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I dont understand, this is what you said on another thread.

Have had a iphone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S and 5. Now I have a Galaxy Note 2, and sorry I don't agree with you fanboys here. The Note 2 is a much better phone than the iphone 5 was. Screen size, resolution, features, size, weight, battery life, etc. It is built solid and I don't have to worry too much if I drop it as I did the iphone as it would either shatter, or dent/chip.

The Note 2 fits perfectly fine in pockets. It is not that big as you make it be. you guys are use to the little tiny iphone and need to get over it.

When someone said this;

Yes I liked the note 2s battery life also but I also can honestly say the iPhones battery life is great to not as good as the notes but the problems I had with the Note came down to the screen is blue to me now I'm not saying its not beautiful it is but the responsiveness is not as good and for all everyday things I do the iPhone was faster in most aspects.

Your reply was this;

Umm the responsiveness is snappy and fast. Much faster then the iphone was. If you have a lot of APPs left open, sure it;s going to slow down a little because it actually multitasks in real life unlike the iphone it doesn't multitask. So you need to close apps down. Can't blame the phone for a user error.

You might have been using it wrong. :rolleyes:

You also could not provide a link to the "Big topic" on the Android forums that I requested, it is not the first time that you have not provided a link when asked though, is it? Are you still looking for the link to Amazon and Apple for the used Mac Mini for sale in the $100 range when challenged to do so in the market place?

Here's what you said;

Guess you should tell Apple or Amazon they are worth that because they are only offering in the $100 range like someone mentioned above. There is a reason why this guy has yet to sell his after 4 months.. :rolleyes:

The very next post asked you for a link, he's still waiting.

Then in all seriousness, give me a link so I can pick one up in the $100 range. Also, again in all seriousness, where on Apple's website is the sale page or data posted for the worth of a 2009 Mac Mini?

You have lost credibility in my eyes so I will not be responding to you further.

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Obviously some people can't search. There is a large topic and if I can find it I will post it. But here are MANY other topics of LAG causes. There are 1000's of posts regarding LAG on this phone. It's a fact. You can't deny it. Proof below of just a quick search as I don't have time to dig deeper due to work. It maybe FAST, and it is faster than the iphone, but it LAGS in areas where it's important. I got tired of it. Yes I liked it and still do.

Oh, and he never sold it for what he was asking. So yea, he had to lower his price a lot on the Mini that was 5-6 years old. LOL Try again.

And Personal attacks on this forum is not allowed Dave. Reported.
Umm there is a lot of lag on the note 2. I am switching back to a iPhone 5 as I am done with my note 2 after 3 months.

If you see lag on the note 2 either you have a defective model or all the models I've seen myself are exceptions to the rule

Give it another shot
If you see lag on the note 2 either you have a defective model or all the models I've seen myself are exceptions to the rule

Give it another shot

I tried it for 4 months. I know what I am talking about. So you are saying everyone and all those topics out there are lying?
This don't make sense. What does rooting has to do with performance? Rooting just add superuser rights. And what does app performance has to do with rooting?

I dont use flipboard but just you know a laggy android app compared to ios version only means that particular app lags (not the whole phone generally). Why app lags? There can be many reasons (bad coding/not optimized etc). But there are also many equivalent apps on both platforms that performs equally fast and some work faster on android like opera mini.

Dont take my words for it. Look at this browser page load test, S3 (without Flash plugin) loads pages/websites much faster than iphone5.

Want more?. How about boot up time test? S3 is noticably faster.

Still want some more? How about the notorious SLOW iphone browser/list scroll speed?

Inspite of all the above proof, I don't go around telling the whole world as a general fact the Iphone5 lags big time. But basing on your and nizmoz way of reasoning ==> Iphone 5 LAGS. :p

Clearing the bloatware off the phone has cleared most of the lag off.

Also the ability to overclock has helped as well.

Please don't get condescending before getting all the facts.
So there you go. 3 secs lag was a statistical anomaly and should be discarded.

I think 1 secs delay before screen on in answer mode is OK. You don't want the screen to come on just because you move your hand a bit.

Which app is that? maybe it is due to bugs in the app. e.g. facebook on android used to be horribly slow until the native code version was released. Now I dont detect much difference on both platforms.

Therefore I dont see your rationale in declaring Note2 lags. Anyone who has used the phone knows it is very snappy. smoothness in the app drawer is no different than iphone5 springboard. in fact for most apps you will find no difference.


Please read the previous post otherwise you have no idea what transpired.

the 1 sec is the time before the screen comes on when you move the phone from your ear. Why is so ridiculous? Phone should ascertain that you really have moved the phone away from your ear (i.e. more than 1 sec of detection in the light/proximity sensor)

Not sure what your point is, but my note 2 lags, maybe its just mine I don't know. Having to wait a second between doing stuff on the phone app is pitiful imo, especially when I have someone on hold and I'm waiting to put them on speakerphone and switch to contact to look up a number, for example. I'm not saying its a deal breaker, but I do miss the instant response on my iPhone. Also just because the android browser doesn't hang on web pages like ios doesn't mean the os doesn't lag, 2 completely different things.

