We can not trust "telemetry" any more. Anything can be disguised as "telemetry". We never know whats going on in that closed source. Once they figure out whats going on, they will just give us the "Ooops, its a bug". Developers should NOT force me to send them telemetry, should be opt in.
Let them fix their software the old way pre-data hoarding, or give a discount for those willing to share telemetry. I rather send NOTHING.
hmm...I thought this was just of how Email works now days. I always get the "disconnect" symbol near my accounts. Its wierd that afaik Apple employees use Apple mail for their own emails, so if it had issues they would be the first to fix it for their own self interest.
Well, tell me if you find any good alternatives. All the ones I have seen are data miners, and not trust worthy. Its wierd there isn't much e-mail client alternatives since each person probably has 2-one personal and one professional/work. I guess everyone just uses the web interface.