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no sugar, no processed, no dairy. lots of water.

watch the weight melt off

That is so true.

I switched to a Plant Based Diet on June 19, 2018. I now recognize that date was the start of a life altering change in health. A PBD defined as eating only; vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, and other natural food such as spices and herbs. No animal products, no added oils of any kind.

Before switching I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and extra weight. My doctor wanted me on meds for BP and cholesterol. I refused and instead decided to start a PBD along with walking and running. I now have normal blood pressure, very low cholesterol levels, no excess body fat, a resting heart rate in the upper 50's. I feel great. I wish I would have done this earlier.
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I will have to skip my black belt testing due to the fact that my cardiologist hasn't cleared me yet for strenuous exercise, so I guess I'll have to wait 6 months at least before I can attempt to survive the test.
As for exercise, I am mainly doing light cardio and some relatively easy weight lifting in order to keep up a minimum activity level.
I guess that as soon as I am cleared I will have to go in full training mode, which will also include mental work.
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You're young. How young are you?

So, are you telling me I’m young _or_ are you asking me? It’s one or the other. :D

I’ve actually already mentioned my age in the thread a page or two back, I’m 32.
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no sugar, no processed, no dairy. lots of water.

watch the weight melt off

I've been doing the Keto diet since the end of December. Which sugar was the biggest part of what I eliminated, as well as nearly all carbs (I have kept my carb intake even lower than what is generally required to be in ketosis). I have lost 58 pounds in a little over 3 months. I am going on a three week vacation next week so I will probably put some back on but I will get back into it after that.
It’s mostly just the diet. After the second month I started jogging 3 miles a day at least three days a week. My initial weight was 263 pounds. I’m hoping I can get down to 170 to 175.

Truly fantastic, an inspiration. Keep us posted, I love these stories.
I am at ~175 now, about a little more than a year ago I was almost 200. Gained lots of muscles (ok, I am no Arnold...). Most impressive thing is looking at the belt. Used to be largest hole, now I might need a new belt :)
Truly fantastic, an inspiration. Keep us posted, I love these stories.
I am at ~175 now, about a little more than a year ago I was almost 200. Gained lots of muscles (ok, I am no Arnold...). Most impressive thing is looking at the belt. Used to be largest hole, now I might need a new belt :)

I had to buy some new pants and a couple of shirts. I still had some clothes around that no longer fit “just in case” I ever diet.
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It’s mostly just the diet. After the second month I started jogging 3 miles a day at least three days a week. My initial weight was 263 pounds. I’m hoping I can get down to 170 to 175.

Truly fantastic, an inspiration. Keep us posted, I love these stories.
I am at ~175 now, about a little more than a year ago I was almost 200. Gained lots of muscles (ok, I am no Arnold...). Most impressive thing is looking at the belt. Used to be largest hole, now I might need a new belt :)

Any loose skin issues?
Dry skin between toes, sometimes itchy
I’m noticing a condition on both my feet, dry skin along the base of my toes, underside of my feet, and between my 4th and 5th toe on each foot. I noticed the condition by moving my toes, and when walking. If I rub the area, it becomes itchy, but it was not itchy until I started rubbing it.

This article, indicates it could be several comditions,
  • Dry skin due to swimming in chlorinated water.
  • Eczema
  • Athlete’s foot
It’s been a long time since I had Athlete’s foot, but from what I remember, when scratched, the area quickly became raw. That does not seem to be the case. If you are an exerciser, specifically swimmer or a runner, how would you approach this? I could either put lotion on these areas or purchase an Athlete’s foot cure. Thoughts?

Causes and treatments for itchy feet
Diet strategy, exercise, and Acid Reflux
I developed Acid Reflux about 5 years ago. I dealt with it first by eating Tums, then when it seemed like I was bumping up on the daily limit of Tums, I finally gave in and got a prescription for Omeperazol. Of, possible interest when I stopped drinking coffee last year, my acid reflux dissapeared for several months, but eventually it came back causing me to restart Omeperazol.

My latest strategy for manipulating my diet, is to not eat anything until noon, the idea being that I’ll eat less during a 24 hr period. At that point, I’ll eat a hard boiled egg, a banana, and some juice. Then later a smallish dinner, and avoiding those 500(+j calorie desserts.

What I’m finding interesting is that forgoing breakfast which has always been a hard core meal for me, I can do this and not feel overly hungery until I do a eat, and that includes being able to do my gym/swim workouts and not feeling faint or weak. Frankly, I’m surprised when following this routine, by the lack of weakness, and not feeling hunger. Besides that, I am focused on what I do eat, and I am confident I’m not eating as much as when I started my day with a breakfast.

Now the unexpected side effect is that my acid reflux has gone away again. At this point, I can’t say how long it will stay away, but so far so good. I’m also waiting to see some benefit on the scales, but realize this can take a week or two.
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How much weight have each of you lost?

About 20/25 lbs, depending on when I weigh in :)
I don't really want to lose more weight (I was 175.6lbs this morning at 6am), I want to build more muscles and increase flexibility and endurance, which will help in my martial arts. Just waiting on the doc to give me the green light (should be next Wednesday).
I also plan to re-start boxing in 2020, and possibly begin jiu-jitsu.
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Just for fun, I thought I would post RP’s daily food intake for my B.B on a daily basis: [Give or take this is basically what I consume almost daily in this amount]

1.){Breakfast/Pre-workout}-Five eggs scrambled with just a slight amount of shredded cheese.

~Two bananas

~Peanut-butter sandwich

2.) {Post-workout}-High calorie protein shake (Consisting of one banana, frozen peaches, 20 ounces of 2% milk, 5 almonds, half cup of raw oatmeal, and two scoops of whey protein powder)

Grilled chicken salad (7oz breast)

3.) {Meal 3}- Grilled chicken breast (7oz) with rice pilaf

4.) {Meal 4}- Usually turkey meatballs or some form of lean red meat (6 oz) with broccoli or green beans.

