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macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I'm looking for a utility/app where I can throttle the GPU.

My Studio M1 Ultra is heating up and the fans are getting loud.
I rather limit the GPU than deal with the noise.
A quick search didn't yield any results, so I'm hoping some of you know a trick to do this.
The Mac does come with a utility to reduce the priority of a running app. This is not the same as making it slow down. Reducing the priority means that the app will run deeper in the background and allow other apps to use the GPU or CPU "first". It places the app back further in the queue. You can set your upscale app to only run after everything else. Perhaps this will slow it down.

Read how to use it: Go to the terminal and type "man renice". The "man" command will print out a manual page for the renice command.

Renice has been around a LONG time, it has been part of UNIX from about the 1980's long before GPUs were invented, so GPU throttling is not the intended use.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Dust isn't the problem, I already use a filter.
Extra fans defeat the purpose of what I want, a silent Studio.
(though one could make the argument that a large fan, could lower the rpm of the internal cooling)

So like the topic title, I need the gpu to be throttled to achieve my goal.
It seems this isn't possible, so I'm forced to put distance between the Studio and I.
Well like you said, it’s been two years. Whatever filter is in there is likely blocked by the dust it’s collected to prevent it from getting in the machine.

Replace the filter first to make sure you’re actually getting airflow.

This is like car cabin air filters, you need to replace them so air can continue to follow properly.

Edit: Should have read page 2 before posting…
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