There were less than 50 Mac systems at my previous employer of 150k people. My new employer with 5k people has no Mac systems. I'm not sure why the article mentions the Cisco community supporting Macs. There are many items that Cisco doesn't support on the Mac very well, VoIP for one. It took them years to get the softphone ported. I don't think their NAC software works on a Mac either.
There are just too many enterprise items that don't work on a Mac.
Cisco Jabber works on iOS and also now offered on OSX: a free download but you need to be registered with Cisco
The only reason "Apple in the Enterprise" gets any attention is because it's something different from the Wintel monopoly. Apple's support options and lifecycle replacement "plans" are laughable compared to those offered by the large Windows box manufacturers, and it's not going to change any time soon. For workstations and laptops Apple is never going to make any inroads. Mobile is a different story.
Oh really?
IBM globally supports both Windows/Mac/Linux via VM installations. Its beginning and with a big corp like IBM its a big change.
Our company runs Exchange 03' (I know, just upgrade), and to run it in IMAP against exchange is a tough pill to continue to swallow; I do use the DavMail gateway work around, but it is not the same experience.
I'm confused here.
Solution: Mail supports Exchange 2007/2010 fully. Office 2011 for Mac works incredibly well (even if it drops endless files in the /library in OSX).
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