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I have done everything I can think of. I have typed the code and verified that the folder "shared" is showing up on the Ubuntu side of the network. One weird thing is that if I add a folder to my shared list on my mac, it will not show up on the ubuntu side. My shared and public folders are, so I was trying to use those. Is any of the code commands case sensitive in any way? Boy I want this to work! Also When I type the mount code on page one of this thread, I get a menu with various mounting options. Is there a specific code I need at that point in order to get my shared folder to mount.

are you sure you have SMB sharing enabled on your mac?
Positive. SMB is enabled. Firewall set to allow all incoming, all sharing folders are set for read and write for everyone in the world. I have created a folder in /home/ in ubuntu called "Shared" (This is my "Shared" folder on my mac). I can see my "Shared" folder on my mac on ubuntu with the command line in terminal. As I said, it seems that after I try and mount my share, I get a screen with a lot of information about mount commands and it is waiting for some kind of mount command? Is that right??? Do I have to open a firewall in ubuntu or a sharing prefrance???? Would it matter if I was doing this directly wired through Ethernet from the mac to the ps3 without using a gigabit router (which is what I am doing). Below is the message I get after mounting my share.

Usage: mount -V : print version
mount -h : print this help

Then the next

"So far the information part. Next the mounting.
The command is 'mount [-t fstype] something somewhere"

This goes on for another 40 lines or so.
I finally got it to work! I removed a space from my mac username. Apparently
Ubuntu doesn't like spaces in this case.

Earlier I figured out how to enable remote desktop, automatic login, and reboot back to the game OS. Now I don't even need a mouse and keyboard connected to my PS3 to rip my blurays and get back to the game OS.
It was actually pretty easy.

Remote Desktop:
There is a preference system for enabling remote desktop. I enabled VNC viewing and set a password. I also set the port to the default one. I then connected to it by typing into safari's address bar:
Or whatever your PS3's ip address is. It also showed up as a bonjour device, but that didn't work for some reason.

Automatic login:
I don't remember exactly how I did this, but there was a preference under the System administration. I enabled automatic login for my user account. There was also an option to enable automatic login after a set delay.

Restart Script:
I found a restart script that will boot back up to the game OS without having to type boot-game-os to do it. So when I'm done ripping a bluray, I simply double click this option to boot back to the game OS. It will also set that as the default boot until you change it to boot into "other OS" from the XMB.
On page 2 of that thread, someone posted a PS3 icon to use for the shortcut that is cool as well.
page fault in non paged area

Hi, I've followed all of these instructions and was able to mount a folder to my PS3. The folder is on an external USB drive with NTFS partitioning connected to my Mac. I created an ISO of Transformers which came out to about 42 gigabytes. It took about 1hr 1/2.

Now I have a real problem. When I open up Win XP through VMWare Fusion and try to mount this file, my windows XP crashes with a blue screen.
The message says Page Default in non paged area.

Thinking it was an issue with Vmware Fusion I booted straight into win xp through bootcamp. Same thing. I can navigate other files on that drive, but once I click that file, it crashes. Any ideas? I'm stuck :(
I run Parallels and am not really familiar with VM Fusion, but it sounds like possibly a memory allocation problem. How much of your system do you have dedicated to the Virtual Machine? Update Drivers? Are you using your boot camp partition for your virtual machine? If so, the problem could be one in the same? Personally If you only uses XP as a "utility" as I do, I would try dumping XP and re installing it.
Hi, I've tried expanding virtual memory from 512 to max.
The bootcamp I ran was by natively booting into it. Not using fusion.
Not sure what is the problem. Could it be because my local hard drive space is smaller than the file? (it sits on an external drive)
just curious, Have you upgraded or replaced your RAM recently? Also, how much hard drive space have you dedicated to your boot camp? Really sounds like there is some kind of breakdown with system memory. I would also try laying your .iso file on a different external drive, or putting it on your mac side, and reading and ripping it via a program called MacDrive (free trial available). This is the way I do it. I write the .iso to my mac side and read and rip back to my mac side with this nifty little program. There probably is a positive difference in workflow speed as well.
AnyDVD Crashes...


No problems up until the BluRay rip from the .iso. AnyDVDHD crashes on me everytime. No matter what BD Movie I use... I've used the iso mount & everything. I just can't do it. am I doing something wrong... more to the point has anyone else done this 100% with no problems. converting to .iso fine Could they need decrypting?

Someone help. This is driving me nuts... If only I could use the Mac all the way!


No problems up until the BluRay rip from the .iso. AnyDVDHD crashes on me everytime. No matter what BD Movie I use... I've used the iso mount & everything. I just can't do it. am I doing something wrong... more to the point has anyone else done this 100% with no problems. converting to .iso fine Could they need decrypting?

Someone help. This is driving me nuts... If only I could use the Mac all the way!


Are you running AnyDVD in Fusion, Parallels or BootCamp? I run it in Fusion and have no problems. Also you do have the mount software running right? Virtual Clone Drive, it's a free download from slysoft.
Are you running AnyDVD in Fusion, Parallels or BootCamp? I run it in Fusion and have no problems. Also you do have the mount software running right? Virtual Clone Drive, it's a free download from slysoft.

