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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2005
After wading through the plethora of different O2 Edge settings, I finally got data working on my unlocked 1.1.1 iPhone with a Pay & Go SIM + £7.50 Web Bolt-On. It is important to remember that full EDGE speeds are only available for those with Pay Monthly or SIMplicity SIM cards, so Pay & Go customers will have to settle for GPRS speeds. Also, you will only be able to send and receive from an email account via their email servers ( +

Remember, the £7.50 Web Bolt-On is not required - you can still use data without it and the usage will be debited from your calltime balance. Pricey but maybe better for those who only plan to use the data apps over the cell network very occasionally.

UPDATE: I have now upgraded my unlocked US iPhone to 1.1.2 so I am now updating this guide to accommodate 1.0.2, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. I am providing the files that I have used to make this setup as simple and painfree as possible!

This guide assumes you have a fully jailbroken iPhone with SSH/SFTP access. - Either a fully unlocked US model with the 1.0.2, 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 firmware, or a jailbroken UK model with 1.1.2.

1) Download the appropriate zip file for your iPhone's firmware:
1.0.2 or 1.1.1 -
1.1.2 -

2) Unzip the file and you will find the files you need to upload to your iPhone. Open the README.rtf which details the upload locations for each file. Remember to make backups for any file you overwrite as I cannot be responsible for anything going wrong (although this is pretty safe stuff!!)

3) Restart your iPhone by fully turning it off and then back on again. Fire up Safari to check you have a connection. It may be slow but it's better than nothing and saving you the unnecessary monthly contract!

It works for me on 1.0.2

Thanks! It worked the first time (though on my iPhone there was no UnknownCarrier.plist). I was not aware that gprs is so painfully slow. At least google maps works acceptably slow, but web pages take ages to load.

OK i followed the guide but im confused because it isnt working and just showing me the usual NSURLDomain 1005 error however one thing i dont understand is the last step where i have to save the prefrences file into the '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/' your guide says overwrite the file and back it up but i have no prefrences file there instead i have other files but not that one if i try and just copy it in with the bold text nothing i also change the file in the Root section the original one but still the same error. Orange UK works fine with the internet and so does vodafone but i want to be able to use the O2 Bolt On please help.

OK i followed the guide but im confused because it isnt working and just showing me the usual NSURLDomain 1005 error however one thing i dont understand is the last step where i have to save the prefrences file into the '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/' your guide says overwrite the file and back it up but i have no prefrences file there instead i have other files but not that one if i try and just copy it in with the bold text nothing i also change the file in the Root section the original one but still the same error. Orange UK works fine with the internet and so does vodafone but i want to be able to use the O2 Bolt On please help.


I've since realised that some people may not have the 'UnknownCarrier.plist' file, so I have revised my guide so you just need to create it as a new file and upload it to the relevant directory. No need for the EDGE fix package. Plus, this way you get the added bonus of getting rid of an annoying "Call Forwarding Active" message everytime you make a call.

Also, my bad - I mentioned uploading the 'preferences.plist' to the wrong directory. It needs to be uploaded to exactly the same directory as the original. I have amended that in the guide also. Sorry!

Try going through the guide again from the top and hopefully it should work out for you.
OK iv followed those changes but still no luck the exact error is Safari cant open the page. the error was: £lost network connection" (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005)

Any ideas anybody?


thanks again mate.
Hello AntMan... could you point me in right direction... I have followed these instructions...
Turned on data roaming... and now everytime without wifi I turn on safari or mail or any other web interacted app.... it closes straight down...
I am using a 1.1.1 version...and using a o2 payandgo card...

What have i missed :)

OK iv followed those changes but still no luck the exact error is Safari cant open the page. the error was: £lost network connection" (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005)

Any ideas anybody?


thanks again mate.

how do u turn roaming on thanks
how do u turn roaming on thanks

Settings > General > Network

There should be a Data Roaming switch there, although there should be no reason why you should need to change this for use with a SIM in your own country.
has any body tried this on a UK 1.1.2 that has been downgraded to 1.1.1 then activated and then upgraded back? i would like to know if this method works for UK iphones using Pay as you go sims. As in the Uk version there is no way of changing the GPRS settings in the menu system on the phone. Thanks
has any body tried this on a UK 1.1.2 that has been downgraded to 1.1.1 then activated and then upgraded back? i would like to know if this method works for UK iphones using Pay as you go sims. As in the Uk version there is no way of changing the GPRS settings in the menu system on the phone. Thanks

Just got this working with a contract sim, followed the above steps only difference was that i entered;


in the - UnknownCarrier.plist

But additionally - also im using the 'services' app from installer to switch on and off edge/wifi/bluetooh and ssh

after the above changes and booting phone with edge OFF - turning it ON - then brings up the Carrier settings box and I chose other - it asks for custom apn when requested - - then edge turns on fine.
Just got this working with a contract sim, followed the above steps only difference was that i entered;


in the - UnknownCarrier.plist

But additionally - also im using the 'services' app from installer to switch on and off edge/wifi/bluetooh and ssh

after the above changes and booting phone with edge OFF - turning it ON - then brings up the Carrier settings box and I chose other - it asks for custom apn when requested - - then edge turns on fine.

