Installation problem
I have made some PC's into Hack's nearly all without a problem but getting my Mac Pro 2.1 sp that it will install Maveric seems to be a problem.
I follow the below standing guide.
I would say no problem.
I have formatted a external USB drive in three partitions as I would like to see if it would work prior to cleaning out my running Lion system
When I do a boot of the system with the option key down I get the StartUp Disk but it reds Boot EFI (orange USB icon)
When I click on the icon I go the the Apple grey boot screen with the apple logo.
Now it all stops the apple logo changes in a stop sign and then in a folder icon with question mark and this will keep doing it.
Power down of the MP 2.1 is the only option.
For your info I have a original 5870 graphics card original for MP.
What is it that I do wrong
I have made some PC's into Hack's nearly all without a problem but getting my Mac Pro 2.1 sp that it will install Maveric seems to be a problem.
I follow the below standing guide.
I would say no problem.
I have formatted a external USB drive in three partitions as I would like to see if it would work prior to cleaning out my running Lion system
When I do a boot of the system with the option key down I get the StartUp Disk but it reds Boot EFI (orange USB icon)
When I click on the icon I go the the Apple grey boot screen with the apple logo.
Now it all stops the apple logo changes in a stop sign and then in a folder icon with question mark and this will keep doing it.
Power down of the MP 2.1 is the only option.
For your info I have a original 5870 graphics card original for MP.
What is it that I do wrong