Would this work with a 24" iMac 6.1 with a 7600GT? Or would I lose the 7600GT drivers?
Well, I surrender. After a day of trying to do the install on a Mac Mini (upgraded) to 2.1 with 4GB RAM, the install goes to the end and then we get this message:
The 'swap' folder is missing! MCPF cannot continue!
Please contact MLforAll at
I had tried ML install from a USB and then a USB stick but that's where it gets stuck with the same message. Of course I did send an email fwiw.
Did go into disk utility and repaired a ton of stuff automatically. But trying to boot into the main drive or the recover drive loops back to the message. MCPF tries to run and then blamo, you go to the error message.
I'm out of ideas and have tried a clean ML install using three different MCPF versions: 1.0.1, 2.0 and the most recent 2.0.1.
No dice.
What is this "swap folder" even referenced?
UPDATE: With no apparent change on a lark, I booted up the Mac Mini and decided to just hold the
SHIFT key and see what would happen. Yesterday it didn't fare well.
Today, it went into the new mac opening and loaded! It shows Mountain Lion 10.8.5.
I'm trying to create some space for desktop working. Slow as molasses but let's wait until indexing stops.
No idea why it suddenly began working though. If it helps anyone, here it is. Shift from the boot up of the new Mountain Lion fresh install.
UPDATE 2: One reboot and kaput. Back to the original issue above. Then reboot with option key to main drive and hold shift key goes into an endless white screen but does not go back into launching the system.
UPDATE 3: Another install attempt but this time the difference was a USB drive and a partition with 18GB space. It went through but oddly the same issues as above. It works when the USB is connected to the Mac Mini at bootup and gives the same error message as above when it isn't.
It was running smoother but there didn't seem to be a good browser option. Safari was having all kinds of server connection issues to websites including the homepage of this one. So I went back to Snow Leopard for this old backup (upgraded) Mac Mini 2.1.