I'm running it on my PC. I'm running everything as I should? I'm trying to use an .iso mount from bluray? AnyDVD picks up the mounted .iso as a drive starts & then fails...?
This is great! I didn't think you could use the BD-ROM from Linux on a PS3 so never bothered even thinking about installing it. I'll be giving this a shot tonight.
i just got this set all up and tried a test with a DVD (don't have a BD to hand just now).

it started creating the ISO but then bombed out after 75MB had been written.

dd: reading '/dev/cdrom' : Input/output error
155360+0 records in
155360+0 records out
79544329 bytes (80 MB) copied, 22.1893 s, 3.4 MB/s

any ideas what went wrong?
also, how do i get it to boot unbuntu without user interaction?

at the moment when i choose "other OS" it boots to linux and then waits a "kboot" prompt waiting for me to press enter. once i press enter it continues to boot into ubuntu.
On mine it will automatically boot if I wait about 5 minutes. That is if I don't get tired of waiting and just hit enter on the keyboard anyway. I don't think there is a way to make it automatically boot into ubuntu right away.
well i removed the version of ubuntu that is linked to in the guide, and i downloaded version 9 of ubuntu.

everything now works perfect.
no waiting on the kboot prompt (edit kboot.conf and change the timeout to "1").
I'm working on this and had a few questions. I'm struggling right now just to get ubuntu installed. I think I'm having trouble getting a good burn of the ISO. The last one finally started going through the install steps. When it gets to install software though, it gets to 6% and just sits there until it faults out. I just burned another disc that I'm going to try tonight. Hopefully I can finally get ubuntu installed. My questions are about making the iso of the bluray. I don't have gig ethernet, so I was hoping to use an external drive plugged into the PS3. If I have a drive formatted for the Mac, will this work with the PS3? I see earlier in the thread that it must be EXT3, but I'm not sure if the drive I have (a secondary Time Machine drive) is in that form. I think Time Machine makes the drive HFS. I'm not worried about Windows not seeing it, because I'm planning (hoping) to skip AnyDVD and input the ISO file into MakeMKV. From my reading, I think MakeMKV can read ISO files.

Any help on this would be great. I can't afford to buy a BD drive right now, so I'm hoping to use the PS3 to get the BDs I've got to my ATV.
I was hoping to use an external drive plugged into the PS3. If I have a drive formatted for the Mac, will this work with the PS3? I see earlier in the thread that it must be EXT3, but I'm not sure if the drive I have (a secondary Time Machine drive) is in that form. I think Time Machine makes the drive HFS.

Nope, PS3 won't read HFS partitions. You need EXT3 formatted drive if you're going to directly attach it to PS3. You will also need EXT3FS MacOS driver to access the drive on the Mac.
Nope, PS3 won't read HFS partitions. You need EXT3 formatted drive if you're going to directly attach it to PS3. You will also need EXT3FS MacOS driver to access the drive on the Mac.

Thanks for the reply. I'll just have to figure out how to set up the SMB then and hope that it isn't too terribly slow over my standard ethernet. It would cost me as much to upgrade my router as it would be to buy a Bluray drive.
This thing is driving me NUTS! I'm down to a sharing problem with my iMac. I was never able to solve this problem with my laptops either. I think I've turned on SMB sharing properly, I enable the accounts I want and enter their password. I can see the right folder from ubuntu because I created a folder in my netshare folder and I can see it from ubuntu. When I try the cp /etc/hosts /home/username/netshare/newfile, I get "Permission denied" As I said earlier, I'm relatively new to Mac and I don't have a great deal of networking know how. Barely enough to get by. I've read several pages on the web about SMB sharing and I think I'm doing it all right, but I keep getting permission denied. Help!

Edit: Just got it to work! I rebooted one more time, and the only thing I think I did different was at the end of the mount command, I put one more / at the end of /home/username/netshare It may also have been something I clicked on the Mac, but I don't think so. Anyway, I'm going to start trying to copy my first disc now.
transfer speed really slow?

Hello, sorry to dig up an old thread (just a couple months), but I've learned tons from it so far, a tremendous resource. :)

So far, I've got Ubuntu 9.10 up and running on my PS3, no issues there. I am able to mount SMB shares from my Macs. Each machine goes Gigabit ethernet to my router.

When I copy a file from my Mac to the PS3, it goes quickly, anywhere from 5 to 9MB/s (megabytes/second). If I copy a file from the PS3 to the Mac, it's anywhere from 8MB/s to 12MB/s.

The problem is, when I start ripping a Blu-Ray disc to the Mac, it seems really slow. I'm getting 1.3MB/s. At that rate, it'll take 4+ hours to transfer a whole movie! I was expecting about an hour like the Guide suggests.

1.3MB/s happens to be the fastest I can download from the Internet...that's just a coincidence, right?

I can rip the Blu-Ray to the PS3 drive at about 8.5MB/s, but I'd still have to copy it to the Mac afterwards, and the partition is only 10GB, so there's no room.

Any ideas are very much appreciated.

EDIT: Nevermind...turns out Ubuntu can read/write Mac HFS (not-journalled) hard drives...ripping to an external is much faster. Solved!
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