thanks for that TX1812, i will give it ago so the apn is just i hope this gets gprs working on a pay as you go i dont see why it shouldnt. Oh one more thing i am trying to do all that downgrading and i am missing a file i need i have pm'd you if by any chance you can help thanks again.
thanks for that TX1812, i will give it ago so the apn is just i hope this gets gprs working on a pay as you go i dont see why it shouldnt. Oh one more thing i am trying to do all that downgrading and i am missing a file i need i have pm'd you if by any chance you can help thanks again.

I wouldn't do this yet with 1.1.2. While there are ways of jailbreaking and activating, there is no finalised unlocking solution yet which is what you need if you want to use your own SIM card. Wait for an updated version of AnySIM (Note that the recently released AnySIM 1.2 was not an official Dev Team release and has a lot of issues).

For PAYG, the only APN settings that work are the ones I have detailed in my original guide. The one is for contract SIMs only.
Thanks headspace, so do you think it would be wise to just wait for an unlock to come along before i try and use an O2 pay as you go sim? i would want to use GPRS and all the phones functions and i dont mind waiting a week or so more if this means it will be right.
I no people have it working by downgrading them upgrading again but its the GPRS settings that is worring me as they are differant on O2 pay as u go and as that menu is no longer there on the phone once an unlock comes along this problem will hopefully be sorted aswel hey? thank you for your reply.
I followed the guide and It works just perfectly. Thanks much :)

Can you confirm that you are using a uk phone? What firmware? And also are you using a pay and go sim? Many thanks, this part is the only thing stopping me trying to get a pay and go sim working as i want GPRS working
I no people have it working by downgrading them upgrading again but its the GPRS settings that is worring me as they are differant on O2 pay as u go and as that menu is no longer there on the phone once an unlock comes along this problem will hopefully be sorted aswel hey? thank you for your reply.

I think following the downgrade/upgrade method should work for you. I don't think waiting for a full unlock solution would make any difference as you still have to modify the EDGE settings depending on the SIM card you are using. Yes, I have heard that the EDGE settings menu is hidden but if you are jailbroken then there maybe a file that you can edit where you can change the APN settings manually. As I'm not running 1.1.2, I can't really be sure at the moment.
Thanks for your replys and advise Headspace, i will post how i get on to help others with the same situaltion.
mail pb

thanks for this tutorial, my uk iphone work on the o2 payg edge network now... only one question: it works with all applications (safari, google map...) except mail... is it normal or did I do something wrong??? the fact is I can send mail but I cant receive them! very strange... Im using a yahoo account btw
I couldnt make it work.
Followed exactly the instructions.

I am on an UK OTB 1.1.2 iPhone, jailbreaked. Using it with a o2 PAYG.
When I open Safari it tells me "Could not activate EDGE: You are not subscribed to EDGE"

Anyone with the same problem?
I couldnt make it work.
Followed exactly the instructions.

I am on an UK OTB 1.1.2 iPhone, jailbreaked. Using it with a o2 PAYG.
When I open Safari it tells me "Could not activate EDGE: You are not subscribed to EDGE"

Anyone with the same problem?

I have a same problem with you. :eek:
I couldnt make it work.
Followed exactly the instructions.

I am on an UK OTB 1.1.2 iPhone, jailbreaked. Using it with a o2 PAYG.
When I open Safari it tells me "Could not activate EDGE: You are not subscribed to EDGE"

Anyone with the same problem?
Okay, got it working somehow.
Just pasted everywhere in the mentioned .plists
where there was the setting.
Also in the preferences.plist under p2.
Now I can also see the EDGE settings in Settings-General-Network.

But all damn slow. Dont see any GPRS or EDGE sign.
Located in Edinburgh.
Okay, got it working somehow.
Just pasted everywhere in the mentioned .plists

where there was the setting.
Also in the preferences.plist under p2.
Now I can also see the EDGE settings in Settings-General-Network.

But all damn slow. Dont see any GPRS or EDGE sign.
Located in Edinburgh.

What do you mean everywhere in the mentioned .plists?
There is only one in the 'UnknownCarrier.plist'.
Any other .plist have you modified?

Can you paste the .plist you modified here with the path and filename?
What do you mean everywhere in the mentioned .plists?
There is only one in the 'UnknownCarrier.plist'.
Any other .plist have you modified?

Can you paste the .plist you modified here with the path and filename?
Sorry... didnt explain myself good.
In the mentioned files above I put the string everywhere where the was.
But of coursed backed up every file first.
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