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The moment Apple revealed Facetime and put a camera on the front of the iPhone 4, the writing was on the wall. It was blatantly obvious that the touch would follow and I'd put my mortgage on the iPad following suit next year when it's due a refresh. I doubt it will have a screen pixel density to match the smaller i devices but I imagine it will be improved, along with it's graphics capability.

Although they don't spell it out, it's obvious that Apple has a product release cycle and that the next iteration of whatever product is going to have improvements. Next year, Apple will release the iPad 2 and it will inevitably attract people who were expecting a little more than the first iteration had to offer.

Apple may even push the next release of the iPad out of the door at the same time as the iPod so as to ensure the two products develop in a more parallel fashion from here on in. I imagine the iPhone will always get the best stuff first though.

Apples (fill in blank with product A) was upgraded on exactly the expected time and date as it always is and is now better in some way than (fill in blank with product B)!!!1! All you Apple suckers who bought (product B) should be really mad about (Product A) because (Product B) will now stop working as advertised for no apparent reason!

In other news, Apple is making their products better!

I don't know about you, but I feel dumb for buying my Atari 800 back in the day. Todays products are soooooo much better.

Thank you, +1.

I have a 1st gen iPad, and I love it. I use it for hours a day and its form-factor is amazing. Sure the iPod Touch 4Gen is amazing, but so is the iPad! The 2nd gen iPad will be even better yet. Thats what happens when time passes, products get better. Who would have thunk it, right?

My 1st gen iPod Touch was $300, had no speaker, no volume rocker, no mic, no cameras, etc. But I still loved the device! It worked great, and I'm glad they keep getting better.

OP, you have no point. Newer products are generally better than older ones, nothing surprising about that.
Apple may even push the next release of the iPad out of the door at the same time as the iPod so as to ensure the two products develop in a more parallel fashion from here on in. I imagine the iPhone will always get the best stuff first though.
This is just my uninformed opinion, but I also figure the regular refresh cycle for the iPad will most likely be linked up with the iPhone or the iPods. I'm doubtful they will have 3 major release dates for their mobile devices.

It's a toss-up in my mind whether it will be a June cycle with iPhones or September one with iPods, but I think it's unrealistic to think iPad 2 will be released anytime before June.

I'm maybe a bit more inclined towards June at the developer conference since apps are becoming a more integral part of the iPad experience than music/video/iTunes. So thematically, it fits better with June/iPhone than September/iPod. But we'll eventually find out sometime next year.
Petty arguments and name calling over arbitrary things? Come on, this isn't congress, grow up people.
rorschach said:
Wait, you mean products that were released in June and September have better specs than a product released in April? :eek::rolleyes:

Apparently so. And when the iPad 2 releases in Spring, with its A5 CPU, iOS 5.0, and other advanced features, I'm sure all the iPhone and iPod touch users will be saying, "WTF? Why does this new Apple device have a better CPU? wtf?" :rolleyes:
Agree, still loving my ipad
As I relax and watch NFL Preseason with my iPad whilst perusing Digital Tutors (iPhone App version) and everything else, this is the life :)

On another note, Is there a real time NFL app synced with live games?
Apparently so. And when the iPad 2 releases in Spring, with its A5 CPU, iOS 5.0, and other advanced features, I'm sure all the iPhone and iPod touch users will be saying, "WTF? Why does this new Apple device have a better CPU? wtf?" :rolleyes:

hahahahaa yeah right, A5 chip in spring...

ipad 2 will only get front camera for facetime + 512mb ram + gyroscope + a slight redesign, if even that.

I think very few people are actually predicting iPad 2 will surpass iPhone 4 in specs. So the "people whine that newer stuff is better"-argument is not valid. iPad 2 will be newer than iPhone 4, but won't be better. That's the whole point with people's complaints: Instead of being a seperate device in a new category between the smartphone and a laptop, like Steve marketed it at launch, the iPad is both in specs and software playing catch up to the iPhone.

So I do think the endless whining is somewhat justified. At this point it's very clear that Apple doesn't use the iPad as a pioneering device to launch new, innovative features. They use the iPhone. Unfortunately I think this will hold true for a good while, no matter which model is "newer". I hope I'm wrong.
So I do think the endless whining is somewhat justified. At this point it's very clear that Apple doesn't use the iPad as a pioneering device to launch new, innovative features. They use the iPhone. Unfortunately I think this will hold true for a good while, no matter which model is "newer". I hope I'm wrong.

The question I was asking as I read this thread was, "Does it matter?"

Why does whatever you buy have to be the latest and greatest? Why does the iPad have to be better than the iPhone? Because it's bigger?

I'll tell you one thing that was magical and revolutionary about the iPad -- I bought one based entirely on seeing what it does and not based on its spec sheet. I actually had no idea how much RAM was on board, and I didn't care. This was a first for me, I'm normally a spec nut -- I spent weeks researching and reviewing netbooks before I bought one.

The iPad does what I want it to do, and it does it well. I don't even know what having more RAM would do for me in terms of the apps I currently run. Would it be nice to have a camera, more RAM, higher res screen? Of course. Will it make me feel any worse about the machine I already have? Will I love my current iPad any less? No way.
The question I was asking as I read this thread was, "Does it matter?"
... it be nice to have a camera, more RAM, higher res screen? Of course. Will it make me feel any worse about the machine I already have? Will I love my current iPad any less? No way.
we went thru the same phase with the iPhone and before that the iMac. I'm sure I can add the mini but ive never had one.
From a personal computer pov, yes it would be nice to have everything. I too had no idea how much ram but figured it wasn't much due to the size of it. Heck my first PowerMac 6100 had 16MB/250MB ;) I turned out fine :)
Why does the iPad have to be better than the iPhone? Because it's bigger?

