launch. And a 4" screen is archaic as well. While I will never buy a Note b/c quite frankly it is too awkward for me to hold and too large to put in my pocket, the GS2 has been the best phone for me so far.
You're right that the iOS home screen hasn't changed since launch. It still serves its purpose well- to get you in and out of apps. Android and iOS take two different approaches to the same thing. In Android you get options at the cost of simplicity, and in iOS you get simplicity at the cost of options. Some people just don't want to fiddle with their phone any more than they need to, and there's nothing wrong with that. I understand the desire to customize, as well- and Android is great for that.
Now, what makes a 4" inch screen "archaic"? Does a 5" screen magically make your phone run faster? Does a 6" screen unlock desktop-like power? I fail to see the connection here. Should somebody just cut to the chase and sell a 72" phone? I suppose that would be "cutting edge", wouldn't it?
I don't particularly care about screen size on my phones. I never defended the 3.5" screen as the perfect size, and I didn't care too much either way when the iPhone 5 went to a 4" display. Was it nice? Sure. But screen size isn't a deal-breaker for everybody...