Its weird how some take this personally. I like my note 2, I don't love it, but its a decent phone and overall I'm happy with it. But it does have some issues, maybe myself and all the other people in this thread who said their phone lags have defective models, who knows, I can only report what my particular phone does.
Just wondering those that have lag are any with the international version? Ive never had any issue with mine, how much bloatware do your carriers load on?
Just wondering those that have lag are any with the international version? Ive never had any issue with mine, how much bloatware do your carriers load on?

The only lag i ever see with my International version is when i make the first scroll in widgets menu after the first swipe it's smooth.
Just upgraded from s3 to note 2,and this is the best phone ever hands down. The iPhone is a toy while the note can easily replace a phone and tablet for me.
Just wondering those that have lag are any with the international version? Ive never had any issue with mine, how much bloatware do your carriers load on?

Mine is ATT. I've heard the international ones are very smooth and I believe its a popular ROM to flash. I may flash that onto mine, as I don't want to lose multi screen.
Mine is ATT. I've heard the international ones are very smooth and I believe its a popular ROM to flash. I may flash that onto mine, as I don't want to lose multi screen.
I use CleanROM ACE, which is based on the international version. I like it. I run it with TouchWiz 5x6 layout which to me is much better use of this nice large screen. The stock 4x4 grid to me is a waste of space.

Aroma Installer Options:
Boot Animationn Typ: Stock, Custom (See post #2 for more info)
Carriers: Verizon, AT&T, Canadian, Generic GT-N7105, T-Mobile
Status Bar: Verizon, AT&T, Generic
Keyboards: Stock Samsung, Android 4.2, Swype
Launchers: Stock TouchWiz, Touchwiz 5x4 layout, TouchWiz 5x6 Layout, Apex Launcher, Nova Launcher, AOSP Launcher
File Manager: ES File Explorer or Stock File Manager
Google Apps: Play Store, Gmail, Google Now, Maps, Street View for Maps, Talk, YouTube, Play Music, Voice, Google+, Google News and Weather
Samsung Apps: S Voice, AllShare, Kies Air, Mobile Print, Group Cast, Samsung Photo Editor, Samsung App Store, Paper Artist
Misc Apps: Multi Window Control, Ad Blocking HOST file, Drop Box, Terminal Emulator, Polaris Office 4, Adobe Flash
International N7105XXDMB6 Jellybean 4.1.2 Base
Multi Window Control to add or remove any app you want!
WiFi Tether Unlocked!
Unsecure boot image with init.d support!
Samsung Find My Mobile capable!
Long Press to skip music tracks with screen off!
Additional Ringtones and Fonts!
Performance and Stability that is nothing short of Legendary!

Do you use your phone for active sports? I work out a lot and use my phone to play music, track my heart rate, keep a log of my routines and progress I make. The Note 2 is obnoxiously large for that. If I have to buy a standalone MP3 player, I'm devolving as a person technologically. (However, the iPod Touch 5G is fantastic all around)

Secondly, I would 'test drive' Android. Things run really well but it's a trade off:

You gain the customize friendly interface and on-screen widgets, at the expense of losing the in-app refine and finish of iOS.

Application stores are more or less on par.

Don't try to read science/engineering textbooks on a Note 2, but it can serve as a reader for fiction/non-science books.

I have a MUCH MUCH easier time 'dealing' with PDF's using Android than I do iOS. It's my one true creed of owning an iPhone/iPad Mini is that I absolutely dread having to open PDF files
I use CleanROM ACE, which is based on the international version. I like it. I run it with TouchWiz 5x6 layout which to me is much better use of this nice large screen. The stock 4x4 grid to me is a waste of space.


You won't lose the multi screen with ace rom. It makes the note 2 experience a lot better!

Very nice, I'll have to give it a try.
I tried it for 4 months. I know what I am talking about. So you are saying everyone and all those topics out there are lying?

The beauty of android is all the ROM choices. I myself am a developer for the T-889 (T-Mobile) variant. My ROM is stock based with a snappier kernel and all around speed enhancements. No lag here whatsoever.
The beauty of android is all the ROM choices. I myself am a developer for the T-889 (T-Mobile) variant. My ROM is stock based with a snappier kernel and all around speed enhancements. No lag here whatsoever.

Great to hear, but I rather have a phone that doesn't require you to replace the Software to make it work properly.
The beauty of android is all the ROM choices. I myself am a developer for the T-889 (T-Mobile) variant. My ROM is stock based with a snappier kernel and all around speed enhancements. No lag here whatsoever.

Killa, did you come from iOS? What do you see as the pro's and con's making the jump? I'm considering picking up a Note II
Great to hear, but I rather have a phone that doesn't require you to replace the Software to make it work properly.

It works awesome out of the box. It works awesomer with a few tweaks.

By your logic, the aftermarket car industry and the entire concept of home renovations shouldn't exist.
I use CleanROM ACE, which is based on the international version. I like it. I run it with TouchWiz 5x6 layout which to me is much better use of this nice large screen. The stock 4x4 grid to me is a waste of space.


I just started using cleanrom as well and it's amazingly smooth and stable. Feels like it combines the stability of the iphone and the features and customization of Android +Samsung
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