I picked the iPad Pro three years ago for its size (11”) and light weight. But if Apple had had a 12” MacBook on the lineup, I would have probably picked that instead. At least, at this moment.
But I wouldn’t sell my 11” iPad. Right now, it’s the most portable device I have (aside from my iPhone), and I use it for a very specific task which is very useful for.
However, when I bought this 11” iPad Pro in 2019, I was convinced that it could replace my old MacBook Pro. And for certain tasks, it does. But for many others, I still rely on a Mac mini.
The new features for iPadOS, including those that aren’t available for my 3 year old iPad Pro, aren’t a big deal for me. This is not about “Apple made my fresh iPad Pro obsolete because I’m not getting Stage Manager”, the problem here is that even with Stage Manager, I honestly don’t see how that feature changes drastically the use of the iPad. I still prefer the old style of window management, for me the new multi-window wastes some precious space on the 11” screen. So it’s not for me. I’m happy with the “old” UI layout.
The problem isn’t that. I need extreme portability, and the 11” iPad Pro with the keyboard is excellent for that. However, I find myself using the Mac more and more.
So right now I’m not sure what my next move will be: Wait for the next Mac mini and keep the Mac mini + iPad Pro combination? Or jump for a MacBook Air, which will be 80% of the time plugged in my home because I already use the iPad Pro outside?
As I said, if Apple had a 12” MacBook, that would be the answer.