The Emperor has no pants
And you have a GTX570
There are 2 completely different versions of 560 Ti.
One is a 560 that is up clocked, the other is a 570 that is detuned.
You probably have the 570 version that has a single section disabled. They made up for this by upping clocks, etc.
I have a fleet of EFI 550 and 560 cards here ready to market but not enough helpers to sell them. The guy who was supposed to seems too busy changing diapers and picking Vidalia Onions. In that fleet I have several 560Ti cards. And I can attest that some are really 570s (device id of 1087)
570s have better OpenCl & CUDA than 670s. Looks like you have one of them.
As tough as it is to fathom, the 570 & 580 will remain the CUDA & OpenCl "golden child" cards until the GTX7xx cards come out. 670 & 680 will be more for the Borderlands 2 & League of Legends crowd. ( fyi, I play Borderlands 2)
And you have a GTX570
There are 2 completely different versions of 560 Ti.
One is a 560 that is up clocked, the other is a 570 that is detuned.
You probably have the 570 version that has a single section disabled. They made up for this by upping clocks, etc.
I have a fleet of EFI 550 and 560 cards here ready to market but not enough helpers to sell them. The guy who was supposed to seems too busy changing diapers and picking Vidalia Onions. In that fleet I have several 560Ti cards. And I can attest that some are really 570s (device id of 1087)
570s have better OpenCl & CUDA than 670s. Looks like you have one of them.
As tough as it is to fathom, the 570 & 580 will remain the CUDA & OpenCl "golden child" cards until the GTX7xx cards come out. 670 & 680 will be more for the Borderlands 2 & League of Legends crowd. ( fyi, I play Borderlands 2)