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Sounds like the OP can't afford an iPad, wants to bash those who do have one and make claims ( native printing) that hqve no real value as the second iPad hasn't been announced. Sad sad sad.... Please go buy a touch, for me that's a device for those who can't afford an iPhone or an iPad. Why why why would you want to look at a tiny screen instead of the amazing screen on the iPad. Guess native printing from the Lol op is an ipad troll who is just upset he cant afford an iPad.
Sounds like the OP can't afford an iPad, wants to bash those who do have one and make claims ( native printing) that hqve no real value as the second iPad hasn't been announced. Sad sad sad.... Please go buy a touch, for me that's a device for those who can't afford an iPhone or an iPad. Why why why would you want to look at a tiny screen instead of the amazing screen on the iPad. Guess native printing from the Lol op is an ipad troll who is just upset he cant afford an iPad.
Well said
Iphone is better in terms of specs and OS.

The iTouch now joins the iPhone in terms of having a more sophisticated OS with better hardware specs.

Thoughts? (PS. Glad I wasn't a sucker that bought the 1st gen iPad:D)

I will take the iPad as it is with its A4 processor and its screen size over the iPhone with its underclocked processor and all the other goodies.

The iPad will multitask like a champ when 4.2 is out.
And my 3G iphone was worse than the iPod Touch that was released a few months later. Was is the point of this thread?

Go whine to your parents.
Being that I bought the iPad without an inkling of it's specs or inner workings, I fail to see the OPs logic. The iPad still does everything I ask it to do, and every day it seems I am finding more uses for it.

I really, really, really liked the idea of the iPod touch but every time I actually went to a store to purchase one I found the screen to be too damn small to use for more than a couple of minutes. "if only they made one with a larger screen," I always said.

Well, the iPad is my touch with a larger screen, and with 3G and my mobile me account, the iPad is a real, usable extension of my home computing environment no matter where I go. On the road, on the job, sitting on the couch, the iPad goes with me everywhere.
Actually, this release of the new iPod Touch FINALLY dispels the myth that the iPad is just a big iPod Touch.
Iphone is better in terms of specs and OS.

The iTouch now joins the iPhone in terms of having a more sophisticated OS with better hardware specs.

Thoughts? (PS. Glad I wasn't a sucker that bought the 1st gen iPad:D)

Nah, the ipad still has a LARGER PHYSICAL SCREEN, just made sure I put that in caps in case it wasn't apparent to you when looking at them side by side.
Actually, this release of the new iPod Touch FINALLY dispels the myth that the iPad is just a big iPod Touch.

Ha Ha.....Thats the 1st thing I thought when the new iPod Touch was announced.

Ah well....I doubt the OP understands the concept of obsolete anyways since many people are using computers and iPods that are 3-5yrs old and my goodness! they still work!!

Heck, even my 3rd gen iPod 20gb with light-up orange buttons still works connected to my stereo through its dock. And its like 6 years old or something now.....
You just seem to be bitter that your shiny new device doesn't seem so shiny anymore. Here, have some tissues...

I wouldn't consider the 13 inch MBP I bought 7/2008 obsolete. In fact, it has more storage, more RAM, and the same processor as the latest 13 inch MBP. Will you be able to say the same with you iPad v1.0? There are plenty of computers out there that would not be considered obsolete for a while. But, putting in 256 MB of RAM (and as a result, having your Safari always reloading) is playing with fire (and stupid).

No bitterness here. Someone's projecting. :D

Obsolescence is a pretty well-defined thing. Since iPad is scheduled to support iOS 4 and iOS 5, it's fair to say that it won't be 'obsolete' for quite some time. Even at end-of-life support, I'm sure my iPad will soldier on for quite a while. My venerable iPhone 2G still works great three years on with a scant 128 MB of RAM.
Iphone is better in terms of specs and OS.

The iTouch now joins the iPhone in terms of having a more sophisticated OS with better hardware specs.

Thoughts? (PS. Glad I wasn't a sucker that bought the 1st gen iPad:D)

Doesn't matter what the specs are. When your eyes are bulging out of your head after a bit looking at tiny words and little graphics on the iPhone/iPod Touch, I'd say the user experience long term is a FAIL compared to the iPad. Or better yet, when it comes to games with a virtual joystick on the side, your finger takes up 30% of the screen on the iPhone/iPod Touch. Again, no comparison at all for those applications, and we have both iPad and iPhone 4.

I'm not sure why some people try to compare a full sized screen image to the same image, only downsized considerably, and are somehow amazed that the smaller looks more crisp and less pixelated...I must be missing something.
You're right! I totally hate Apple now.

I was watching the presentation streamed to my iPad and when the new iPod Touch appeared, I couldn't believe it - but my iPad instantly became a piece of useless junk! All the handy functions and convenience it once had was magically taken away....
yea I had the same feeling too when I took lunch and sat in front of this old tech ;) I dont understand this post? its not the same thing. Maybe it should read....Great! Now the iPod Touch is better than the iPhone 4 too!! least its close right :)
Hands down iPad owns. Ever since I got my iPad, I have hardly used my iPod Touch, and have basically treated it as a music player only, and the only days I bring it with me are when my sister borrows the iPad and brings it to her office.