Well, yeah. If there's any point in having a larger device, it is that it's better than the smaller one.

Otherwise there' no point in hauling around a bigger device. This is simple.

The only thing the iPad has at this point making it "better" is a larger screen and good battery life for video. While this is appreciated, and trust me, I do like the iPad a lot, it has a lot of potential that remains to be addressed.

It's not that it has to be better "just because". It has to be better to warrant the placement as a device that fits between the smartphone and the laptop.

Right now it doesn't have any features from the laptop. It has the same features and specs from the smartphone, or worse, in a larger package with a larger screen.

I don't think that's enough, and I wish Apple got a little more innovative with the iPad.

Again, not saying I don't like it or can't appreciate it. I can and I do. But the "let's be satisfied with the stuff we have and not ask for more"-argument is silly on a tech rumor site as this. It's completely legitimate to suggest the iPad should have more features and better tech than a smartphone. Again, the whole idea was a new device in-between a smartphone and a laptop. I wish the feature set reflected this.

EDIT: I do agree with you though, of course. If you're happy with what you have, that's great. Let no one tell you it isn't good enough. I was talking about what was good enough for me, what I look for and expect in such a device. We all have different demands, and there's absolutely nothing wrong or surprising about that :)
I'm still happy with my iPad.

I use it every day, more than I use any other device that I have... including my iPhone, iMac and MacBook.

Guess I'm dumb. :)
This thread is proof that just when you think someone has nothing to gripe about or can create a thread even more inane than the last - they outdo themselves.

The iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch have different purposes entirely. Each fills a niche. Whether they have the same specs or not is irrelevant.

There are things you absolutely can't do on an iPhone/iPod Touch that you can on an iPad. There are things you can't do on an iPad or iPod Touch that you can on an iPhone. And so on.

Look - you can research my posting history in regards to the iPad. I was one of the more vocal "naysayers" saying I saw no need for an iPad in my home. But then I actually got one and even though it has limitations (which are only starting to be alleviated by Apple with 4.2) it's a darn good media consumption device.

Yes - I have watched tv shows and movies on my iPhone. And it has been OK. never complained. But now that I have an iPad - I wouldn't reach for my iPhone to watch a video unless I was out and about and had no other choice.

I have both near by bed at night. Which do you think I reach to check/write email. Read a book? Run some apps? Hint - not the iPhone nor an iPod touch.

The iPad - whether it has the same specs or less than the newest models succeeds on its own. Yes - there is plenty of room for improvements. But to suggest that one is BETTER than the other is silly. And "better' is subjective.

Even with "less" specs - I would much prefer to send an email on the iPad than the iPhone/iPod. Even with "less" specs - I would rather play some games, surf the web, watch videos, etc than with the iPhone/iPod.

If you're sincerely MAD about the difference in specs on a 1st gen iPad vs a several generation later iPod Touch then you just don't "get it."
Iphone is better in terms of specs and OS.

The iTouch now joins the iPhone in terms of having a more sophisticated OS with better hardware specs.

Thoughts? (PS. Glad I wasn't a sucker that bought the 1st gen iPad:D)

Well it hasnt been updated to apple standards for next year though.
The iPad made the standard of a A4 chip.
The iPad started the better resolution for Apple iOS Products.
Since its the first it will be the first to be considered as obsolete (even though it isnt)

PS Why complaining if you have not a iPad?
I find as I get older I start to **** less to none brix every time apple updates to something epic. My iPad is a tool and thus it doesn't need to be epic compared to the newest thing. Sure face time would be cool but my iPad is still great for browsing the Internet without some clunky laptop but still bigger then a laptop. Who knows maybe I'll ask for the new touch for Christmas, but I doubt I'll spend my money on it.
Enough with these side by side comparisons threads!!!

I have both the iPad and iP4 and to be honest, I use the iPad more often. The user experience is a lot better on the iPad.
karlwig said:
I think very few people are actually predicting iPad 2 will surpass iPhone 4 in specs. So the "people whine that newer stuff is better"-argument is not valid. iPad 2 will be newer than iPhone 4, but won't be better. That's the whole point with people's complaints: Instead of being a seperate device in a new category between the smartphone and a laptop, like Steve marketed it at launch, the iPad is both in specs and software playing catch up to the iPhone.

You do realize the iPad had better specs than any other Apple iDevice for several months, right?

This is how the cycle goes: each new product gets a spec and design improvement. The iPad was best, then the iPhone 4 upped the specs, then the iPod touch 4 usurped the iPhone 4 with same specs in a thinner design, and then in Spring the iPad will become the most powerful again.

It's retarded to complain about newer devices being more powerful. — Of course they are... they're newer!
I'm still happy with my iPad.

I use it every day, more than I use any other device that I have... including my iPhone, iMac and MacBook.


If you think the new iPod touch is better than the iPad, you shouldn't have bought an iPad in the first place.
You do realize the iPad had better specs than any other Apple iDevice for several months, right?

This is how the cycle goes: each new product gets a spec and design improvement. The iPad was best, then the iPhone 4 upped the specs, then the iPod touch 4 usurped the iPhone 4 with same specs in a thinner design, and then in Spring the iPad will become the most powerful again.

It's retarded to complain about newer devices being more powerful. — Of course they are... they're newer!

Qft. I just got my iPad today and I love it! Oh and I knew about the new iPod touch and still got one... ;D
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