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i installed this and i was wonderin how do i put roms into this??
and it says "sorry but gpsp requires a bameboy adware ...."
wat does that mean
Can someone try Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem and Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire to see how these run?

And any ETA on sound?
I can't get this to work for me.

Downloaded version .5 from the website. Opened package and copied over the bios. SFTPed it to the touch Application folder, confirmed 755, put a few .gba rom files in the /ROMs/GBA/ folder, rebooted touch.

When I run the app I get the list of roms ok, but whichever rom i select i get a gba control layout but the screen is and stays black. Eventually if i press some buttons it crashes back to the touch frontmenu.

Is there something basic I'm doing wrong? You just need the .gba file yes? You don't need to do anything to it? :confused:
This new version is awesome! Good job zodttd! The only thing that needs fixing is the B button and the start button. The B button doesn't work at all and the start button stops working after you press it a couple times. Also, the sound is choppy and there's no volume control to raise or lower the volume. Besides these things, everything is perfect!
Just installed this on my phone and am enjoying it a lot! The games Ive tried run pretty well, just a little choppy here and there. Anybody know of any games that run perfectly yet?

update: I just noticed that the only control problems i am having are that the "B" doesn't work and that "right" is actually "right"+"B"
While I appreciate the effort, I just don't think these emulators will ever be any good until someone revolutionizes the control setup. Sadly, I lack the technical knowledge to implement my idea...which is basically to ignore the idea that the controls have to be visible at all, and run the games full-screen - relying solely on multi-touch for controls. Try to imagine invisible buttons super-imposed over the screen. This will allow you to use more of the screen and spread the controls out so that playing isn't so difficult.

sorry if this is a stupid question. But were can i find the gba bios. I have been searching for forever!. Thanks
i found a bios and put it in. I can now start the game but the screen is blank and all of the buttons are unresponsive. Is there a link someone can give me to a game they know works so i can test it out?
can someone explain me the process of installing this bios and all that.... why doesnt it just come in the package and do it auto...... i have the bios downloaded i think but i want to make sure it all works correctly ......

and does nebody know where i can get mario kart?
While I appreciate the effort, I just don't think these emulators will ever be any good until someone revolutionizes the control setup. Sadly, I lack the technical knowledge to implement my idea...which is basically to ignore the idea that the controls have to be visible at all, and run the games full-screen - relying solely on multi-touch for controls. Try to imagine invisible buttons super-imposed over the screen. This will allow you to use more of the screen and spread the controls out so that playing isn't so difficult.


Seems good, in theory. I've often thought of such approaches myself, but. Then you realize that you only get a sliver of the screen remaining when your hands are on the controls. It's a great idea for perhaps... a new, stand alone game made specifically for the iphone/ipod touch, but for these classics, I think visible controls and a somewhat scaled screen is needed.
I tried the pokemon fire red but it was pretty laggy and no sound :( maybe I should try the 0.0.5 version.
Seems good, in theory. I've often thought of such approaches myself, but. Then you realize that you only get a sliver of the screen remaining when your hands are on the controls.

I initially felt the same, but when I put a game screenshot on my phone to simulate what it would look like, I noticed that only my thumbs would be on the screen, and that they would be moving so much that they would never really block the screen to the point that you couldn't see what you were doing.
before trying anything outlandish with the control scheme, focus should be on smoothness of the games and sound performance imo.
Can someone try Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem and Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire to see how these run?

And any ETA on sound?

They all work except Pokemon Sapphire, it crashes gpSPhone for some reason. Sound is choppy though, and the controls are messed up, you can read tamakin's post for details. Great job so far. Hopefully they can make the gameplay screen bigger, and support for landscape view.
This is really annoying, I've set the correct permissions and it still crashes whenever I try to run a game. I even downloaded one of the homebrew games and nothing. I've tried two bios files as well.
OK I got it working.

Basically it seems like not all bios files work. I had a bios left over from another emu I used to use and I thought it would work but, it didn't. Hunted around and eventually found another one which did work. So if you are getting a black screen or crashes, try a different bios file.

Second thing to be aware of is it does take a moment to start up, on some roms more than others - so just coz you have a black screen doesn't mean it died, give it a moment.

Third - I read one post here saying they got Advance Wars to run. I just get crashes. Can anyone confirm that Advance Wars/AW II works?

Very cool emu by the way, especially if you can live without sound hehe
Is it just me, or is there NOT a save feature? Like I downloaded and installed Pokemon for ***** and giggles and there is no way I can play the whole game without quitting out once.
Is it just me, or is there NOT a save feature? Like I downloaded and installed Pokemon for ***** and giggles and there is no way I can play the whole game without quitting out once.

you can save, it creates .sav files and everything, (at least it's saving my megaman games)
Great! Now all we need a is DS emulator...there's more than enough screen real estate, but the iPhone's hardware probably can't handle it is my guess.

EDIT: Leopard support...
I'd like to see it, I always have my iPhone with me but rarely feel like lugging around my DS. There is anough screen real estate to show both DS screens, but control might be a problem. No physical buttons/d-pad and a finger is going to be a lot less accurate than a stylus (although more convenient). My guess is that DS games would be frustrating on the iPhone. But, they sure are selling a lot of them, we need original games that best take advantage of the iPhone's interface, or ports that take that into consideration.

Is it possible to make a stylus that simulates a finger (has capacitance or whatever makes it work)? This would be a nice accessory, but since you can't count on every iPhone having one (and there's no easy way to carry it with an iPhone since there's no slot for it), I can't see it being successful.
I'd like to see it, I always have my iPhone with me but rarely feel like lugging around my DS. There is anough screen real estate to show both DS screens, but control might be a problem.

Certain games like Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk, Pokemon etc. would be PERFECT for the iPhone, just being touch screen, and not need stylus accuracy.
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