I completely agree - the power of Google Photos is immediately obvious while Apple's solution is far less 'intelligent'. Yes, you need to give up more of your data to Google, but don't confuse privacy with security - giving more personal data to Google doesn't inherently put that data at more risk - Google have an excellent track record when it comes to security. Additionally, your personal data is already being sold left right and centre all over the place on both the web and in the physical world - anyone who thinks they are somehow protecting themselves by avoiding Google is deluding themselves. At least with Google, you know what they're doing, why they're doing it, and you're getting a load of benefit for doing so. You also know that they are only using it to increase the targeting advertisers can do - they aren't actually giving your data to the advertisers - it remains within Google.
Personally, I think online privacy is a unicorn - it is a wonderful idea that doesn't exist. Instead, focus on online security, and try to get as much benefit as you can from relinquishing your data - it is out there anyway, so you may as well make the most of it.