Is this how you react when a mechanic fixes something that you were unable to fix on your car?
All I did was provide a solution to a problem that you deemed catastrophic. There is nothing stopping your chameleon install on a second disk from becoming corrupt and having to do the exact same thing. Being able to run Chameleon from the same drive as the OS is something that others have wanted to do, not just me. Since the thread really is all about experimenting to get Mavericks on older Macs we tested it out and found out it is possible. Again, you have brought up some issues and while you say they are irreparable, a fix has been provided. You don't seem to like that, oh well.
I have fixed my own automobiles, from rebuilding either automatic or manual transmissions as well as entire engines including pistons, sockets, gaskets/seals myself since I was 16 years old. Sorry if the proverbial "calling a spade a spade", puts a "little rain shower on your parade" your majesty
Are you mad?
No I no longer have to drive on the 101, 405, 118 or the 5. That single aspect in itself might have saved my sanity.
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