Furthermore, "more sophisticated OS" and "better hardware specs"??? The 4th gen iPod Touch runs the same processor as the iPad. And OS 4 is coming to the iPad on November. And again, obviously, nothing beats a BIGGER screen with HD resolution.
Hands down iPad owns. Ever since I got my iPad, I have hardly used my iPod Touch, and have basically treated it as a music player only, and the only days I bring it with me are when my sister borrows the iPad and brings it to her office.

Furthermore, "more sophisticated OS" and "better hardware specs"??? The 4th gen iPod Touch runs the same processor as the iPad. And OS 4 is coming to the iPad on November. And again, obviously, nothing beats a BIGGER screen with HD resolution.
But actually iPad has a faster CPU,it has a 1Ghz A4 chip whereas the new iPod touch has a downclocked version(700-800Mhz)
Hands down iPad owns. Ever since I got my iPad, I have hardly used my iPod Touch, and have basically treated it as a music player only...
Im sure Apple knew this was going to be a debate. If they didnt add HD Video/Face Time on that Touch, it wouldve still been an oversided Nano. Now that Nano is video-less, the gap is wider.
The iPad hands down is a great tool/tech for me. I dont have crank the old 3D workstation at home just to check my email (still on the fence on replacing my Dell 610 for a new Mac Pro) and anything that can be done on the iPad.
Sure I can do that with my iPhone but at 6am wake-up, I need more visuals to get these tired eyes up and going ;)
iPad is the premium product of Apples touch devices and it should be leading or at lease equal in its hardware specs. Instead it has half the RAM, no cameras, no gyroscope.

iPad is still great, mostly due to its form factor but it could have been better if it had included advancements of the other Apple devices that were in development simultaneously. What did someone do? sit down and say right we got the iPad, iPhone 4 and the new iPod touch all coming out in 2010, lets build the iPhone and the touch with the same core hardware but lets leave a load of it out of the iPad and release it with an old version of the OS. These engineered short comings of iPad 1 will help sell 2 though I guess.
I wouldn't call an extra 256 MB of RAM subjective when the current version of Safari pages needs to continuously reload. The others are subjective though.

It always frustrates me when I see the original iPad advert that has around 6-9 separate windows open in Safari and simply returns to one without reloading. It's incredibly frustrating when you have poor wifi reception to reload every time. I wonder if the Advertising standards agency have had this complaint raised yet?

Naturally I'm still satisfied with my iPad yadda yadda...

More RAM would be most delightfully received however. I'll hazard a guess and say the rev.B will be out early 2011 and like the lemmings we are will trade em in! Lol.

I was also irritated not to see the IOS4 update.

-dogtanian (sat on the beach in Egypt. Ahh the wonders of wifi)
iPad is the premium product of Apples touch devices and it should be leading or at lease equal in its hardware specs. Instead it has half the RAM, no cameras, no gyroscope...
you have a valid point and yes I agree however I have to also believe that the other techs had way more advancement in design and production than the iPad. If you notice, all the other mfg are trying to shove everything into their competing products. I still like to think that Apple does its best with what it can handle not try and throw everything to make everyone happy. But I also believe in the all mighty dollar. If they can release a lowly iPad and sell that many, then whats stopping them from doing their basic product releases :)
Were all lemmings ;)

Apples (fill in blank with product A) was upgraded on exactly the expected time and date as it always is and is now better in some way than (fill in blank with product B)!!!1! All you Apple suckers who bought (product B) should be really mad about (Product A) because (Product B) will now stop working as advertised for no apparent reason!

In other news, Apple is making their products better!

I don't know about you, but I feel dumb for buying my Atari 800 back in the day. Todays products are soooooo much better.
iPad is the premium product of Apples touch devices and it should be leading or at lease equal in its hardware specs. Instead it has half the RAM, no cameras, no gyroscope.

iPad is still great, mostly due to its form factor but it could have been better if it had included advancements of the other Apple devices that were in development simultaneously. What did someone do? sit down and say right we got the iPad, iPhone 4 and the new iPod touch all coming out in 2010, lets build the iPhone and the touch with the same core hardware but lets leave a load of it out of the iPad and release it with an old version of the OS. These engineered short comings of iPad 1 will help sell 2 though I guess.

You clearly have zero idea how Apple functions. Each product team works in isolation. The iPad team didn't know anything about the iPhone 4 or the iPod touch. Similarly, the iOS 3.2 developers were not in communication with iOS 4 developers, which is why it's taking quite some time to merge the two. That's how Apple preserves its secrecy and keeps us guessing until launch. They don't all sit in a room and cackle about how they can screw the consumer over. :rolleyes:

As for the iPad being Apple's 'premium product,' that's a load. If anything, the iPhone is and will continue to be the 'halo' product at Apple. But I contend that Apple doesn't engineer their touch lineup in that fashion. Rather they have created devices that fill specific niches. If Apple doesn't think that a product can perform a feature to fullest extent, that feature will not be included. They also have no problem segmenting their lineup into specific purposes. Apple has never and will never make devices that look like Swiss Army knives.
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