anyone out there?
MSI GTX 680 4GB have been in newegg's shopping cart bin for 4 days now lol![]()
Please explain why someone "owes" you these instructions? You act as if you have been wrongfully deprived of something you paid for. And FYI, I just followed the above instructions in 10.8.2 and enabled OpenCl on a 570 2.5 and a 670 4 GB. Took all of 5 minutes. (read the part about "Mountain Lion", 10.8 is referred to as Mountain Lion)
So I just looked at the part about Mountain Lion, followed the instructions and in 5 minutes I had OpenCl.
I can not begin to understand the trouble you personally seem to be having so I am including some screen shots.
There are 3 shots from Hexedit, one showing the header where you can see overall length of the file. You should verify that the length DOES NOT CHANGE AT ALL during your fix. I also have included the string you search for and how it looks once it has been replaced. And then I show the screen from Disk Utility where the permissions are being repaired.
Can someone PLEASE articulate what the problem is? What is so difficult?
u think this will work with an MSI GTX 680 4GB? thanks
If you have basic competence in HexEditing, you will be fine.
I want to emphasize, if you are in 10.8.2, ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS THAT SINGLE STRING. That's it.
Some guy today has been writing me about doing some kext changing for this, TO ENABLE OPENCL YOU DON'T DO ANY KEXT WORK.
It's just one edit in the OpenCl file.
That's it, then run Repair Permissions and reboot.
Where did I say anyone owed me anything? All I said was I've had issues with it and so have others. One of those threads here on MR contains a post that goes through this "guide" line by line and points out the numerous confusing statements, and poor technical writing. Please don't act like I am the only one who has had substantial difficulty in enabling OpenCl on these cards. There are entire threads on the problem here, and on netkas, where you are currently participating in one:Please explain why someone "owes" you these instructions? You act as if you have been wrongfully deprived of something you paid for.
Can someone PLEASE articulate what the problem is? What is so difficult?
okay so these are the things am gonna do
The file you wanna patch is /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
1. Drag file to hexedit
for mountain lion
find ff 50 68 4c 39 e0 73 e7
replace with ff 50 68 4c 39 e0 90 90
2. save file back where it was
3. RUN "REPAIR PERMISSIONS" from disk utility
4. Reboot
Now in case there is an update from Mountain Lion would I need to do this again? Thanks.
As I have typed before, just hold the "Shift" key to safe boot.
This has been part of Mac OS for a very long time now.
If you stop and think LOGICALLY, if you mod a System file and it causes trouble, you do NOT need to completely reinstall the entire system and all updates.
You JUST NEED TO PUT BACK AN UNMOLESTED COPY OF THE FILE YOU MESSED UP. Repair permissions for the drive it is on.
I think when I have typed it up I have suggested dragging the entire folder to desktop and then working on the file from there.
You can see the length of the file when you open it in Hexedit. Number on upper left. Note it when you open and after you do the fix. Should not change a bit. (or byte)
Is the one I use.
See the pix a few posts up.
"Apple F" is search & replace. You can copy and paste the strings right out of Netkas' instructions to avoid any mistyping.
That's it.
OK, so happy to see yet ANOTHER person who got it right on first try.
The app just doesn't know where the fermi clocks are in registers, don't worry about it.
Congrats on an easy time doing the mod, I'm going to stop stressing about the few and far between who can't follow instructions.
I don't mean to be a party pooper but are you guys sure those cards are working correctly? My 560Ti 448 has far less RAM is from and older generation and wasn't high end to begin with and you guys are scoring about 100 over my card. 680's are 500ish mine was 150.