Can someone PM me the gbabios.bin?
ajl917, I just did a google search for it. I can't remember the site I got it from though...
While I appreciate the effort, I just don't think these emulators will ever be any good until someone revolutionizes the control setup. Sadly, I lack the technical knowledge to implement my idea...which is basically to ignore the idea that the controls have to be visible at all, and run the games full-screen - relying solely on multi-touch for controls. Try to imagine invisible buttons super-imposed over the screen. This will allow you to use more of the screen and spread the controls out so that playing isn't so difficult.
Seems good, in theory. I've often thought of such approaches myself, but. Then you realize that you only get a sliver of the screen remaining when your hands are on the controls.
Can someone try Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem and Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire to see how these run?
And any ETA on sound?
Is it just me, or is there NOT a save feature? Like I downloaded and installed Pokemon for ***** and giggles and there is no way I can play the whole game without quitting out once.
I'd like to see it, I always have my iPhone with me but rarely feel like lugging around my DS. There is anough screen real estate to show both DS screens, but control might be a problem. No physical buttons/d-pad and a finger is going to be a lot less accurate than a stylus (although more convenient). My guess is that DS games would be frustrating on the iPhone. But, they sure are selling a lot of them, we need original games that best take advantage of the iPhone's interface, or ports that take that into consideration.Great! Now all we need a is DS emulator...there's more than enough screen real estate, but the iPhone's hardware probably can't handle it is my guess.
EDIT: Leopard support...
I'd like to see it, I always have my iPhone with me but rarely feel like lugging around my DS. There is anough screen real estate to show both DS screens, but control might be a problem.
you can save, it creates .sav files and everything, (at least it's saving my megaman games)