5.) {Meal 5}- Grilled chicken breast (7oz) with plain white rice

6.) {Meal 6}- Tuna (9oz) with white rice.

7.) {Meal 7}- Repeat High calorie protein shake from post workout.

All together, as much food as that is, it’s amazing how your body, (more specifically your metabolism) adjusts to your eating habits and eating almost every two hours, I never get the sense that I feel ‘bloated or full. Likely because most of what I’m eating is clean food. (And I do usually have at least one ‘cheat day’ within a two week span.)
Very impressive amount of food but then I think you expend a lot of calories, plus like all bodybuilders need a lot of protein.

For myself, I must cut out sugar, it's insane how much has been added in processed food including what one would not consider dessert items. I mean in many traditional cultures, sugar was consumed either added to beverages (sometimes a lot9 or in sweet items like the super sweet pastries one finds around the Eastern Mediterranean.
no sugar, no processed, no dairy. lots of water.

watch the weight melt off
What do you consider "processed"? Reason why I ask is that the organic, vegetarian and vegan sections of supermarkets these days are filled with all sorts of organic but processed foods.
Just for fun, I thought I would post RP’s daily food intake for my B.B on a daily basis: [Give or take this is basically what I consume almost daily in this amount]

1.){Breakfast/Pre-workout}-Five eggs scrambled with just a slight amount of shredded cheese.

~Two bananas

~Peanut-butter sandwich

2.) {Post-workout}-High calorie protein shake (Consisting of one banana, frozen peaches, 20 ounces of 2% milk, 5 almonds, half cup of raw oatmeal, and two scoops of whey protein powder)

Grilled chicken salad (7oz breast)

3.) {Meal 3}- Grilled chicken breast (7oz) with rice pilaf

4.) {Meal 4}- Usually turkey meatballs or some form of lean red meat (6 oz) with broccoli or green beans.

5.) {Meal 5}- Grilled chicken breast (7oz) with plain white rice

6.) {Meal 6}- Tuna (9oz) with white rice.

7.) {Meal 7}- Repeat High calorie protein shake from post workout.

All together, as much food as that is, it’s amazing how your body, (more specifically your metabolism) adjusts to your eating habits and eating almost every two hours, I never get the sense that I feel ‘bloated or full. Likely because most of what I’m eating is clean food. (And I do usually have at least one ‘cheat day’ within a two week span.)

Wow, that’s a serious meal plan. Is that 7/7 and do eat like that on rest days as well? Can you share what one workout looks like as well?
Wow, that’s a serious meal plan. Is that 7/7 and do eat like that on rest days as well?

Yup. At least I try to, I do admit, some days I do fall slightly short of all those meals due to work, ect, that I listed above, but I’m fairly consistent and I don’t like to stray away from my meal plan. (Other things that I add in the my diet is Greek yogurt, mixed nuts, Pineapple, Cereal, and oatmeal.)

The reason I’m so adamant about staying consistent with my meal plan, is if you start straying away from your meal plan if you don’t eat every two hours, you get very hungry quickly, because your metabolism is working at such a high rate and if you eventually fall off your plan completely, the muscles will fall ‘flat’, which is what you don’t want to have happen. (And I literally do eat every two hours on the clock.)

Where I really try to push the calories as hard as I can, is on my resting days, where I don’t have to worry about making up for calories that I burned in the gym, I also find personally on my resting days, that’s where I find I grow the most with muscle rejuvenation, and supplying it with the protein essentials is key.

Speaking of which, Next batch of chicken just finished cooking:


Can you share what one workout looks like as well?

So for my workout today was triceps and shoulders: [1.30 total].

For tricep training, I prefer cable work with the Rope pulldown, rope overhead (2 variations I perform with the overhead), V-Bar pushdown, single cable pulls. And I also train both arms either simultaneously or unilaterally to isolate each arm.

I trained shoulders with free weights and cables, Front and side lateral raises, dumbbell overhead, barbell raises, straight bar pull ups, and I train rear delt with the ‘Pec Deck’ machine and free weights.

[No matter what muscle group I’m training , I always go to failure, I don’t have a ‘set number’ of when I stop before I transition to the next set. However, my rule is, I _always_ start with a lighter weight to warm up the muscles before transitioning to a heavier weight with each set. (Too many times, I see guys who start with the heaviest weight with ego-lifting and they are begging for an injury or you can tell they already have an injury, because they will grab wherever the pain is). Bodybuilding is all about the state of progression, you work your way to a higher weight, and a smart bodybuilder will start with a lighter weight to efficiently warm the muscles before transitioning to progressive overload.]
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Lots of people use rest days but lots of us don’t (or I should say didn’t). I trained twice a day 7 days a week.

By the way, I see you’re using the photo of Joey Swoll in your posts. Swoll understandingly has quite a following.

Where I really try to push the calories as hard as I can, is on my resting days, where I don’t have to worry about making up for calories that I burned in the gym, I also find personally on my resting days, that’s where I find I grow the most with muscle rejuvenation, and supplying it with the protein essentials is key.
The reason I’m so adamant about staying consistent with my meal plan, is if you start straying away from your meal plan if you don’t eat every two hours, you get very hungry quickly, because your metabolism is working at such a high rate and if you eventually fall off your plan completely, the muscles will fall ‘flat’, which is what you don’t want to have happen. (And I literally do eat every two hours on the clock.)

I plan to step up my training routine next week when (if...) the cardiologist gives me the green light. I guess you're not for intermittent fasting...
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